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Oklahoma Highway Patrol - card scanners civil forfeiture onsite


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Now they can pull your cards out of your wallet, scan your cards see the balance, confiscate the balance on site and then you have to prove it is your money in court if you want it back.  And... just like the traffic camera scheme, the OHP is paying the company that makes the scanners 7.7% of the money confiscated.

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I also saw that crap! How many ways can you say, legal theft?  This whole thing has been blown out of proportion and is going to bite law enforcement in the ass. 

Edited by VERO1
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This gives police power they shouldn't have. 

Listening to the officer try and justify this power, he said they were targeting drug dealers and not everyday people and they would give the money back if they can prove it isn't drug related.  

That has very high potential for abuse.

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We were talking about this in the main thread for civil asset forfeiture.  Hopefully a mod can merge them so the discussion isn't splintered.


21 minutes ago, Pete123 said:

This gives police power they shouldn't have. 

Listening to the officer try and justify this power, he said they were targeting drug dealers and not everyday people and they would give the money back if they can prove it isn't drug related.  

That has very high potential for abuse.

Potential has already been reached, and then some, when it comes to abuse of citizens via civil asset forfeiture. 


This will be no different, especially when you think about how some workers are having their paychecks put onto these cards, and wouldn't have the ability to fight back because you have to either pay for a lawyer to do the leg work, or wait years to navigate a bureaucratic process.

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7 hours ago, btq96r said:

This will be no different, especially when you think about how some workers are having their paychecks put onto these cards, and wouldn't have the ability to fight back because you have to either pay for a lawyer to do the leg work, or wait years to navigate a bureaucratic process.

100% on point.  We've went full retard with our rights in this country.  Now it's up to us to prove to law enforcement up front that we are not committing a crime we haven't been charged with?  I guess they should be able to disarm us as well, and we can get the gun back later as long as we show up to court with a lawyer, and copy of the receipt for the gun.

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1 hour ago, Erik88 said:

Is this real? I mean has this truly been vetted? It reads like a page from 1984...


I can't recall exactly when, but once upon a time, the "is this real" question stopped being my first thought when it comes to government doing things like this.

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Ok, I get that they are masking this as law enforcement and confiscating drug money or other illegally acquired funds...


but it it sure seems to me that not only this but other things as well, they are just begging for people to push back. I'm sure they think they will come out on top, but what will they do when they push a little too hard on the wrong person?

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