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Walking Dead Season 6

Oh Shoot

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Posted (edited)

All of you AR guys correct me if I am wrong, but don't you have to have some barrel restriction or obstruction for a gas charged system to cycle with blanks. Just food for thought.

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Yes but they make ones that are virtually invisible, under the flash hider 




Edited by Lumber_Jack
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You've been in about a 12x12' room with the door shut and two full auto .308's going off and you didn't register the rounds going off? Really? You sir, are tougher than me.

I've been on an indoor range with double hearing protection and these still give me a headache when someone is rattling off 20 rounds in an AR10.

Sent from the Fortress of Solitude.

Rick and/or company has dealings with Negan's faction twice.  1) Darryl, Abraham, Sasha run into some on way back to Alexandria (about 2 months prior), and they kill about 1/2 dozen of them.  2) Night before last (March 6), Rick's & Co. hit the compound, kill about 24 of the "Saviors".  At the end, Carol and Maggie are captured and according to the teaser on TWD, there are about 4 and not any of them are Negan.


I believe Alexandrians made the right choice to make the pre-emptive strike.  It would only be a matter of time before the Saviors found them.  Other than attack, an option would be for the Hilltop community abandon the site and move to Alexandria.


One question Rick had was not answered, "How many?" in reference to the Saviors.  In 2 months (TV time), they lost about 30, how many are out on supply or rogue runs?  


What's left of the Saviors will figure out the Hilltop were involved in the attack, they could very well expect a revenge attack.


I will re-watch the episode, at the end the team left the building through the motor pool, the vehicles were backed in (In Army, we called it "combat roll") .  How many vehicles were there?  Were there any impressions of missing vehicles?


I am concerned about one thing, 2 members of Rick's group left in a Savior camper for a 2 week supply run.  That camper truck will stick out like a sore thumb and be easy prey of any Saviors running around.....

Posted (edited)

I hope you are wrong but have this bad feeling you might be right.  In fact,  just last night I told the people with whom I watch the show that I think it is very possible that Daryl will be killed off soon.  My reasoning has to do with how his character has been treated on the show, lately.  It is almost like they are trying to remove the very things that make him Daryl, thereby curbing some of the fan outcry if they kill him off.


What is the main thing that people identify with Daryl?  The crossbow - which he no longer has and has seemingly made no effort to replace.  Whether or not it is a 'practical' weapon in reality it has long been his chosen weapon and has served him well to this point.  Surely he could find another somewhere along the course of his and Rick's trips to scavenge, if he really wanted to.  Not that the revolver is a bad idea - I'd say carry the crossbow for stealth and keep the revolver on his hip for when a single-loading crossbow just won't cut it.  What is the second thing that people probably identify most with Daryl?  A motorcycle - which he no longer has and has seemingly made no effort to replace.  There are abandoned vehicles everywhere so there are probably motorcycles among them.  Daryl knows how to repair anything that might be wrong with them and could probably scavenge needed parts from other abandoned motorcycles.  So, it isn't just that the crossbow and motorcycle are gone - it is almost like the part of his 'Darylness' that caused him to carry the crossbow and ride the motorcycle are gone, too.  Further, his demeanor is largely different.  In becoming less belligerent (not exactly the right word but its the best I can thing of right now) he has also become less charismatic.  He has become less Daryl.  In fact, in some ways he has just plain become 'less' and now is becoming just another guy on the show.  I know that characters must change or stagnate but these sudden, wholesale changes to what makes the character who he has always been cause me to think that the goal is to lessen the blow (i.e. the loss of viewers and ratings) if they kill Daryl off.  Or maybe these changes are just for contrast for when Daryl goes back to really being Daryl after one of the other, major characters buys it.


I just read this on a website about Norman Reedus:


"It has been confirmed Norman will be starring in a new series, ‘Ride With Norman Reedus.’ The AMC show will begin with 6 episodes, each 1-hour long."


That sounds great for Norman, not so great for Daryl. Then again, it might not mean anything....It looks like a great show coming out though, especially since I've ridden motorcycles for many years of my life:



Edited by Randall53

Remember what Maggie said about their deal with the Hilltop: "It's gonna cost us something."  Were the writers hinting at a character death, or maybe the loss of humanity by the Alexandrians as they become hitmen?


I heard that Norman Reedus bought a new house in the area recently, but I'm not sure if it would have been before or after the season finale was filmed.  You would hope that if the producers were decent people, they might keep their actors from making expensive mistakes.  However, one of Emily Kinney's complaints was that she did not find out about Beth's death until close to the episode's filming, and she had recently bought a townhouse in the Atlanta area.  Maybe the producers have learned since then.  I hope the actors learned from her mistake.  If I were them, I would not be making any permanent roots.  Chandler Riggs and Melissa McBride, however, already lived in the area before Walking Dead.


.... In special effects, they call the fake gunshots squibs; ..


Yeah, traditional term for movie squibs means the small charges set that go off in the "targets" to emulate bullet hits -- bodies, walls, dirt,  whatever.


- OS


I just read this on a website about Norman Reedus:

"It has been confirmed Norman will be starring in a new series, ‘Ride With Norman Reedus.’ The AMC show will begin with 6 episodes, each 1-hour long."

That sounds great for Norman, not so great for Daryl. Then again, it might not mean anything....It looks like a great show coming out though, especially since I've ridden motorcycles for many years of my life:


I would think the opposite - that this new amc show actually suggests that daryl is not going anywhere. This motorcycle show only works because of the draw of "daryl" not norman.
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The savior lady on the walkie talkie looked familiar to me. Not sure if I recall her from a different show (Justified perhaps) or was she one of the ones that Darryl had a run-in with when he was in the woods that one day. The one where a lady was diabetic and after escaping, he brought her meds back.


The interesting thing to me is, so far the Saviors have been a blood bath against our heroes. Every one of them they have gone up against has been killed, with none of Rick's group getting killed. For all the hype of Negan being such a badass, his group has not proved it yet.


The savior lady on the walkie talkie looked familiar to me. Not sure if I recall her from a different show (Justified perhaps) or was she one of the ones that Darryl had a run-in with when he was in the woods that one day. The one where a lady was diabetic and after escaping, he brought her meds back.

The interesting thing to me is, so far the Saviors have been a blood bath against our heroes. Every one of them they have gone up against has been killed, with none of Rick's group getting killed. For all the hype of Negan being such a badass, his group has not proved it yet.

She was Wendy Crow in Justified

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Posted (edited)

The savior lady on the walkie talkie looked familiar to me. Not sure if I recall her from a different show (Justified perhaps) or was she one of the ones that Darryl had a run-in with when he was in the woods that one day. The one where a lady was diabetic and after escaping, he brought her meds back.


The interesting thing to me is, so far the Saviors have been a blood bath against our heroes. Every one of them they have gone up against has been killed, with none of Rick's group getting killed. For all the hype of Negan being such a badass, his group has not proved it yet.



She was Wendy Crow in Justified

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If you guys can remember as far back as I can. lol She was also the feisty young daughter in the comedy show Sybil Shepard did in the late 80's. First redhead I ever lusted after.

Edited by hipower
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I think that Rick's group is going to start taking casualties.  I think they have greatly underestimate the Saviors' numbers.  So far since being in Alexandria, they have had contact with one guy from Hilltop out roaming around, but have encountered three groups of Negan's people, which suggests that maybe Alexandria has been lucky up to this point.  On the whole, the post-apocalyptic world appears to be sparsely populated, so their encounters with a rival group suggests that they may be facing much greater numbers.  I'm imagining a scene reminiscent of the walkers surrounding Alexandria, but instead it is humans who are mad about their buddies.  

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Posted (edited)
I'm finally getting caught up. I binge-watched the whole season then read this thread (yeah, all 25 pages) over the last 3-4 days. Whew.

I think it'll be maggie or glenn. There's been a lot of foreshadowing to something bad happening to one of them. Starting with glenn's presumed death, maggie's near death on the wall, rick telling her she needed to take the lead with negotiating with hilltop (maybe suggesting her independence from glen), her saying this will cost us something, glenn looking at the pictures on the wall of what the saviors are capable of, and more. Maybe glen will trade himself for her release??? Or maybe carol will take the fall to save maggie??? I think it will be glenn. I also think maggie may still has future involvement with hilltop.

It better not be daryl. He just got his bike back :) Edited by Wingshooter
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The savior lady on the walkie talkie looked familiar to me. Not sure if I recall her from a different show (Justified perhaps) or was she one of the ones that Darryl had a run-in with when he was in the woods that one day. The one where a lady was diabetic and after escaping, he brought her meds back.
The interesting thing to me is, so far the Saviors have been a blood bath against our heroes. Every one of them they have gone up against has been killed, with none of Rick's group getting killed. For all the hype of Negan being such a badass, his group has not proved it yet.

Where did you see her? I only heard her voice

Where did you see her? I only heard her voice


I think it was at the very end of the show. It was Walkie-talkie lady, another lady and a guy, all holding Maggie and Carol. 

Posted (edited)

I would think the opposite - that this new amc show actually suggests that daryl is not going anywhere. This motorcycle show only works because of the draw of "daryl" not norman.

Maybe so. I'd hate to loose Daryl on WD  yet it's the WD that has made Norman Reedus so popular as an actor and a person. The article said that Reedus has been into motorcycles for years and has plenty of time to film both shows. I'm gonna watch it. It looks like it may be a good one. As far as WD is concerned, I would rather lose Glenn if I had to choose. It could be someone we don't suspect though. Like Carol maybe.

Edited by Randall53
Posted (edited)

I do think that Rick's group was right to hit the Savors first.  I don't think they were really being 'mercenaries' for Hilltop so much as they were doing something that needed doing, anyhow, and were doing it in such a was as to get something from Hilltop as a bonus.  This wasn't an unknown group they were hitting.  Daryl saw them when he was hiding out in the woods and got a sense of what they were like.  Then he, Abraham and Sasha encountered a group of them and that group planned on killing at least one of the three, taking all of the stuff they had with them and forcing whoever they didn't kill to take them back to Alexandria.  If it were me I would already have been trying to find out more about them.  Then, suddenly, they have a chance to use the intel that the Hilltop folks give them for free and then get some supplies from Hilltop in exchange for doing something that they needed to do, anyhow.  The strategy was solid.  The tactics, however, sucked.


First of all, they went into the whole thing without doing any scouting of the perimeter to see if just maybe this highly organized group of badass marauders might have the sense to have patrols outside the fence.  Secondly, they hit the place without taking any time to observe, see how many were coming and going, try to figure out how many were in there or anything else based only on what one guy who had been inside on one occasion could remember about the place.  Not exactly the brightest moves.


Personally, I don't think Negan was ever there.  Further, for those who are thinking, "The Saviors didn't seem like that big a deal," I think what we saw last Sunday night was just a small fraction of their forces stationed at a small outpost.  I do not in any way believe that Rick et al. hit the main compound nor do I believe there was a significant number of the Savior's main force at that outpost.  I also have a feeling that the guys who were at the outpost were probably, at least partially, the scrubs and not their most hardened or capable fighters - and still, even hitting them in their sleep, it took most of Rick's best fighters to deal with them and even that ended up being a big clusterf...well, you get it.  The alarm was sounded, Rick's group had to fight their way out and - had it not been for automatic weapons and copious amounts of ammo - would probably have taken losses against a bunch of guys who had just been awakened and were running around in their underwear.  Even then one of the Saviors almost got away on a motorcycle and Maggie and Carol got captured.

Edited by JAB
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Posted (edited)

There was an episode of 'Inside the Actors Studio' that my friends saved for me.  It had members of The Walking Dead cast on it, including Norman Reedus.  Apparently, before he started having success as a model and actor, Reedus had a job repairing motorcycles so it sounds like he is legit to be on a show about them.

Edited by JAB

Here is what I anticipate for the season finale, a cliff hanger to rival the mid-season finale of Glenn under the dumpster.  Yeah, we will be able to narrow it down to a few of Ricks posse  that's about to meet their waterloo, but tune in to next seasons premier for the gruesome details.


I think what we saw last Sunday night was just a small fraction of their forces stationed at a small outpost


I thought the same thing.


I'm also wondering what happened to all of their suppressors. Sascha still has hers on the M4, but nobody else does, not even Carl's home-made kind that we saw at the prison.

Posted (edited)

I think it was at the very end of the show. It was Walkie-talkie lady, another lady and a guy, all holding Maggie and Carol.

Ah, you know I guess I have been stopping it wgen it blacks out with the credits. I forgot they show a short scene afterwards. I'll have to watch again.

Eta: I just went back and watched the end. It doesn't show them on the on-line episode. Just Rick's and Glenn's faces, then credits, then nothing. Edited by Wingshooter

It seemed pretty obvious that they thought that was all of them from the question asked by someone before the voice on the loudspeaker and the alarm going off about  wondering which one was Negan. They had killed all of the ones inside the building except motorcycle guy.

Posted (edited)
Carol's smart... already playing a head game with her captors making them think she's a softy. I hope the time comes for her to teach them otherwise. Edited by Wingshooter

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