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Bush quick like ninja!

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Guest billwilly73

That Iraqi dude better be glad he didn't do that in Bush's home state of Texas......I'm pretty sure that would be grounds for a visit with Ol' Sparky.......lol......He was pretty quick wasn't he? Would have been cool if Bush would have pulled a cowboy boot off and returned fire.

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Where the hell was the Secret Service???

He should have had two in the chest before that second shoe even came up to shoulder height! That was a physical attack on the president! You don't know if he had anything in the shoes, on the shoes or if they had been altered! You don't ask questions at that point, you shoot the bastard and then find out he attacked with Dr. Scholls.

Not even a good body slam! Sheesh

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Where the hell was the Secret Service???

He should have had two in the chest before that second shoe even came up to shoulder height! That was a physical attack on the president! You don't know if he had anything in the shoes, on the shoes or if they had been altered! You don't ask questions at that point, you shoot the bastard and then find out he attacked with Dr. Scholls.

Not even a good body slam! Sheesh

That's what I was thinking when I saw this. Maybe I have just seen too many movies, but I'm thinking the guy shouldn't have even been able to get the first shoe in the air! You would think that being in Iraq they would have been a little more protective... well I guess being in Iraq really wouldn't matter, aren't they ultra protective all the time? The guy managed to get two shots off with shoes, thank God he didn't have a gun.

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and yet he is still 10x better than what we got coming....kinda makes you think eh?

Bush: Misguided, far from conservative, and dumb = disaster, makes Carter look like presidential titan


Liberal and smart, likely to move toward center = jury still out for some time.

- OS

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Where the hell was the Secret Service???

He should have had two in the chest before that second shoe even came up to shoulder height! That was a physical attack on the president! You don't know if he had anything in the shoes, on the shoes or if they had been altered! You don't ask questions at that point, you shoot the bastard and then find out he attacked with Dr. Scholls.

Not even a good body slam! Sheesh

Throwing shoes is not going to justify using deadly force, even if they are being thrown at the President.

Having worked protective details before, I can tell you that the press, and their equipment, are heavily screened for weapons and explosives. By the time you get that close to the President, your shoes are the only things that you will have to throw.

The guy was trying to make more of a statement than anything else. In the Arab culture, hitting something with the sole of shoe is considered to be very insulting.

Edited by Reservoir Dog
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Bush: Misguided, far from conservative, and dumb = disaster, makes Carter look like presidential titan


Liberal and smart, likely to move toward center = jury still out for some time.

- OS

say what you will, but 2+2 will never equal 10.:)

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Bush: Misguided, far from conservative, and dumb = disaster, makes Carter look like presidential titan


Liberal and smart, likely to move toward center = jury still out for some time.

- OS

I will very calmly, but passionately disagree.

Bush has gotten a bad rap for alot of things that just weren't his fault. Obama is a political baby and nothing more than a celebrity elected to power.

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I will very calmly, but passionately disagree.

Bush has gotten a bad rap for alot of things that just weren't his fault. Obama is a political baby and nothing more than a celebrity elected to power.

I'll calmly submit that Dubya's failings were almost equally those of commission and omission.

Acting on equivalent of playground impulse and disregarding wise counsel.

Pretty much a failure of the entire "wisdom to know the difference" part of the Serenity Prayer.

I'd love to read historians' take on him in 25 years, but I'm unlikely to be around to do it, and I wouldn't bet the farm that the US will either, in any semblance of what we call sadly still call America even now.

As far as O, I doubt he will be able to effect much good in this now inevitable decline, but like all those who hold the eerie power of the POTUS, he certainly has the ability to equal Dubya's debacle, but really is unlikely to exceed it.

Our "democratic republic" has become so crooked and elitist, and our increasingly ineffectual role within the worldwide play of population vs. resources has devolved to such a point, that a POTUS now has little chance of overall significant positive impact, but a disproportionate ability for the opposite.

Indeed, as much as I'd hate to see it, the "socialism" of a New Deal/WPA type effort might be the only thing that staves off a drastic thinning of our population in the near future. Unfortunately, in the 30's there was light at the end of the tunnel from that kind of effort, but I fear the tunnel now holds little difference at the other end. There's no more there there.

And that's my take on the news from Lake Woebegone. Good night and good luck to all of us.

- OS

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I'll calmly submit that Dubya's failings were almost equally those of commission and omission.

Acting on equivalent of playground impulse and disregarding wise counsel.

Pretty much a failure of the entire "wisdom to know the difference" part of the Serenity Prayer.

I'd love to read historians' take on him in 25 years, but I'm unlikely to be around to do it, and I wouldn't bet the farm that the US will either, in any semblance of what we call sadly still call America even now.

As far as O, I doubt he will be able to effect much good in this now inevitable decline, but like all those who hold the eerie power of the POTUS, he certainly has the ability to equal Dubya's debacle, but really is unlikely to exceed it.

Our "democratic republic" has become so crooked and elitist, and our increasingly ineffectual role within the worldwide play of population vs. resources has devolved to such a point, that a POTUS now has little chance of overall significant positive impact, but a disproportionate ability for the opposite.

Indeed, as much as I'd hate to see it, the "socialism" of a New Deal/WPA type effort might be the only thing that staves off a drastic thinning of our population in the near future. Unfortunately, in the 30's there was light at the end of the tunnel from that kind of effort, but I fear the tunnel now holds little difference at the other end. There's no more there there.

And that's my take on the news from Lake Woebegone. Good night and good luck to all of us.

- OS

You make good points however, I am going to go with this. I love this country and I have faith that things will get better. I think the lessons we are learning from the economic breakdown will help us grow stronger and we will be a better country for it. Establishing a democracy in the middle east is a dang good accomplishment IMO. The punishment a few years ago for a reporter that did this would have been death, according the blatently liberal leaning Today show reporters. I do think we need to concentrate more on the issues that here at home. The corruption with our leaders, well has always been and will always be, we just have to agressivly address these situations and act on them, like so far what has happened to the Gov. of Illonois. You seem to be a knowledgable guy and has good comments on many things on this site, but everytime this topic comes up, you are extremely negative. I hope that something happens that will restore your faith in the country, I hope that I am right, and I hope that your comments are wrong. But we will see, in the mean time, I am keeping my faith, and as the economy continues on to be in the crapper, our jobs being in danger, our way of life being in danger, I know this will get better. History has shown this.

But anyway, that whole deal was funny, Bush was like Oh No you didn't.

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Guest billwilly73

Will Obama have the speedy reaction and be able to avoid flying projectiles when he is President???

Just a question.

Edited by billwilly73
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You make good points however, I am going to go with this....

Appreciate your comments.

I love this country too, even though I increasingly dislike it.

There's a fine line between pessimism and realism - I try not to cross it, but may fail from time to time.

- OS

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Appreciate your comments.

I love this country too, even though I increasingly dislike it.

There's a fine line between pessimism and realism - I try not to cross it, but may fail from time to time.

- OS

I agree with that. It is very hard to keep optimistic during times like this.

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Throwing shoes is not going to justify using deadly force, even if they are being thrown at the President.

Having worked protective details before, I can tell you that the press, and their equipment, are heavily screened for weapons and explosives. By the time you get that close to the President, your shoes are the only things that you will have to throw.

The guy was trying to make more of a statement than anything else. In the Arab culture, hitting something with the sole of shoe is considered to be very insulting.


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Guest tnjimbob

I heard on the radio today (not sure if it is valid or not) that the Iraqi security detail has rank in their country over our Secret Service. That, if true, may be why the SS appeared a little stand-offish.

Bush appeared to be suppressing an incredulous smile, as though he wasn't sure whether to laugh at the guy or kick his @ss. Hard to tell, but it was impressive that a fellow Iraqi journalist was the first to act in subduing the guy.

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