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12 hours ago, vontar said:

Act like a Criminal get treated like one.

Break the law, go to jail unless your are Hillary. 

I'm not familiar with TN law on this. What law did they break by blocking an intersection? What if a delivery truck had broken down, or someone had a medical emergency and crashed into a light pole knocking it across the road? Should those people be hauled away to jail also?

9 hours ago, toby1304 said:

Bull Connor was a Democrat. 



I don't get your point. It's okay for republicans to turn fire hoses on protesters? Way to support freedom of speech and assembly, GOP. 

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Yep, this one is simple. I have at least as much right to drive my car through that intersection as they do to stand there. I will drive slowly but not stop. If anyone of them hits my car they will meet my 4 d-cell mag-light.

In the officers defense you could hear him yelling at the thugs to not touch the cars as they pulled through. If I didn't have anywhere pressing to be I might make some laps through that intersection until they got tired of being bumped out of the way.



Edited by Mark A
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1 hour ago, 56FordGuy said:

I'm not familiar with TN law on this. What law did they break by blocking an intersection? What if a delivery truck had broken down, or someone had a medical emergency and crashed into a light pole knocking it across the road? Should those people be hauled away to jail also?

Those are accidents, it happens on accident, part of life.  I would assume someone would be working to clear the intersection in the event of an accident, not so in this case.

If that delivery truck you mentioned was blocking the intersection on purpose or the accident blocking the intersection was intentional, then yes, off to the pokey.

I bet if I went down to the intersection of Illinois Ave. and ORTPK and stood in the middle of it with a MY LIFE MATTERS sign, I'd either get a ride in a police car or an ambulance.

But what do I know I'm just a dumb white guy sweating my balls off cutting trees trying to make ends meet.

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If that delivery truck you mentioned was blocking the intersection on purpose or the accident blocking the intersection was intentional, then yes, off to the pokey.

But that's my question, what would they be charged with? Is impeding or blocking traffic illegal? If so, wouldn't anyone doing it have to be charged regardless of the reason thy were doing it?

If I wasn't on my phone I would try to dig into the TCA and find this stuff. Maybe tonight if nobody beats me to it.
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From what I understand they didn't have a permit to hold a demonstration.  A protest that blocks vehicular or pedestrian traffic is illegal without a permit. You do not have the right to block a building entrance or physically harass people. 

Unlawful assembly is a legal term to describe a group of people with the mutual intent of deliberate disturbance of the peace. If the group are about to start the act of disturbance, it is termed a rout; if the disturbance is commenced, it is then termed a riot.


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12 minutes ago, 56FordGuy said:


But that's my question, what would they be charged with? Is impeding or blocking traffic illegal? If so, wouldn't anyone doing it have to be charged regardless of the reason thy were doing it?

If I wasn't on my phone I would try to dig into the TCA and find this stuff. Maybe tonight if nobody beats me to it.


We don't need a law to know the difference between something unintentional and intentional.  I also don't get your stance of blaming the doctor for not  leaving earlier.  Yes, he could have a flat tire, etc, but those are anomalies, not premeditated obstruction.  I usually am pretty well in agreement with you on a lot of things, but I just can't figure out why you would blame the person just going about their day.  When (not if) one of these people get killed for being stupid, I won't lose a wink of sleep.


Edited by Hozzie
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Wow... What a thread.  Folks disagree with a protest group and the dominant attitude is to shoot a them with beanbag rounds, turn fire hoses on them,"run them down" with your car, and hit them with a flashlight should they touch your car while you plow through the crowd.  

And you wonder why they are pissed off and feel like society is targeting them unfairly with violence.  And you also wonder why people portray gun owners as a bunch of overly aggressive douchebags.  

Edited by East_TN_Patriot
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To be clear, we disagree with HOW they go about protesting.  They can protest until the cows come home, but do so in a way that doesn't otherwise impede a law abiding citizens right to free movement.  It will be unfortunate, but predictable when someone gets killed by standing in the middle of a road.  They will then blame the police for not protecting them.  If they think this tactic is helping their cause, they are sorely mistaken.

Edited by Hozzie
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11 minutes ago, East_TN_Patriot said:

Wow... What a thread.  Folks disagree with a protest group and the dominant attitude is to shoot a them with beanbag rounds, turn fire hoses on them,"run them down" with your car, and hit them with a flashlight should they touch your car while you plow through the crowd.  

And you wonder why they are pissed off and feel like society is targeting them unfairly with violence.  And you also wonder why people portray gun owners as a bunch of overly aggressive douchebags.  

I don't think the issue is protesting, it's the fact that they are restricting free movement of people. They have no right to intentionally restrict my movement on public streets/sidewalks, and as others have shown, is illegal in TN. Look at at the attitude/dress/actions/language of how MLK Jr lead protests and how these people do and you'll see why so many people, like myself, have issues with these protests.

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3 hours ago, Hozzie said:

To be clear, we disagree with HOW they go about protesting.  They can protest until the cows come home, but do so in a way that doesn't otherwise impede a law abiding citizens right to free movement.  It will be unfortunate, but predictable when someone gets killed by standing in the middle of a road.  They will then blame the police for not protecting them.  If they think this tactic is helping their cause, they are sorely mistaken.


3 hours ago, BrasilNuts said:

My attitude towards them has nothing to do with what they're protesting for.  

If the Church of God Women's Auxillary was out there blocking traffic I'd say throw them in jail too.  If they resisted, give 'em the hose!


Really?  I don't recall anyone getting up in arms about the numerous other events that tie up traffic in town by blocking roads and sidewalks.  Tell you what, let's break out the firehose sand plow through crowds while hitting people with flashlights at this year's Christmas parade.  Sounds like that's what we should be doing when Santa blocks traffic, right?  How about the Vol Walk?  Screw those jerks for impeding the flow of vehicle and pedestrian traffic!

Edited by East_TN_Patriot
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Really?  I don't recall anyone getting up in arms about the numerous other events that tie up traffic in town by blocking roads and sidewalks.  Tell you what, let's break out the firehose sand plow through crowds while hitting people with flashlights at this year's Christmas parade.  Sounds like that's what we should be doing when Santa blocks traffic, right?  How about the Vol Walk?  Screw those jerks for impeding the flow of vehicle and pedestrian traffic!

Those events went to their overlords and begged permission to exercise their right to assemble. It's only a problem when people want to exercise their rights freely, without government approval and permits.

Land of the free, and I've got the licenses, permits, tax stamps and receipts to prove it. [emoji16]
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41 minutes ago, East_TN_Patriot said:


Really?  I don't recall anyone getting up in arms about the numerous other events that tie up traffic in town by blocking roads and sidewalks.  Tell you what, let's break out the firehose sand plow through crowds while hitting people with flashlights at this year's Christmas parade.  Sounds like that's what we should be doing when Santa blocks traffic, right?  How about the Vol Walk?  Screw those jerks for impeding the flow of vehicle and pedestrian traffic!

I fail to understand how you can even pretend that a Christmas parade or the Vol walk are the same thing as these protests. Blocking the flow of traffic, harassing people, hitting their vehicles and causing disruption are no where near being sanctioned fun events for the community. I guess next you will tell us that the gentlemen walking next to the dr screaming was only trying to make sure he made it to his car safely.

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I won't even try to figure out whether the parties involved had any type of permit or whether the police took the approach of what was happening was better then what would happen when people were arrested. As to fire hoses and bean bag rounds. Please folks, it's not 1968 anymore and that wasn't a riot.

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8 hours ago, DaveTN said:

This thread (linked below) is kind of going the other way. Apparently the cops should do as they did here and let folks do what they like. I mean that Doctors surgery probably wasn’t all that critical and those people will get over having their car hit, if there is any damage I’m sure they have insurance.

And no one was hurt or arrested (that we know of); isn’t that all that matters?

I’m just kidding I know folks will be split on what the cops do no matter what happens. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. But they are use to that.

When I was a cop that would have ended and traffic would have been moving through that intersection as soon as I arrived or people would have been in jail. I guess makes me one of the bad guys.



I fail to see how the thread I started - the subject of which is body cam footage being available to the public in order to hold officers accountable if they engage in unlawful or unethical behavior or to prove that the officer did not engage in such behavior - has to do with officers doing their jobs, keeping the peace and lawfully removing people who are creating a traffic hazard and potentially damaging other people's property.  "Don't cuff someone and then have you and six of your fellow officers gather around and kick the crap out of them," and "Police should remember that they are public servants and should treat the general public in a professional, courteous manner," is a whole world away from, "Let people get away with anything and everything, don't arrest them and don't try to use reasonable, legal means to put a stop to it."  Are you saying that officers cannot do their jobs without going outside the law, using excessive and unreasonable force and beating on people whether they deserve it or not?  I have a hard time believing and I also have a hard time believing that the majority of officers really believe that, either.  However, you were a cop and I wasn't so maybe most cops do believe that.  I'd hate to think so, however.

Edited by JAB
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22 minutes ago, gregintenn said:

I consider a group of people blocking a road for no apparent reason to be a threat to my safety and well being. I also consider a vehicle, when I'm driving one, to be my best form of self protection, and will act accordingly.

What's "accordingly" when they're just standing there?  If you try to run the protest line and they don't move, I'm pretty sure you'll be at the defendants table.

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6 minutes ago, btq96r said:

What's "accordingly" when they're just standing there?  If you try to run the protest line and they don't move, I'm pretty sure you'll be at the defendants table.

'Just standing there' in the middle of the road is a whole, lot different than, 'just standing there,' on the sidewalk.  These idiot protesters should have been arrested.

Edited by JAB
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Just now, JAB said:

'Just standing there' in the middle of the road is a whole, lot different than, 'just standing there,' on the sidewalk.  If a protester gets injured because he or she was protesting in such a manner that it blocks traffic then that should be tough crap for the protester.  In fact, I think the driver of the vehicle should be awarded damages from the protester for the 'mental anguish' caused by having to run over their stupid a** to get where they were going.

It's different, but if they are just standing there, it's not a threat.  Not one that justifies the level of force a vehicle represents.  Crowd charging your car, surrounding it, banging on it, things like that...now you're talking some level of threat depending on the situation, and making an egress for your safety may be appropriate.  But just standing there inconveniencing your day...not even close. 

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17 minutes ago, btq96r said:

What's "accordingly" when they're just standing there?  If you try to run the protest line and they don't move, I'm pretty sure you'll be at the defendants table.

The last time a group of young black men lined up across the road in front of me, I was a teenager. Several of us were going to a motorcycle race somewhere up in Kentucky in my friend's mother's black Cadillac. We made a wrong turn, and drove down a seedy looking street, when they stepped out in front of us. He looked at me nervously, and asked "What do I do?" I told him if he wanted to get home tonight, he'd better mash the throttle. It worked well then.


What would you have done?

Edited by gregintenn
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3 minutes ago, btq96r said:

It's different, but if they are just standing there, it's not a threat.  Not one that justifies the level of force a vehicle represents.  Crowd charging your car, surrounding it, banging on it, things like that...now you're talking some level of threat depending on the situation, and making an egress for your safety may be appropriate.  But just standing there inconveniencing your day...not even close. 

I am not saying I would run over the morons.  I am saying I would drive right through, just like the white hatchback at the end of the video, and if they get bumped because they wouldn't move then they are in the wrong, not me.  If they decide that they want to try and specifically block me by surrounding my car, etc. then it becomes a threat, just as you said.

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5 minutes ago, gregintenn said:

The last time a group of young black men lined up across the road in front of me, I was a teenager. Several of us were going to a motorcycle race somewhere up in Kentucky in my friend's mother's black Cadillac. We made a wrong turn, and drove down a seedy looking street, when they stepped out in front of us. He looked at me nervously, and asked "What do I do?" I told him if he wanted to get home tonight, he'd better mash the throttle. It worked well then.


What would you have done?

I'd bet that Reginald Denny wished he had taken that approach, too.

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