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1911, why?

Guest Astra900

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Guest Astra900

Okay, I hope this doesn't stir up :D, but I was at a certain gun shop, and we all know how opinions flow like water. I'm a big fan of the XD. I don't care what you're a fan of, if you're happy I'm happy. I have nothing against any gun as long as you're happy with it.

Anyway, everything I would say to the positive for the XD this other guy would tell how much better a 1911 is.

I'm sorry, I just don't get it. We were talking about handguns for combat and defense. I asked him how he could fathom that any 1911 would be better for fighting than an XD or a Glock. I'm not a Glock fan, but they have the features a man in a lifethreating situation wants, as do the XD's.

The 1911 has limited magazine capacity, and you have the hammer to contend with. You either have to cock the hammer on the draw or carry cocked and locked (NO THANKS).

I'm hard pressed to ever buy that a $2000 Wilson will function any better than an XD or Glock. I'll give the accuracy to a fine 1911, but that's only marginal when you consider 2 rounds of .45 in the chest, who cares if both go in the heart or one gets a lung, dead is dead.

Someone fill me in on what I'm missing. Other than personal choice, I understand and totally agree with that. AND BTW, I never once tried to make the argument that a 1911 was no good at all.

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The $750 Taurus is just as accurate. There are some even cheaper that are just as good.

It's pretty hard to get a 1911 to stop working, as long as it isn't overly tight. You can run over it, bury it, soak it, get grit in every tiny crevice in it, and it will keep on going. With series 80 1911s, there is a firing pin block so that it won't go off if dropped. The grip safety alleviates plenty of ND scenarios. The actual thumb safety is located very naturally, and can be worked when the pistol is drawn as part of griping it.

You do not have to pull the trigger to disassemble it.

The ungodly amount of aftermarket parts and accessories is a big plus. It's an old design, so most, if not all, of the bugs in the design have been fixed.

It's DESIGNED to be carried cocked and locked, and has safety features for that purpose. It was not only designed ot be carried cocked and locked, it was designed to be carried cocked and locked IN COMBAT, so it's a very rugged design. And a safe design.

The grip angle is more natural for most people, and helps to point naturally.

It didn't fail the DEA "frisbee test", the Glock's slide was removed. This has since been fixed by lengthening the slide rails.

The weight absorbs more recoil of the .45ACP.

And I'm not disparaging the XD. The GLOCK on the other hand... :D

I actually like the XD. It feels nice and fits my hand fairly well. The gip safety increases its safety. I prefer the XD9. There needs to be improvement on takedown of all the plymer pistols, though. MOST of them require that you pull the trigger for takedown, which isn't exactly the safest.

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I carry a 1911.:D

It's what I like and I can operate it comfortably (i.e, my piece of mind).

I don't go cocked and locked, either. I'm no quick draw.

Maybe, I'm just old school when it comes to carrying semi-autos.

I wouldn't argue that the 1911 is superior to the XD.

After all the 1911 is 100 year old tech. and the XD is as modern as they come.

It all comes down to opinion.

I don't argue about what everybody else carries.

You got what you got, and I got what I got.

I'm not going to stir the pot on Glocks because we all know where that will send this thread. All I'll say is I own one (G21) and choose not to use it as a carry pistol.

I'm open minded about carrying an XD. I have nothing against them.

I don't own one...yet.

I've yet to study them for ownership or as a carry pistol, though.

Maybe I can be persuaded...:D

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Guest eyebedam

I carry a 1911 most of the time. Although it is a EMP 1911. I do go cocked & locked with the safety on. Just a flick of my thumb & Im ready to go. Im curious why others chose not to go cocked & locked. If you keep your booger hook off the trigger it wont go boom.

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It is as you've stated, personal choice. Anyone who will try to make the argument that one is truly better than the other is either ignorant or just plain stubborn, IN MY OPINION of course.

I do not own an XD however I do own a full size 1911. I absolutely love the feel of it, both in the hand and while shooting as well as it's accuracy. I do not carry it except on rare occasions. That's what I bought my USPc .40 for. I would say that if I were in a "SHTF" situation and saw both a 1911 and a XD 45 on the ground and could only pick up one, I'd personally reach for the XD first if for no other reason than capacity.


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Guest Astra900
I carry a 1911.:D

It's what I like and I can operate it comfortably (i.e, my piece of mind).

I don't go cocked and locked, either. I'm no quick draw.

Maybe, I'm just old school when it comes to carrying semi-autos.

I wouldn't argue that the 1911 is superior to the XD.

After all the 1911 is 100 year old tech. and the XD is as modern as they come.

It all comes down to opinion.

I don't argue about what everybody else carries.

You got what you got, and I got what I got.

I'm not going to stir the pot on Glocks because we all know where that will send this thread. All I'll say is I own one (G21) and choose not to use it as a carry pistol.

I'm open minded about carrying an XD. I have nothing against them.

I don't own one...yet.

I've yet to study them for ownership or as a carry pistol, though.

Maybe I can be persuaded...:D

I agree! If you're comfortable, you're happy. If you're happy, and practice, you will be more on target than if you were shooting a $20,000 Korth and hated it!:D

So do you carry half cock or hammer down? I used to think hammer down was absurd but I had an old timer show me, a 1911 with the hammer down, the firing pin down not protrude out of the slide. He used the flat edge of a pocket knife blade and pushed it flush, and sure enough!

I never knew. He says he carried one in Korea, and that is what he was taught.

So you live in Williamson Co huh? Maybe I'll see you at Owl hollow, or whatever it's going to be called next year, and you can have a go with my XD-45. See if you like it.....of course you will:tough:

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I enjoy shooting and competing with the 1911 more than any other handgun period, to me they are alot of fun to shoot and it is a formidible pistol in and of itself. Magazine capacity is not an issue in the real world of civilian self defence in the vast majority of shootings eight would be plenty. When I do carry a 1911 I carry it cocked and locked, but I don't carry one often. My daily carry gun is a Glock 22 in .40, I carry it because it is light, cheap and most importantly very reliable. I don't like Sigs or XDs, and I'm not crazy about Glocks, they are all pefectly fine weapons however and I am glad we have all these guns to choose from. Shoot what you like and carry what you are trained to use, but if you have not shot a 1911 you are missing out on a great shooting pistol.

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So do you carry half cock or hammer down? I used to think hammer down was absurd but I had an old timer show me, a 1911 with the hammer down, the firing pin down not protrude out of the slide. He used the flat edge of a pocket knife blade and pushed it flush, and sure enough!

I never knew. He says he carried one in Korea, and that is what he was taught.


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Cocked and Locked (Condition 1) is how the 1911 was meant to be carried, If you carry one it is the only way, I have for several years and will continue to carry 1911's, I carry a Nighthawk Custom pistol that was very expensive, it was custom built for me to carry the way I wanted it, that is how I justify the price and it is also what makes it worth it to me. I use to own a Springfield XD 45acp, but I never carried it, I also just purchased a Glock 21 SF, I love this new gun but it will be for home defense only. For me at least I shoot the 1911 better and more accurately than any gun out there, and God forbid if I ever have to use it I know that I am more comfortable using it than any other pistol when I am not at home,

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Guest Astra900
but if you have not shot a 1911 you are missing out on a great shooting pistol.

That's the thing that makes that guy's argument so confusing. I HAVE shot them. I have owned 2 Colts, One custom build on an Essex frame and a GI slide, and a Llama. Didn't do anything for me. I do kinda miss the Llama, all that fancy engraving was purty!

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I enjoy shooting and competing with the 1911 more than any other handgun period, to me they are alot of fun to shoot and it is a formidible pistol in and of itself. Magazine capacity is not an issue in the real world of civilian self defence in the vast majority of shootings eight would be plenty. When I do carry a 1911 I carry it cocked and locked, but I don't carry one often. My daily carry gun is a Glock 22 in .40, I carry it because it is light, cheap and most importantly very reliable. I don't like Sigs or XDs, and I'm not crazy about Glocks, they are all pefectly fine weapons however and I am glad we have all these guns to choose from. Shoot what you like and carry what you are trained to use, but if you have not shot a 1911 you are missing out on a great shooting pistol.

Well said :D, especially the "if you have not shot a 1911 you are missing out on a great shooting pistol" part.

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Guest EasilyObsessed
Cocked and Locked (Condition 1) is how the 1911 was meant to be carried

"Meant" by who? The gun was originally designed without a thumb safety.

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Guest Astra900

OH! Slap me I'm stoopid:stick:

He was showing me that the Firing pin hits the primer, only by inertia. With the hammer down, the firing pin does not protrude beyond the slide. I dunno if this the way every 1911 works, but his did.

He locked the pistol open, used the flat edge of his knife to push the firing pin down and it didn't come out the other end. The "slap" of the hammer is enough to drive it forward and strike the primer.

Does that make sense, or should I just shut up and move on?

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Guest Rugerman

Why a 1911?

Because you can't find a CZ :D

I kid...sort of. :koolaid:

I think the 1911 is a timeless design and one of the most beautiful guns out there, although my wife disagrees. It's stuck around so long for a reason. It's not my favorite design, I think the CZ is much more ergonomically fitting for ME, but the 1911 is a close second. :popcorn:

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I carry a 1911 in condition 1 every day

1911s have a much better natural pointablity to me than any other handgun.

The thin profile iads in carrying IWB and in concealment in general

9 rounds on board plus 2 spare 8 rounders should handle any problem I encounter

1911s look bada$$ on your hip

it shoot a big honking 230 grain bullet that hits hard

Recoil (in my opinion) is very controllable for fast followup shots even with 230 grain +p loads

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Guest Astra900
Astra, if you've shot a 1911 built on an Essex frame, and a Llama, you somehow picked possibly the 2 worst examples of a 1911. I wouldn't waste money on lottery tickets if I were you...

Okay the Essex I'll give you, it was :koolaid: but believe it or not the Llama would run circles around the 2 Colts I had. I never had a single problem out of it.

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Guest bkelm18

One thing I like about the 1911 is that I think it's pretty user friendly even though it has quite a few parts. It's no problem to take one completely apart and put it back together again. I wouldn't even think about doing that to an XD or pretty much any other modern auto pistol. I like being my own gunsmith on my 1911s. Tweaking them to my liking.

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The 1911 has limited magazine capacity, and you have the hammer to contend with. You either have to cock the hammer on the draw or carry cocked and locked (NO THANKS).

Astra900 one quick question, do you carry your XD with a round in the chamber? I carry both the 1911 and an XD40 but prefer the 1911. I like the feel of the gun and I also like the single stack magazines as well.

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