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They've lost their minds at Dick's....

Guest HexHead

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  towerclimber37 said:

here's another bunghole who thinks you don't have to aim a shotgun... Nice!:dirty:;)

now my thunder5? nah..aim in the general direction..but then again, it's got a 2" barrel and shoots .410 or 45LC.

any 12 gauge that I know of needs to be aimed...and if you actually LIKE your arms, you might want to try NOT hipshooting.

Getting a bit off topic....but I LOVE to hipshoot my .12 gauges!!! I think it's about the most fun shooting I've ever done.....second now only to my AK. I've hipshot even 3" shells with no problems at all. I think it actually hurts less (and I have arthritis pretty bad even)....just let the gun naturally move back a bit instead of trying to hold it still.

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  PackinMama said:
Getting a bit off topic....but I LOVE to hipshoot my .12 gauges!!! ...

Yup...I agree...nothin' to it...sure saves shoulder wear ...

And it's a way to prove that someone (me) can miss something with 00 buck at 10 yards or less :dirty:

- OS

  towerclimber37 said:
..and if you actually LIKE your arms, you might want to try NOT hipshooting.

i dunno, i likely wouldn't shoot a 12gauge with a full stock and non vertical grip angle from the hip, but my 870 with a pistol grip has got to be shot from the hip AFAICT. I wouldn't want it coming back toward my face, there's just not enough control for that without a shoulder stock.

and hearing all this about 9mm price makes me wish I liked it as much as .45 :/

Guest coldblackwind

Yeah, I went to dicks this afternoon, battled the black friday crowds, got stuck in the boro for half an hour, and thoroughly disgusted with the prices. I wish I had shaken the clerks hand and say "congratulations, you have the worst ammo prices in the area". 500 rounds of .22 was 18.99!!! Its like, 13.49 at walmart! The 150 round "value pack" of .45 was, drum roll please, $64! That came out to even more than paying the ridiculous 19.98 a box for the 50 round boxes mentioned earlier (I suddenly can't remember the name, american eagle or something, I must be getting old :D ). My thoughts are, I won't be buying anything from dicks for quite some time. Near as I can tell they jacked their prices up, then marked them down. Oh, and the clerk assured me that while everyone elses prices have been going up, their's haven't. All I could think was, wow, that means your extremely high prices now, were freaking ridiculous a few weeks ago!


I was at Academy Sports in Rivergate this evening. There prices were also quite high for WWB in 9mm and 40S&W. I was looking for some .22LR value packs for my son and these were high too. I basically walked in and out again. I went over to Walmart in Hendersonville and found much better prices. The guy working the counter was talking about how most ammo is becoming unavailable. He was trying to re-order and couldn't get any more than what was already on his shelves. I will be glad when this panic has passed.:)


When I worked for Dick's, the ammo prices were very competitive. Two boxes of UMC 9mm could be had for just a few cents more than the WWB 100-round pack at Wally World. Sure doesn't sound like it's the case any more...


Guest nraforlife

Why do you think its called 'Dicks'?

Guest abailey362

I went into the chattanooga store tonight since I have a $10 reward from Dick's to see what they had and there were only like 10 boxes of ammo in the whole place......wonder if they haven't been replenished since the big weekend or if their supplier is coming up short.

  abailey362 said:
I went into the chattanooga store tonight since I have a $10 reward from Dick's to see what they had and there were only like 10 boxes of ammo in the whole place...

According to reports, they didn't have any to speak of on Black Friday either.

Of course, they have the standard $8/box case buy for UMC 9mm in their Sunday promo for this week.

I put in raincheck for that about 3 weeks ago. Nada still.

- OS

  abailey362 said:
I went into the chattanooga store tonight since I have a $10 reward from Dick's to see what they had and there were only like 10 boxes of ammo in the whole place......wonder if they haven't been replenished since the big weekend or if their supplier is coming up short.

The supply system when I worked there was total crap. We at the store level had absolutely zero influence on what we got in stock. Corporate would just ship us what they thought we needed, and a lot of times it seemed like they didn't keep very good track of in-store stock levels. There were times when we wouldn't get the first damned box of buckshot or slugs in the store until two weeks after gun opener. There were times we'd get like once case of 9mm in every two weeks. Other times we'd randomly get in like ten cases.

It was horrendously executed, and the worst part was that I, as the sales associate, was the person who got bitched at over this stuff. Seemed like no one would ever believe me when I told them that we had no input into our stock levels.

Guest abailey362

that's why i'm glad my company has a good inventory/stock system.

i also wanna know why they don't have prices on any of the ammo......and why it takes 5 minutes to check price on their little stock-computers


Went to Dick's (what an approporate name :screwy:) yesterday, didn't have anything I wanted, but I could have bought them out for about $200.

Sportsman Warehouse not much better on inventory, shelves about 80% empty in ammo & reloading supplies. Mgr. told me they got 100 pistols and revolvers in last week and they didn't last but 2 or 3 days.

  OhShoot said:

I put in raincheck for that about 3 weeks ago. Nada still.

If you did that at the West Knoville Dick's you might be waiting awhile. I stopped by there yesterday in the hopes that Sunday's ad in the paper might miraculously mean they actually stock the ammo they advertise.

Guy at the counter (I think he manages that department) says there are 35 rain checks out for 9mm right now and he wasn't giving out anymore. That's 35 cases of ammo already spoken for. I don't think we'll see any ammo at that store for a long time to come.

Please, everyone tell a couple of other people and pass it on to stop the panic-buying. It's cutting into my hoarding, uh, volume-purchasing habits.:screwy:


Well, you guys don't have to worry about me being part of the problem! I haven't bought a round of ammo in about 2 months, and that was only 70 rounds!


You guys might be hating on Dick's but they are still way better then Gander and 75% of the time Bass Pro...Wal Mart might have cheap ammo, but they wont carry sh*t else. As far as chains go Dicks is the best deal runnin.

  Magiccarpetrides said:
As far as chains go Dicks is the best deal runnin.

You got that right. In the crappy, buyer-pays-all Knoxville market, that sweet deal Dick's always has on ammo is good stuff. They just never have any.

We need an Academy Sports like the Nashville guys have. Sounds like they have the nice price all the time. At least on some things.


The dick in chatt. is a joke. the ones that work for them don't care if they help you or not .went a week ago to look at a 22 for my son (8yr old) the guy behind the counter could not even tell witch rifle was a 22 . i asked the guy if he worked in the section and he told me that he had for about 1 yr. what chatt. needs is a real gun store.

  45AUTO said:
The dick in chatt. is a joke. the ones that work for them don't care if they help you or not .went a week ago to look at a 22 for my son (8yr old) the guy behind the counter could not even tell witch rifle was a 22 . i asked the guy if he worked in the section and he told me that he had for about 1 yr. what chatt. needs is a real gun store.

Sportsman's Warehouse has a very good gun dept., just not much inventory right now. They are about 1.5 mi. from Dick's, 153@ Lee Hwy.

  bvarnell said:
Sportsman's Warehouse has a very good gun dept., just not much inventory right now. They are about 1.5 mi. from Dick's, 153@ Lee Hwy.

Yeah, I usually pop in there when I'm in 'Nooga to see Mom, not far from her house. Guns are not the cheapest for the most part, but not horribly overpriced like say, Gander Mtn; most seem to average about 10% higher than say, Coal Creek in Knox; great place to ogle, as there's usually at least one person behind the counter that has a clue, and until the election buying spree, pretty well stocked with most popular pistols.

I generally buy a box or three of Blazer ammo or something; they'd had .357 Blazer 158 gr. hollowpoints with decent price for the last year or so. Various good deals on shot shells in hunting loads.

- OS

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