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Deal (steal) of the Century

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Divorce and alimony is a hell of an expensive and desperate thing I suppose...

Picked up a BNIB Glock 19 Gen 4 and a very mildly used CZ97B (I love CZs now) for the low low low cost of half a Grand and a 500 pack of 185gr Xtreme bullets


Damn I love that CZ.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

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My broke ass will throw that tire on my truck

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk


Well, if you need a tire that bad I will throw in an extra Falken I have. It's got a nail in the sidewall but still holds air. Those two tires, 2 cats and chickens plus $250 will help pay of some medical bills. Kids are expensive. 

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You did good and yes, sometimes deals like that do happen. If you decide to move that Gen 4 G-19 at a fir price let me know, I might be intrested. Most of the new or used ones I've been seeing were stepping pretty heavy on the coat tails of a Blue Label Glock or even more expensive. All the more suprising at how well you did.

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