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Kimber Revolver, am I the last person to see this?


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Nope.  I hadn't heard of them until I ready your OP.  I am more of a revolver guy than a semiauto guy but I honestly don't see the point behind this.  It isn't like there is a huge hole in the market where .38/.357 revolvers are concerned and I don't know why someone would choose a Kimber .357 over a Smith, Ruger, etc. 


To me, being that Kimber seems to be best known for their 1911 handguns - particularly .45acp - it they were going to do a revolver it would make more sense for them to make a .45acp wheel gun to market as a backup to a person's 'main' Kimber.  In fact, maybe they could offer revolvers with cosmetics/features such as finishes, grips and so on that would basically mirror the various models of Kimber 1911 pistols so that a person could have a Kimber 1911 and a backup .45acp pistol that would be a 'matching set'.

Edited by JAB
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Nope, you're not the last person to see it. I just got around to checking my email this morning and found an email from Mas Ayoob where he mentioned it. In some ways it looks nice, and in others it doesn't. I can't imagine it being any more aesthetically pleasing or stronger or more accurate than a Smith or Ruger, just different.

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I don't know how many kitchen table action jobs I have done on Rugers and S&Ws. I can replace innards to DWs too.   I don't have a revolver or want one except for a DW .22lr, but I am not paying Scandium S&W prices for an old DW.  


I am serious though when a revolver guy disassembles one I would like to see the pics just to see the design differences from the big name revolver companies.

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Nope, you're not the last person to see it. I just got around to checking my email this morning and found an email from Mas Ayoob where he mentioned it. In some ways it looks nice, and in others it doesn't. I can't imagine it being any more aesthetically pleasing or stronger or more accurate than a Smith or Ruger, just different.


Take a helluva lot of improvement to pull me away from the SP101 or some of the 600 series Smiths.

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Take a helluva lot of improvement to pull me away from the SP101 or some of the 600 series Smiths.

I agree. It'd have to be awful nice to make me commit adultery on my 686. And I really can't imagine it having as nice a trigger as my 15-3 either. However, the one thing I do like about it is that Kimber did what Smith and Ruger should have and very well could have done a long time ago. They made it a six shot cylinder, and in something akin to a "J-frame." I should have kept my old Colt Detective Special years ago. It, of course, was not much larger at all than a j frame, and held six rounds. Sometimes I wish I didn't have such fits of tradin' fever.

Edited by res308
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Well I hate to be different but I kind of like the looks of it.

Would it replace my 640 pro? I don't have a clue.

Not being as well versed as all of you. I don't have any history with a Kimber.

But I do love my 640 pro. It is now my every day carry. A little heavy in the pocket. But I have gotten used to it.
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Well I hate to be different but I kind of like the looks of it.

Would it replace my 640 pro? I don't have a clue.

Not being as well versed as all of you. I don't have any history with a Kimber.

But I do love my 640 pro. It is now my every day carry. A little heavy in the pocket. But I have gotten used to it.


Now, why..................why ya gotta go and tell me that you HAVE a 640 Pro? Huh? You just trying to rub salt in my poor festering wounds? :drool:

I've kinda been lusting after the 640 Pro for a little while now. Just gotta squirrel some more pennies away. I love the looks of the 640 Pro, and the idea of being able to use the moon clips if'n I wanted to. BUT, I'm also wanting the 3-5-7 in 3" so I'm going to have to take it one step at a time. From what I've read so far, I think you made a wise purchase there, and I can certainly commend you on your fine taste. 

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I'll gladly look at one of the Kimber Revolvers but am unlikely to ever consider purchasing one. If I want a heavy five shot .357 I'll go with the Ruger SP-101, if I want a five shot 38 Special the S&W M-60, 640 or 442.  As much as I admire the Colt Detective Special and its lighter weight sibling the Agent its not as robust a gun as the SP 101 or S&W J-frame.

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I'm probably in the camp of not really seeing the need for this - but good for Kimber if it works and they've get it to market at a reasonable price.  It's unlikely to replace my J-frame, but as a larger pistol, it'll soak up some recoil and might fit the need for someone.


I love my Kimber Warrior.  It's been blueprinted by a professional, and runs like a scalded dog.  I treat it as a working gun, and like the previous owner, plan to shoot the finish off of it.  I've got 1000's of rounds through it - including a 1000 round defensive pistol class (just to load test it in less than ideal conditions).  Without Kimber, we likely wouldn't have the volume of 1911 choices that we have today.  There are plenty of choices out there for your money these days - and I've got examples that are both more expensive and less expensive than the Warrior.  But, I don't hesitate to choose that weapon for daily carry.

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I just saw the Kimber for the first time online yesterday. It looks strikingly similar to the S & W 640 but holds an extra round. Will I buy it? Of course not. I like the idea of a small frame six round snub nose but that price tag is out of control as compared to an LCR, SP101, or an S & W j-frame. I am excited that another quality manufacturer is making revolvers though.   

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Nope, you're not the last person to see it. I just got around to checking my email this morning and found an email from Mas Ayoob where he mentioned it. In some ways it looks nice, and in others it doesn't. I can't imagine it being any more aesthetically pleasing or stronger or more accurate than a Smith or Ruger, just different.

I know many do not care for Mas, but I really like him.  How do I sign up for his email list? (ie what site or where do I look?)

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Not being as well versed as all of you. I don't have any history with a Kimber.

Slightly above average 1911's at WAY above average prices.  Certainly nothing WRONG with them, but seemingly expensive just to be expensive (perhaps to pay for the ridiculous amount of advertising they do in every magazine?).  Just my opinion.  I am thinking someone at Kimber realized that the only thing they are really known for is a 1911 and felt that if they came out with a revolver, guys like us would start talking about them?

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As much as I admire the Colt Detective Special and its lighter weight sibling the Agent its not as robust a gun as the SP 101 or S&W J-frame.

I have my Grandfather's Colt Agent.  Runs like a swiss watch.  I don't think he ever fired it and my grandmother used it as a nightstand gun.  It still looks BRAND new.  I just oil it, keep it in the safe, get it out and fire it a little, then oil it again.  I figure at this rate it will last many  more generations.  I have very few safe queens, but this one I like to keep there, for sentimental reasons.

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I know many do not care for Mas, but I really like him.  How do I sign up for his email list? (ie what site or where do I look?)

Let me check into that. It's been so long since I signed up I've forgotten. I'm thinking maybe I was on Backwoods Home magazine's website and found a link there or something. He writes for them, as well as some other publications. I'll try to look it up this evening.

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I'll gladly look at one of the Kimber Revolvers but am unlikely to ever consider purchasing one. If I want a heavy five shot .357 I'll go with the Ruger SP-101, if I want a five shot 38 Special the S&W M-60, 640 or 442.  As much as I admire the Colt Detective Special and its lighter weight sibling the Agent its not as robust a gun as the SP 101 or S&W J-frame.

And I wasn't saying they are as robust, I believe you're certainly correct on that point. I've always thought they weren't as strong as the Smith and Ruger, I just liked the 6 round cylinder. The lock work, to me though, is certainly not as robust as the others. I just miss it because it's an old classic I should have held on to, that's all. That small(ish) Kimber just kind of reminded me of it. Come to think of it, I wouldn't mind a snub nose Ruger Speed Six either. :angel:  

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Would be a hard sell to me.   Its small and hammerless design indicates that it probably has a bear of a trigger pull -- immediately making it much worse than my gp100.   Innovation ... seems to be a standard design except for using modern materials to make the cylinder smaller;  tougher better metals let them squeeze one more round into a 5 shot cylinder sized rig.  Its probably brutal in 357 max loads for recoil.   If its a typical kimber, its pretty outside and average/just above average/ inside.  


I am sure its an awesome carry piece for some folks but its not likely to be anything I want unless it has a 3 pound short trigger pull somehow. 

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Would be a hard sell to me.   Its small and hammerless design indicates that it probably has a bear of a trigger pull -- immediately making it much worse than my gp100.   Innovation ... seems to be a standard design except for using modern materials to make the cylinder smaller;  tougher better metals let them squeeze one more round into a 5 shot cylinder sized rig.  Its probably brutal in 357 max loads for recoil.   If its a typical kimber, its pretty outside and average/just above average/ inside.  


I am sure its an awesome carry piece for some folks but its not likely to be anything I want unless it has a 3 pound short trigger pull somehow. 

I dunno. I've handled some concealed hammer J frame types in the past that had some pretty good triggers on them. Not 1911 good or anything like that, but good for a revolver.

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