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I've never owned or fired a Sig, and have no opinion on their guns good or bad.


I would need a lot more concrete information to even begin to form an opinion on what happened to cause what's in that picture.


It isn't like modern quality semi autos are blowing up all over the place, and it isn't because there's not many of them.

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I've never owned or fired a Sig, and have no opinion on their guns good or bad.


I would need a lot more concrete information to even begin to form an opinion on what happened to cause what's in that picture.


It isn't like modern quality semi autos are blowing up all over the place, and it isn't because there's not many of them.


I too think this story is a little suspect on actual details to form an opinion one way or the other.


As for catastrophic gun failures just google pistol kaboom, no shortage of pictures and stories or checkout this link



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I had a Sig 2022 a long time ago, noticed early on the slide wouldn't go into full battery. Had to grease the slide to ensure it would go into battery after cleanings. Never fired when the hammer fell before I figured out I had to grease the slide. Guess I lucked out.
Sold that one and got a 229, never a problem with the slide on that going into battery. That thing's a tank!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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I have an early P229, it's probably up around 10ķ rounds fired and is stone reliable. My newer P220 is equally so. I also have a P320 and with only a few hundred rounds through it I have no complaints.

There are too many unknowns to have an opinion based on just these posts. SIG like all major manufacturers stands behind their products I'm sure they would have made your 2022 right for you.

I like the classic SIGs better bether but I don't have anything bad to say about the polymer guns either (regardless of brand)
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