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I will be going to Pa. and then traveling back to make a stop in DC at the Arlington  National Cemetery next week. I have looked at the Handgun Law US site and it does not look well for a handgun owner, even if I lock it up out of site. I have passed through Maryland before with my handgun hidden, unloaded, locked and separated from the ammunition but I was as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof.

Any opinions on this?  

I really don't want to leave my 45 behind but I may on this trip, thanks for any insight or non binding advice.

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I will be going to Pa. and then traveling back to make a stop in DC at the Arlington  National Cemetery next week. I have looked at the Handgun Law US site and it does not look well for a handgun owner, even if I lock it up out of site. I have passed through Maryland before with my handgun hidden, unloaded, locked and separated from the ammunition but I was as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof.

Any opinions on this?  

I really don't want to leave my 45 behind but I may on this trip, thanks for any insight or non binding advice.


My wife and I visited DC a few years ago, and we stayed in Virginia (where my HCP was recognized) and I could keep a firearm. When we went into DC, we rode the Marta and left the guns in the hotel. If memory serves, Arlington is actually in Virginia not DC proper (although the cemetery is still federal property and probably verbotten to carry in). Assuming that Virginia has good guns in parking lot laws, you should be able to park near the cemetery in Virginia and either walk or take the Marta while leaving your gun locked in your car.


Here is the Marta website, there are a lot of stops in Virginia and it has a stop within walking distance of the cemetery:




Don't take your guns into DC. Their laws are very strict, they don't recognize our HCP, and you will be in for a bad time if they pull you over and conduct a search.

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I think I will be making this trip naked (gun less) unless there are a change of plans, I will have to go inside the beltway for sure and then go to Arlington. Plans can change and I do not want to be a news item or a topic of debate.

Thanks for the replies.

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When I was just a kid, I went on a school trip to DC. Back then (late 1980s) I carried a Buck 110 everywhere and the school didn't even care back then as long as you kept you knives in your pocket. 


I got a really good lesson on how strict DC is about weapons. Mind you, this was before there were even metal detectors at the airport so I had never seen one or knew what one was. Low and behold they had a metal detector at the FBI building and I set it off. I threw the 110 out like it was nothing and the agents almost messed their pants.They were at one point discussing what they were going to do with me and kept measuring the blade length. After it was all said and done, they let me tour the building and pick the knife up on my way out and got a stern talking to from my teacher.  


I shutter to think of what would have happened to me if that had taken place in recent times. I'm sure I'd have made the national news and be branded a home grown terrorist. 

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I've been to DC three times. First time was 30 days before 9-11, went for a week, wonder time, toured the WH. 


Second was just before the coronation of King POS.....good time but my motorcycle was stolen out of the back of my truck. 


Third time was right after the coronation, took my wife for the 4th of July.....>OK but the POS would not let anyone near the WH and my wife never got to see it.



I will go one more time, to take my son AFTER the POS leaves. 



DC is a wonder place, every amerikan needs to go once for the history. That said, in and out, I hate large cities/metros and this will be my one exception to never going back to a large city again. 

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I've been to DC three times. First time was 30 days before 9-11, went for a week, wonder time, toured the WH. 


Second was just before the coronation of King POS.....good time but my motorcycle was stolen out of the back of my truck. 


Third time was right after the coronation, took my wife for the 4th of July.....>OK but the POS would not let anyone near the WH and my wife never got to see it.



I will go one more time, to take my son AFTER the POS leaves. 



DC is a wonder place, every amerikan needs to go once for the history. That said, in and out, I hate large cities/metros and this will be my one exception to never going back to a large city again. 

I was stationed just outside of D.C. in Va. back in the 60s. I got to see most of the must see's back then.  I went back a few years ago with my daughter to view the Wall and a couple other sites. I will never go back.

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I was stationed just outside of D.C. in Va. back in the 60s. I got to see most of the must see's back then.  I went back a few years ago with my daughter to view the Wall and a couple other sites. I will never go back.

It's definitely not the DC I remember. Probably true about most national capitols these days.

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