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Glock 26 or Kahr CW9

Guest Rob77

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Guest Rob77

Hi all this is my first post here and I would like some opinions. My wife "authorized" a handgun purchase for my birthday next month. I currently carry a Glock 19 and I love it. I would like something smaller and not as heavy. My first thought was a Glock 26 since I'd be able to use the mags from my 19. The Kahr on the otherhand seems so much easier to carry and thinner than the Glock. Any thoughts?


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Hi all this is my first post here and I would like some opinions. My wife "authorized" a handgun purchase for my birthday next month. I currently carry a Glock 19 and I love it. I would like something smaller and not as heavy. My first thought was a Glock 26 since I'd be able to use the mags from my 19. The Kahr on the otherhand seems so much easier to carry and thinner than the Glock. Any thoughts?


Well, here's the big question...

Will a pistol with slightly smaller height and length dimensions, but the same width be that much of a difference? I mean, a G19 isn't a very large gun... If you're wanting something significantly smaller, perhaps for pocket carry or as a BUG, something like a subcompact Kahr or a Kel-Tec would sound more logical to me. Magazine interchangeability is great and all... but if you'd be ending up with a gun that isn't much more concealable than what you have, I would suggest that you consider investing in a shootable practice/range gun which you would get more trigger time with, and then decide if it would be worthwhile to trade your G19 for a G26 as a primary ccw.

In the end, though... You really ought to get what you WANT. It is your birthday, after all :D

A G17 or 34 would be a nice shooter for you, and you'd have 17rd magazines which would still be compatible with either a G26 or your G19...

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What he said.

Well, here's the big question...

Will a pistol with slightly smaller height and length dimensions, but the same width be that much of a difference? I mean, a G19 isn't a very large gun... If you're wanting something significantly smaller, perhaps for pocket carry or as a BUG, something like a subcompact Kahr or a Kel-Tec would sound more logical to me. Magazine interchangeability is great and all... but if you'd be ending up with a gun that isn't much more concealable than what you have, I would suggest that you consider investing in a shootable practice/range gun which you would get more trigger time with, and then decide if it would be worthwhile to trade your G19 for a G26 as a primary ccw.

In the end, though... You really ought to get what you WANT. It is your birthday, after all :D

A G17 or 34 would be a nice shooter for you, and you'd have 17rd magazines which would still be compatible with either a G26 or your G19...

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Guest dotsun

I love my 26, I carry it iwb with an untucked t shirt without problems. I was worried that it'd be too thick for iwb carry, but I've found it doesn't bother me at all. Since you have the 19 you should be able to determine if the 26 would be too thick for you to carry.

Maybe you should get both just to be safe. :D

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  • Administrator

The Glock 26/27 always struck me as being the most oddball sized and worst feeling ergonomically of the Glock family. It's a very fat handgun for CCW and you might as well carry the 19 instead as it's not all that much bigger and has a far more comfortable grip.

I am serious when I recommend the Smith and Wesson M&P 9c as an alternative. If you haven't held one, you owe it to yourself to do that before deciding.

Kahr gets a huge Meh... from me. I've owned a P9 in the past and sold it within a week of purchase. Just not my idea of a good handgun.

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I had a G26 for a while. Found it to be a bit wide and odd shaped for concealed carry. As Tungsten said, ergonomics is not its strong point.

I've come to the conclusion that something flat makes for better concealed carry. Someone mentioned the Kel-Tec as a back-up-gun. I carry a P3AT all the time if I don't have a larger handgun on my hip. Worth looking into.

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  • 8 months later...
Guest cdsusong

I too have a Glock 19. I recently purchased a Kahr CW9 and I love it. This is a great CC handgun. It is thin and easily carried. I recently ran about 200 rounds through it with no problems. It is a little different to point and shoot from my 19, but it is accurate enough for anything close quarters. My only thought of a draw back would be, only one magazine? It seems to be a little difficult for me to find extra magazines in this area. Any help tracking down magazines would be great. I would say without a doubt, get a Kahr CW9 as a carry weapon.

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Guest canynracer
I too have a Glock 19. I recently purchased a Kahr CW9 and I love it. This is a great CC handgun. It is thin and easily carried. I recently ran about 200 rounds through it with no problems. It is a little different to point and shoot from my 19, but it is accurate enough for anything close quarters. My only thought of a draw back would be, only one magazine? It seems to be a little difficult for me to find extra magazines in this area. Any help tracking down magazines would be great. I would say without a doubt, get a Kahr CW9 as a carry weapon.


able ammo also has them, I am not sure where you are located, guns and ammo has them, and pretty much anyone can order them...

on a side note, you can PM KahrMan (on this site)...he prolly has the hook ups too

hope that helps!

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Guest EasilyObsessed

x2 on the M&P9c.

The XD would also be an excellent choice. Buy whichever fits your hand better.

I had a Glock 27 and despite my best attempts, I never really liked that gun. Too big to be a small gun and too small to be easy and enjoyable to shoot.

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