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Police Shoots Unarmed Teen


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I will not critique based on this limited info.  I will however say that "teenagers" who are old enough to drive should know by now that you do what an officer says.  If you disagree take it up with a judge later.  If they don't know it then maybe the parents are to blame

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My biggest take away was you explaining how your dad pulled you over and evacuated your reaction, basically a mini AAR. My kids and I talk about issues as soon as it's reported, then visit it weeks later to see how our views remained the same or changed. I believe like the huge gap of haves and have nots, there is a gap of kids with adult guidance and those without......
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I think that this is an issue that needs to be discussed.  We walk a fine line between exercising our rights and giving hard working cops a hard time.  There is a time and place to do both.  Ultimately in both of these situations following the police officers directions would have kept both of the subjects alive, and cooperation would have likely resulted in a minor offense.  IF a person decides to inform an officer of their rights they had better be on top of their game when they do, as mentioned in the video the kid in the first video is required to show his license.  Another good idea when inserting your rights is to remain calm no matter what, this can and should be done while being respectful of the officer.  Yet an even better idea if you have a complaint about the way an officer is treating you would be to request the presence of the shift lieutenant.  If that doesn't yield the desired results a formal complaint and a lawyer may be in order. 


I usually have a tendency to side with cops in these situations.  IMO, however, the cop in the second video was shooting out of anger and not self defense.  Maybe it's just the camera angle but it really does look like the officer was out of harms way when he fired.  Both of these kids decided to play stupid games and they both won the grand prize.  A wise man once told me "it's not about who's right, it's about who's left" I think that applies here.  Oh yeah, and I thought they said that no one has ever died from marijuana???

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I have a lot of thoughts and I’d like to openly discuss them; but this isn’t the place for it.
I have never asked a mod to lock a thread, but I would ask you to shut this down yourself; it can’t end well.

Isn't this the "General" discussion forum area?

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Fitty, this forum has a almost unwritten rule, we do not post about LEO from outside the state, nor bash LEO.

Yes there bad apples everywhere, just be easy with this subject.

Im pretty sure I wasn't bashing any cops. My dad was an Army MP, Sherifs Deputy, and a correctional officer.

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My biggest take away was you explaining how your dad pulled you over and evacuated your reaction, basically a mini AAR. My kids and I talk about issues as soon as it's reported, then visit it weeks later to see how our views remained the same or changed. I believe like the huge gap of haves and have nots, there is a gap of kids with adult guidance and those without......


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The video's good and your premises are worthy of discussion but they are emotionally charged and will inevitably trigger some strong opinions that go to far here or in any other forum or social media setting.

Thank you


I sense some have been...Triggered

Its an emotional subject, but it is something that needs to be discussed. Being angry and/or embarrassed does not make it go away.

Very well done. Did not get the "bashing" vibe at all.

I thought I felt with this subject as tactfully as I could and thank you.

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I think that this is an issue that needs to be discussed.  We walk a fine line between exercising our rights and giving hard working cops a hard time.  There is a time and place to do both.  Ultimately in both of these situations following the police officers directions would have kept both of the subjects alive, and cooperation would have likely resulted in a minor offense.  IF a person decides to inform an officer of their rights they had better be on top of their game when they do, as mentioned in the video the kid in the first video is required to show his license.  Another good idea when inserting your rights is to remain calm no matter what, this can and should be done while being respectful of the officer.  Yet an even better idea if you have a complaint about the way an officer is treating you would be to request the presence of the shift lieutenant.  If that doesn't yield the desired results a formal complaint and a lawyer may be in order. 


I usually have a tendency to side with cops in these situations.  IMO, however, the cop in the second video was shooting out of anger and not self defense.  Maybe it's just the camera angle but it really does look like the officer was out of harms way when he fired.  Both of these kids decided to play stupid games and they both won the grand prize.  A wise man once told me "it's not about who's right, it's about who's left" I think that applies here.  Oh yeah, and I thought they said that no one has ever died from marijuana???

Great points.....lol on the marijuana joke.

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I thought this was one of the best video's of yours I have seen.    :hat:  (loved the General Lee bit)

I see nothing bashing LEO here.  Nothing less than an assessment I agree with in these two cases.  Kid #1, dumbass,  Kid #2 did not try to run the cop over.


Dolomite is his own man, I take his 'tread lightly" comment as advice only.   :shrug:  Cop threads here can die a bloody death, to use a poorly played pun.    :shhh:


I like that you want to do a political video channel. By political I assumed it would be about elected officials not roadside stops or drug stings. It won't end well here if your political channel is cop themed. I am not a defender of the police. I am no enemy of the police.  But threads here about LEO while well intentioned have a tendency to violate TOS as some point. Not that the OP violates it but surely someone will come along and run their mouth (fingers) and end the thread.


I think you have better topics we would like to watch than roadside stops.   :2cents:

Edited by Mike.357
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Im pretty sure I wasn't bashing any cops. My dad was an Army MP, Sherifs Deputy, and a correctional officer.

I want to buy your dad a beer. His expression when you drove the dodge home made me laugh and giggle. Fitty you earned my respect when I started following you on FB, your videos, your service and your sacrifice. Now that I know more about your dad he has earned a great amount of respect from me due to his service.

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What do you mean by this?


I'd like to suggest that the title of the thread, while factually correct, could be seen as at the very least painting the officer in an unfair light. It could just as easily have been titled "Police defends self from teen while being attacked". Do you see how both can paint a different mental image? I think that's where Dolo's warning came from. My first thought when I saw the thread title was "Who's getting the ban hammer tonight?" as it smacks of recent events blaming officers for killing an unarmed person who was attacking them (Ferguson).


Of course Dolo may have meant something entirely different, but that's my take on it.


+1 to the video. Good analysis.

Edited by monkeylizard
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I'd like to suggest that the title of the thread, while factually correct, could be seen as at the very least painting the officer in an unfair light.



facts should not place anyone in an unfair light.  Facts are what they are.  We draw conclusions.

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I like that you want to do a political video channel. By political I assumed it would be about elected officials not roadside stops or drug stings. It won't end well here if your political channel is cop themed. I am not a defender of the police. I am no enemy of the police.  But threads here about LEO while well intentioned have a tendency to violate TOS as some point. Not that the OP violates it but surely someone will come along and run their mouth (fingers) and end the thread.



I think all those guys have been banned.  It seems the LEO threads were actually responsible for cleaning things up.

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