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Official 2016-2017 Deer Season Thread

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So tonight, I screwed up a grand opportunity to harvest my first doe of the year. It was right at dusk, just as I was about to stand up and pack up, I hear some noise that sounded like deer coming my way. I sat back down and sure enough about 5 minutes later, I saw 2 doe walking right towards my stand. At this point, my heart is pumping fast and I am ready to pop her. Unfortunately, the deer started making their way to my right. I am a right handed shooter, so I am trying to decide if i should sit still or stand up as soon as I can. Long story short, I tried to stand up as the big mama does head was behind a tree at 20 yds, but somehow or another she managed to spot me. She began to stomp and blow and I knew it was over! Shortly after she trotted away a little at a time, sometimes double taking because she didn't seem sure what she saw.

My question for you guys: When you see deer coming your way a fair distance away (say 50-60 yds), do you stand up then and get ready or do you attempt to shoot from a sitting position? In my case, I couldn't shoot sitting because the deer were moving to my right. The only other way I could have done it was to stand up as soon as I saw the deer, but I feel very exposed standing up in a hang on.

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Hope nobody minds, but the only hunt I have done up here in Alaska is a Caribou hunt and I got a nice one, well at least I think it is,  I have to thank DaveS (dad) and Rob for getting me into hunting Ive had some great times hunting with you guys in the past.  This is the result of a long hike in, 5 miles in and out, but well worth it.  There were 3 of us hunting and we all got a caribou within 15 sec of each other.  Used my newly built Mega Arms Maten .308, one shot to the neck and he went down hard.  And for anyone who wants to know the meat taste just like deer :D.  Now the worst part waiting a full year to get my mount back from Knights Taxidermy (amazing place, super nice owner and very helpful/friendly).  I hope this pic gets DaveS and Rob up here to hunt and fish soon!!



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  On 9/29/2016 at 3:56 AM, conn_air7 said:


So tonight, I screwed up a grand opportunity to harvest my first doe of the year. It was right at dusk, just as I was about to stand up and pack up, I hear some noise that sounded like deer coming my way. I sat back down and sure enough about 5 minutes later, I saw 2 doe walking right towards my stand. At this point, my heart is pumping fast and I am ready to pop her. Unfortunately, the deer started making their way to my right. I am a right handed shooter, so I am trying to decide if i should sit still or stand up as soon as I can. Long story short, I tried to stand up as the big mama does head was behind a tree at 20 yds, but somehow or another she managed to spot me. She began to stomp and blow and I knew it was over! Shortly after she trotted away a little at a time, sometimes double taking because she didn't seem sure what she saw.

My question for you guys: When you see deer coming your way a fair distance away (say 50-60 yds), do you stand up then and get ready or do you attempt to shoot from a sitting position? In my case, I couldn't shoot sitting because the deer were moving to my right. The only other way I could have done it was to stand up as soon as I saw the deer, but I feel very exposed standing up in a hang on.

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For me it depends on the setup. I'll shoot standing or sitting. The way you described it, I probably would have done the same as you did. Some deer seem to have better situational awareness than others. It sounds like this doe had her radar on.

  On 9/29/2016 at 4:29 AM, madk0w64 said:

Hope nobody minds, but the only hunt I have done up here in Alaska is a Caribou hunt and I got a nice one, well at least I think it is,  I have to thank DaveS (dad) and Rob for getting me into hunting Ive had some great times hunting with you guys in the past.  This is the result of a long hike in, 5 miles in and out, but well worth it.  There were 3 of us hunting and we all got a caribou within 15 sec of each other.  Used my newly built Mega Arms Maten .308, one shot to the neck and he went down hard.  And for anyone who wants to know the meat taste just like deer :D.  Now the worst part waiting a full year to get my mount back from Knights Taxidermy (amazing place, super nice owner and very helpful/friendly).  I hope this pic gets DaveS and Rob up here to hunt and fish soon!!




If you can't get them up there, I'll sub in! :)

Awesome caribou. Congrats! I need to do an Alaska hunt one of these years.

  • 2 weeks later...

Got to Bark Camp Barrens WMA an hour before sunset.  Kept an eye out for 2 hours and didn't see anything.


Sitting, well swaying, in a tree since 5. Glad I brought a jacket, little chilly with all the wind blowing. No deer moving here yet. Congrats Connair7!


Man! Finally felt like deer season this morning! It was nice and cold and had a deer fly past the back of my stand just as day was breaking. Had coyotes yelping all around the property I hunt so that could be what he/she was running for. Then 9am had a doe come flying up from behind me and ran within five yards of my stand and bringing up the rear was a button buck chasin her like he knew what to do lmao. Then at 10am had four doe come straight down my trail on my right side. No shot as I use the cedar tree on my right for cover just in case they sneak in on me from that direction. They crossed behind me giving me no opportunity but I was still so happy seeing them. Then about an hour later had two more does walk from my right to my left, wind in my face, except they were about 40 yards out and too many little branches in my way. I would not shoot 40 yards anyway, it's out of my comfort zone and not worth risking bad shot. All in all great day in the woods! Just got home and gonna miss evening hunt, family reasons. Anyone do any good this morning?

  On 10/9/2016 at 8:20 PM, rugerla1 said:

Man! Finally felt like deer season this morning! It was nice and cold and had a deer fly past the back of my stand just as day was breaking. Had coyotes yelping all around the property I hunt so that could be what he/she was running for. Then 9am had a doe come flying up from behind me and ran within five yards of my stand and bringing up the rear was a button buck chasin her like he knew what to do lmao. Then at 10am had four doe come straight down my trail on my right side. No shot as I use the cedar tree on my right for cover just in case they sneak in on me from that direction. They crossed behind me giving me no opportunity but I was still so happy seeing them. Then about an hour later had two more does walk from my right to my left, wind in my face, except they were about 40 yards out and too many little branches in my way. I would not shoot 40 yards anyway, it's out of my comfort zone and not worth risking bad shot. All in all great day in the woods! Just got home and gonna miss evening hunt, family reasons. Anyone do any good this morning?


Mannn, that's a heck of a morning!! I'm the kind of guy that loves to see them as much as I do shoot them. Can't beat seeing that many deer regardless of shots offered. I just finished getting all my meat packaged up a couple days ago, so I haven't been back to the woods in a week, but I'm already itching to get back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone hunting tomorrow? I took a vacation day because of this front coming through today. I'm hoping they are moving big time in the morning!

  On 10/21/2016 at 1:50 AM, Wingshooter said:

Have to work. Maybe saturday am


I think Saturday will be better (colder) but I'm hunting that morning too. Hopefully I get to post up my first deer tomorrow. Been a slow season for me so far even though I've hunted every day I had available. But every minute was enjoyed to the fullest! 

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Well Friday I was in my stand at 5am and stayed till about 11:00 before coming down so I could take Roman (my pit) to the vet for his annual checkup and shots. The wind was blowing like crazy where I was at. I actually debated going back because it was so strong but I'd taken a vacation day just to hunt and said screw it, I'm going. I got out there at 1:45pm The wind didn't change and I didn't see a thing all day. Yesterday I had our annual hayride/bonfire with the family so I didn't hunt at all. But it's 40 degrees outside now and the wind has died down quite a bit and getting ready to go out and stay all day if I have to. Good luck to anyone going out today, it's gonna be a beautiful day in the woods!!

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Posted (edited)

Had my first crossbow hunt ever this past Saturday, was also my first morning hunt and what a great hunt it was.  Got in the blind right at 0600, was 40 degrees, and was my first time listening to all of creation wake up.  Heard a few coyotes off a ways, a neighbor's rooster, a few turkeys and every bird in Fayette county I think, I'm sure a lot of you have enjoyed this as well.  Sunrise is about 0645 and almost immediately we had a little 4 point come up behind us, he was behind us stomping and making a few scrapes, was a blast to watch and hear.  A bit later, we had 3 different bucks, none of them in sight, but one in front and one more on either side of us.  We broke our grunt call and tried a few times, had a little bit of interaction with them all.  Was awesome to hear them all grunting back at us.  Unfortunately, we weren't able to call any in, but still a blast for me to be a part of.  Around 0800 we had 2 does coming from our right to left right along the tree line.  Our pop up blind had been out there for a week or so before we got in it, but one of the does right when she got into out field of view stared straight at us.  I had my crosshairs right on her, pulled the trigger when she was right at 38 yards and she ducked my dang arrow!  I missed and have been kicking myself since, but glad it was a clean miss and there will be plenty more hunting to come, pretty good trip for my first bow hunt.  Was a great hunt.


Edited by TomUT07
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  On 10/25/2016 at 12:17 AM, TomUT07 said:
Had my first crossbow hunt ever this past Saturday, was also my first morning hunt and what a great hunt it was.  Got in the blind right at 0600, was 40 degrees, and was my first time listening to all of creation wake up.  Heard a few coyotes off a ways, a neighbor's rooster, a few turkeys and every bird in Fayette county I think, I'm sure a lot of you have enjoyed this as well.  Sunrise is about 0645 and almost immediately we had a little 4 point come up behind us, he was behind us stomping and making a few scrapes, was a blast to watch and hear.  A bit later, we had 3 different bucks, none of them in sight, but one in front and one more on either side of us.  We broke our grunt call and tried a few times, had a little bit of interaction with them all.  Was awesome to hear them all grunting back at us.  Unfortunately, we weren't able to call any in, but still a blast for me to be a part of.  Around 0800 we had 2 does coming from our right to left right along the tree line.  Our pop up blind had been out there for a week or so before we got in it, but one of the does right when she got into out field of view stared straight at us.  I had my crosshairs right on her, pulled the trigger when she was right at 38 yards and she ducked my dang arrow!  I missed and have been kicking myself since, but glad it was a clean miss and there will be plenty more hunting to come, pretty good trip for my first boy hunt.  Was a great hunt!

Sounds like a heck of a hunt!

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The first few weeks produced no action at all. I had fox, groundhogs, squirrel, and raccoons. all over me, but no coyote or deer. It all changed last weekend. During the morning hunt a coyote walks in and lays down at fifty yards. I lip squeak several times but he could have cared less. A small doe walks right up on the coyote and they both about jump out of their hides. The coyote moves away from me and the doe walks right to me. She and all other doe get free passes. I like to use them come November :) That evening a small doe comes running through the thick stuff and stops right in front of me. Mr. Coyote was right behind her, and once again he went the other way. A small buck comes in just after that, but he was way too young to even think about taking. Now I typically don't come out of the stand till after dark, bumping critters that just start moving when the sun goes down is a no no. And sure enough I hear one moving right behind me. I looked down, and there in the moon light stands big daddy. He winds me and jumps back in the brush and then slowly walks away. Now I couldn't see him in detail but the light colored rack in the moon light looked really big. Can't wait for ML season now.

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Guys I think you'll enjoy this. I know I'm still fired up about it and it happened Sunday before last.

I was sitting in my Viper about 20 feet up in a tree just enjoying watching the woods for any sign of deer. I happened to scan to my right and about 30 yards out I see something moving. I twist my head farther and my mouth dropped as I watched a bobcat stepping one step at a time, freezing as each step forward touched his paw to the ground. I watched him for about 10 yards doing the same thing, step, freeze, and repeat. He disappeared into some thicket and I waited to hear something squall as he ripped into it. I never heard anything so I sat there just replaying everything I saw since it was my first time seeing one in the woods. A few minutes went by, maybe 3 maybe 10, and I glanced back over to see him casually strolling back out the way he'd came in. No food in his mouth and not in a hurry by any means, just cool-catting along the 4 wheeler trail. I thought "HOLY CRAP I need to snap a picture of him before he's gone!". I grabbed my phone and as I started to raise it I changed my mind and decided to video just in case I scared him and could at least see him jump in the video. I'd planned to do a mouth call that I practice all the time just for that off chance that I may even need to use it. Thank God I'd done this for the 1 in a million chance haha. 

Just a little description of a few things to notice in the video. Watch the top of the screen when I zoom in, he's moving from left to right of the screen. I start with a high pitch and he didn't hear it or like it. I think he just didn't notice it right off. But when I changed the pitch to a deeper squall he immediately stopped and turned directly towards me. I literally could not believe it! Next, when he gets behind a green section of leaves and you can barely see him, he was less than 7 yards. I decided then that I wasn't sure what he'd do if I let him keep coming and I didn't want to have to decide as he climbed up the tree! My scent control must have been good and my face camo apparently sealed the deal. All that to say, I made the decision when he stopped there to move my body so he'd see me if he kept moving forward and it worked. Was that the smartest thing to do? Did I miss out on more awesome footage? Who knows but I honestly am more excited with this footage than if it'd been November 18th and I was able to harvest him. Although, what a hind story it would have to go with the mount! It was a beautiful cat and I'm glad to be able to share the footage with y'all. This was taken with an iPhone 6s Plus so it could have been a lot better video if I'd had an expensive camera but it turned out pretty good for a phone video. Enjoy!


  • Like 5
  On 10/26/2016 at 1:51 AM, rugerla1 said:
Guys I think you'll enjoy this. I know I'm still fired up about it and it happened Sunday before last.
I was sitting in my Viper about 20 feet up in a tree just enjoying watching the woods for any sign of deer. I happened to scan to my right and about 30 yards out I see something moving. I twist my head farther and my mouth dropped as I watched a bobcat stepping one step at a time, freezing as each step forward touched his paw to the ground. I watched him for about 10 yards doing the same thing, step, freeze, and repeat. He disappeared into some thicket and I waited to hear something squall as he ripped into it. I never heard anything so I sat there just replaying everything I saw since it was my first time seeing one in the woods. A few minutes went by, maybe 3 maybe 10, and I glanced back over to see him casually strolling back out the way he'd came in. No food in his mouth and not in a hurry by any means, just cool-catting along the 4 wheeler trail. I thought "HOLY CRAP I need to snap a picture of him before he's gone!". I grabbed my phone and as I started to raise it I changed my mind and decided to video just in case I scared him and could at least see him jump in the video. I'd planned to do a mouth call that I practice all the time just for that off chance that I may even need to use it. Thank God I'd done this for the 1 in a million chance haha. 
Just a little description of a few things to notice in the video. Watch the top of the screen when I zoom in, he's moving from left to right of the screen. I start with a high pitch and he didn't hear it or like it. I think he just didn't notice it right off. But when I changed the pitch to a deeper squall he immediately stopped and turned directly towards me. I literally could not believe it! Next, when he gets behind a green section of leaves and you can barely see him, he was less than 7 yards. I decided then that I wasn't sure what he'd do if I let him keep coming and I didn't want to have to decide as he climbed up the tree! My scent control must have been good and my face camo apparently sealed the deal. All that to say, I made the decision when he stopped there to move my body so he'd see me if he kept moving forward and it worked. Was that the smartest thing to do? Did I miss out on more awesome footage? Who knows but I honestly am more excited with this footage than if it'd been November 18th and I was able to harvest him. Although, what a hind story it would have to go with the mount! It was a beautiful cat and I'm glad to be able to share the footage with y'all. This was taken with an iPhone 6s Plus so it could have been a lot better video if I'd had an expensive camera but it turned out pretty good for a phone video. Enjoy!

That's super neat, always love cool encounters like that!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

It was just too friggin hot to hunt on the juvenile hunt last weekend, so little man went with me this morning and got his first buck.


We saw a bunch of deer moving this morning. One really good buck; but he presented no shot. Patience ran out when this one walked by. I love how excited a kid gets. I miss that as I get older, but it's still fun to see in others.

This was the first shot he's ever fired with a muzzleloader.

Edited by gregintenn
  • Like 4
  On 11/5/2016 at 6:12 PM, gregintenn said:

It was just too friggin hot to hunt on the juvenile hunt last weekend, so little man went with me this morning and got his first buck.


We saw a bunch of deer moving this morning. One really good buck; but he presented no shot. Patience ran out when this one walked by. I love how excited a kid gets. I miss that as I get older, but it's still fun to see in others.



Ive been out since 5am. Haven't seen even a doe. Have had five or six videos and pictures of coyotes and buddy who hunts this small place with me has had coyotes come in on him both of his last trips out. No shot I guess. I'm beginning to think the coyotes have changed the deer pattern since they're in here so much. I even had a video of one rolling around in a mock scrape. I really hope I see that one! I guess I'll try the other place I'm allowed to hunt tomorrow and see what happens 

  On 11/5/2016 at 6:12 PM, gregintenn said:

It was just too friggin hot to hunt on the juvenile hunt last weekend, so little man went with me this morning and got his first buck.


We saw a bunch of deer moving this morning. One really good buck; but he presented no shot. Patience ran out when this one walked by. I love how excited a kid gets. I miss that as I get older, but it's still fun to see in others.

This was the first shot he's ever fired with a muzzleloader.



Saw five does this morning. Somehow I managed to miss an easy shot on a nice fat doe. 

At least the deer were moving. Did not see any during bow season the few times I got out. 

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