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Mossberg or 870

Guest DeeZee

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I have seen the ATI stocks, and IMHO they are cheap, plastic, and not something I would want on my home defense gun. I talked with Scott at Range USA as he has done a few conversions of shotguns to have the collapsible stock. He recommended the Calvary Arms AR-15 buttstock adapter. It's expensive, but it's nice!! I have one on my 590A1 now.

I also upgraded the buttstock to a Vltor 6 position collapsible stock, and upgraded the pistol grip.

I'll track down the pic I have of my 590A1 after the conversion and post it here later today.

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I personally prefer the hogue overmold stocks (had one on my M500 before I sold it), and the Speed-Feed IV stocks (have one on my M590 right now). The Hogue shoulders better.

Nothing, IMO, beats the factory pistolgrip stocks which come on the Benelli M1-S90, M1014, and M4... Perfect fit for me. I'd love to eventually own a Benelli 14" M4 Entry SBS...

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Definitely avoid the ATI. Its made from "the bad" plastic. I picked one up online and quickly returned it. I may be wrong, But I think the stock was a universal fiit and they provided spacers to make it fit. Looke dlikie areally weak setup.

I cannot say enough positive things about the Speed Feed pistol grip that I put on the 870.

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Guest Phantom6

The one thing that I would caution about collapsible stocks on shot guns is that typically there is not enough "fall" on the stock from the receiver connection to the butt plate. It's hard to get your cheek over on the comb of the stock. They are "tacti-cool" but the collapsible just don't fit right. As far as working in confined spaces (working around corners or "T" intersections in hallways and such), I have no problem shooting with the stock over my shoulder with or without a pistol grip if I have to. For an aimed shot at 12-25 feet or more the solid stocks fit like a rifle stock which is what I'm looking for in a shotgun stock.


BTW, I vote for the 870 Express Mag with the full magazine extension

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Guest Voodoo_1


Check out the link below on the Knoxx Spec-OPs stock. I'm going with this stock for the recoil reduction, and the ability to collapse the stock for tight quarters.

Also check out the PowerPak- system. It includes a raised cheek-piece for getting your cheek weld to the stock and aligning your head with your sights.

I've had many people tell me that the amount of recoil this stock absorbs is almost unbelievable.

Take a look for the heck of it:


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Guest Phantom6



Check out the link below on the Knoxx Spec-OPs stock. I'm going with this stock for the recoil reduction, and the ability to collapse the stock for tight quarters.

Very impressive. The best collapsible stock I have ever used on a shotgun was based ont the old WWII paratrooper's assault stock which was a "U" shaped stock which collapsed around the receiver and whose butt plate swivled out from over the receiver and down from around the rear of the stock. I was able to fire the shotgun fairly accurately out to 20-25 meters from the pistol grip at any point in the deployment of the stock itself. Still, due to the nature of the beast i.e. lack of fall in the stock from receiver to butt plate it was not nearly as accurate as a fixed stock weapon. It was actually concealable under a long jacket though. You give a little to get a little I guess.

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In all seriousness though the real reason I like this shotgun is because I bought it with money left to me from my grandfather's funeral. Since he was a WW2 vet I couldn't think of a better shotgun than the one we used in the Navy when I was in the service.


you suck man.

Just kidding...I have several very fine humans that I miss alot.when I think of them... usually every day or when I see something remarkable.. they were all my friends and all were soldiers.

call me sentimental, but I cant think of one thing better to buy with that sort of money. I hope you enjoy your shotgun every time you shoot it.

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Guest macho999

I talked it over with John Kerry and we both agree that pumps are tools of the common peasantry. :D

Seriously I like them both but just give the nod to the 870 for no reason I can think of other than that's what papaw shot and passed on to me. It's actually comparable to my Ford stance in the Ford v. Chevy debates. Get past the emotional bias and it's 6 of one half dozen of the other.

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  • 3 months later...

From what I've seen, the Remington is tougher... steel reciever vs. the Mossburg's aluminum. Other than that, it's a wash. Personally, I think that the Mossburg is easier/faster to load, having no hinged shell-lifter to get my thumb stuck in.

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