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Prayers needed for my little cousin please.


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I'm not really sure how to start, but anyway here goes.

I found out tonight my little cousin on my wife's side has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. She had it confirmed this week by her doctors. She is only 15 years old. According to her doctors it is a very advanced and aggressive case and unless she gets on medications and gets a good neurologist she could be in a wheelchair in 2-3 years.

My wife's mother passed away from MS and her half-sister also has it so this is really hitting our family hard. I'm not asking for anything other than just some prayers. Even if you don't believe in God just maybe look up and say something. We'll take whatever kind of miracle we can get.

I'm not usually the type to air my family issues out, but after this year I feel as close to some of you as I do my friends I see everyday.

Thank you and all I have to say is 2008 is officially the crappiest fu**ing year I have seen overall.

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My mother was diagnosed with MS a few years ago. Finding the right medicine regimen is key. I will locate some links and get them to you soon. My thoughts are with you and yours.

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My mother was diagnosed with MS a few years ago. Finding the right medicine regimen is key. I will locate some links and get them to you soon. My thoughts are with you and yours.

Thanks Sun that would be great brother.

May I ask for the First name of the girl?

I am sad to hear this.

I like to say first names in Prayers.

Not a problem. Her name is Shelby. :lol:

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Tell Shelby that a bunch of big, manly, gun-totin' guys are pulling for her. :P

God bless.

Ya know taking that for a second and running with it... Why is it that when it comes to children and pets even the burliest, scruffiest, John Wayne of a guy becomes a lovable ole' oaf? I think that speaks something of our souls. :lol:

I'm very proud to call you guys my friends. I'm not ashamed to sit here and tell you that my wife and I have cried as we read your responses, Thank you so much.

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Guest Verbal Kint

Prayers sent. Will keep her and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

Thank you and all I have to say is 2008 is officially the crappiest fu**ing year I have seen overall.

Luck on the brighter side... 2009 is only a few days away. Hopefully things will do a 180* for you guys. :lol:

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God bless you all

What he said times a billion. Testing for MS is fairly simple. It took them nine years for five different doctors to figure out that my mom had MS. She spent two after that figuring out her medicine regimen. Some of the medicines, once you start them, you have to stay on them for a long time due to the amounts your injected with to begin the treatment. CHECK WITH MULTIPLE DOCTORS!!! Needless to say, I am very, very, very, very angry with my mother's doctor. Very. I'll talk to my mom and get her doctor (the one she has now, who is a good one) to recommend someone in Shelby's locale.

Is Shelby in Memphis as well?

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Luck on the brighter side... 2009 is only a few days away. Hopefully things will do a 180* for you guys. :lol:

You know things were going really great there for awhile and aside from this and a few other things we personally are getting along ok, but man there has been so much crap this year.

So many of the people here losing their jobs, Misty and Mars, I mean it's just been so terrible for so many people this year. Maybe that's why I feel more free to talk about things here and why some of our discussions are so spirited because in this digital age those of us here have really formed a family of sorts. That at least, is an encouraging thought.

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What he said times a billion. Testing for MS is fairly simple. It took them nine years for five different doctors to figure out that my mom had MS. She spent two after that figuring out her medicine regimen. Some of the medicines, once you start them, you have to stay on them for a long time due to the amounts your injected with to begin the treatment. CHECK WITH MULTIPLE DOCTORS!!! Needless to say, I am very, very, very, very angry with my mother's doctor. Very. I'll talk to my mom and get her doctor (the one she has now, who is a good one) to recommend someone in Shelby's locale.

Is Shelby in Memphis as well?

Yes she is.

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My wife was diagnosed 10 years ago,she can still walk but there is alot of pain associated.She takes an injection every night and keeps the local pharmacy a float.Make sure the final diagnoses comes from a spinal tap,not just MRI. It is possible to have leasions on the brain without having MS.My family will include Shelby in every prayer.I am going hunting in the morning with our Doctor,I will ask if by any chance he knows anyone in the West.

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Prayers inbound. It hurts when I hear that anyone is sick but it is a certain kind of pain when you hear that a child is the one sick. Sometimes is just makes you want to ask why? But anyone who has faith knows that HE works in strange ways. I truly hope nothing but the best for you and your family in the days left in 2008 and I hope 2009 is a great one.

-Jason G

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