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Gun Show This Weekend


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Would like to remind everyone in the NE Tennessee region that the Meadowview Convention Center show in Kingsport is Saturday and Sunday. I'll be walking around trying to sell my Vepr 12. Anyone else planning on going? I have found I like it better than the shows in Knoxville.

Edited by Ramjo
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It's been a few years since I went to this show but Back then it was a couple local and some non local dealers with standard pricing. Most of the tables were taken with books, clothes, purses and assorted junk. A poor selection of reloading supplies because one man has a monopoly on them at this show.
I won't be going unless I hear something has changed.
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I went, didn't buy anything but always fun to look.  It is billed as a Knife and Gun show and there were a few to many knife vendors.  Then you get the people selling socks and military surplus clothes. A few empty tables where vendors didn't show up. Lots of over priced .22 ammo.  I brought a few antique boxes of .22 that I had in a clear bag hoping to find someone that would trade some modern ammo for it. Had no idea what it was worth. The only offer was less than the ammo was worth just to shoot.


There was also a show another 20 minutes or so North in VA but decided not to do both.


Will probably go again when the next one rolls around. 

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