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Need help making final decision S&w 642 or 640

Guest TheBadLuckCharm

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Guest TheBadLuckCharm
Posted (edited)

640= steel 23 oz .357 snub 2 in barrel

642= aluminum/steel 15 oz .38 snub 1 7/8 in barrel

For carry.

I know the 640 is more expensive, but I am trying to decide if it's worth the extra money, the weight isn't that big of a deal to me as far as I can tell.

But I do like that the 642 is a tiny bit smaller.

I am aware you can shoot .38s in the 357 and that's all I intend to do.

My question is has anyone shot both of these guns and which did you prefer to shoot?

Does the extra 8 oz on the 357 make much of a difference in recoil enough to make it a more pleasurable shoot during target practice compared to the 642? How much?

Or do you prefer the 642's recoil?

I really appreciate all of your help,I am going to a gun show this weekend and going to look and see if I can find one of these for cheaper than at a shop.

So all of the advice I can get really helps. Thanks!

Edited by TheBadLuckCharm
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A 642 with .38+p is pretty snappy... but relatively tame with std pressure .38s. Any J-Frame shooting .357mag loads is going to kick you in the hand pretty good though... but if you're going to do it, the steel gun will make it bearable.


I have the 642 hammerless.

I can put it in my back pocket and really never pay attention that it's there.

The only drawback is that I can't fire .357 through it.

The guy that sold it to me carried one in the front pocket of his khakis.

With his pant being baggy, I never knew he had it. I was sold.

Because of the light weight, I can pretty much carry it anywhere on me...

back pocket, belt(iwb or owb), ankle, truck cab, Coronado vest....



I vote for the 642.

Had a 640, it was nice, but too heavy for pocket carry.


You'll carry it a lot and shoot it a little. And, you've already said you're only gonna shoot .38 Special either way.

sooooo..............................642 ;)


Take both to the practice range and you won't have to ask, but in a carry situation, when the bad guy is there, you won't notice the difference. My wife, who is 5' and a little over 100#, picked the 640 for the reduced recoil.


Also, should have said, the wife and I vote for the 640. If you don't practice with it, you shouldn't carry it. I know of several who carry the 640 or the Ruger SP101 in the front pocket.

Guest eyebedam

I've had a 642 for about 2 weeks now. I like it more & more everyday. My vote is for the 642. You won't regret it.

Guest TheBadLuckCharm
Posted (edited)
  Fencer said:
Take both to the practice range and you won't have to ask, but in a carry situation, when the bad guy is there, you won't notice the difference. My wife, who is 5' and a little over 100#, picked the 640 for the reduced recoil.

I too am only 5 ft-short arms, So recoil is my biggest concern since this will be my first gun I want to be able to practice with it (my husband also likes the 357 better so I think he doesn't mind the extra$)

I know under stress recoil wouldn't matter, but this will be my main practice gun as well, for now anyways.

But still if the recoil isn't that bad in comparison on the 642. I want to get all of this done before new years.

Of course stores will tell me it isn't but I've read a lot of men and women complaining that it is, but if it's not that big a difference I'd like to save money. I do like the stock grip on the 640 though. And I think SS might last longer but I am still debating.

I would like to be able to shoot both first, I know I can shoot a 642 at On Target in Murfreesboro for $30 but I am not sure if that includes changing guns, and if it does I am not sure if they have a SS- 23 oz 357 snub.

Hoping to go to the gunshow in Smyrna this weekend. Wondering if prices would be cheaper?

Edited by TheBadLuckCharm

I posted this in reply to this same post in the Women and Firearms section, but I'll post it here too:

Well, I've never shot a 640, but I do have a 442, which is basically a black 642. If you're planning on carrying it all day, I can tell you that the weight does make a huge difference in comfort. 8 oz. may not seem like a lot.....until you've had it on for 10-12 hours or more. Believe me, you will feel the difference. The smaller size of the 642 will help it conceal better too. As far as recoil goes....I'd say the heavier gun would help absorb a little more felt recoil.....but personally I think that's a small sacrifice. You can always pick up some different grips that are softer and easier on the hand when shooting at the range....and you could wear a shooting glove which will help too.

I wouldn't get your hopes up of finding a good deal on either gun at a gun show. From what I've heard lately, the gun show vendors are asking more for there guns than the local shops are. Go to BudsGunShop.com and check out their prices.....a good deal at any gun shop would be Bud's price plus the extra $25 that you'd have to pay for the ffl transfer. I believe you can get the 642's from most of our authorized vendors for $399.00, which is a very good price.

Btw, Welcome to TGO!! We have a lot of good people here that are always eager to help with any questions that you have.....or just talk and share ideas, opinions, and information. Enjoy! ;)


I have both (640 and 642) I carry 642 when I pocket carry and the 640 when I belt carry (with an outer garment to cover gun and holster.) I fire Hornady 125 gr XTP/JHP standard pressure in both. I like both guns, but if I could have only one it would be the 642. It is more flexible in carry modes and more practical for all day carry. 640 is very heavy for pocket carry. The only other gun I pocket carry is a Taurus 85 ULBH which is only 2 oz heavier than the 642.

Guest eyebedam
  TheBadLuckCharm said:
I too am only 5 ft-short arms, So recoil is my biggest concern since this will be my first gun I want to be able to practice with it (my husband also likes the 357 better so I think he doesn't mind the extra$)

I know under stress recoil wouldn't matter, but this will be my main practice gun as well, for now anyways.

But still if the recoil isn't that bad in comparison on the 642. I want to get all of this done before new years.

Of course stores will tell me it isn't but I've read a lot of men and women complaining that it is, but if it's not that big a difference I'd like to save money. I do like the stock grip on the 640 though. And I think SS might last longer but I am still debating.

I would like to be able to shoot both first, I know I can shoot a 642 at On Target in Murfreesboro for $30 but I am not sure if that includes changing guns, and if it does I am not sure if they have a SS- 23 oz 357 snub.

Hoping to go to the gunshow in Smyrna this weekend. Wondering if prices would be cheaper?

I plan on taking my 642 to Hobson pike range & shooting a few rounds through it this weekend. You are more than welcome to shoot mine.


I've got a 442 and it's great. Highly recommend. After breaking it in (learning how to shoot it correctly - you gotta relax) its surprisingly accurate. Gunshow price should be no more than $400 and there is a $30 rebate from S&W going on right now!

Guest Idahoser
Posted (edited)

I'd love to have a 442, to replace my Kel-Tec. "It's what you carry when you can't carry a gun".

In addition to preferring the dark finish for a deep conceal gun, the 442 finish is harder to mess up than the lacquer on the 642. So I'm told.

You must not purchase an "extreme performance" gun without shooting it first yourself. Don't ever buy something like this on other people's say so. If you absolutely must buy a gun without the benefit of trying it first, make it a "standard" choice like a steel/stainless medium frame. Don't go snub, either, if that's the situation you're in. It's not like having a K or L frame around will piss you off later on, when you know what you want.

That's certainly not to say you can't learn to handle these lightweights. But if you're normal, you probably won't like shooting it, and most folks will shoot it once, throw it in a drawer, or sell it. Save the trouble. Shoot first, then buy. There's a 642 for rent at our local range, if you can't find one to borrow.

I do have a 640-1 (magnum) but I don't carry it much. Definitely not a pocket gun, and if you can belt carry, why not a K-frame?

Edited by Idahoser
more info
Guest eyebedam
  Garufa said:
I've got a 442 and it's great. Highly recommend. After breaking it in (learning how to shoot it correctly - you gotta relax) its surprisingly accurate. Gunshow price should be no more than $400 and there is a $30 rebate from S&W going on right now!

What gun show have you been going to? The ones around here are asking anywhere between 429.00 to 475.00. A couple of our local vendors have them for TGO members @ 399.00

  eyebedam said:
What gun show have you been going to? The ones around here are asking anywhere between 429.00 to 475.00. A couple of our local vendors have them for TGO members @ 399.00

Bought mine during the summer @ the monthly Knox-Vegas show for $399.95 (+ tax & tics). Cash. Same guy had them for $409.95 last week. Depending on the show and dealer $410 WAS about the average. Those are hot little pieces and we all know about supply and demand lately!

Guest TheBadLuckCharm
  Bassoneer said:
I recently purchased a 638 Airweight .38 +P and it is great. What is the difference between the 638 and the 642? Thanks, B

I think the 638 has a shrouded hammer so it is single/double action

where the 642 has a heavier trigger I suppose do to it being DAO

Guest TheBadLuckCharm
  Garufa said:
I've got a 442 and it's great. Highly recommend. After breaking it in (learning how to shoot it correctly - you gotta relax) its surprisingly accurate. Gunshow price should be no more than $400 and there is a $30 rebate from S&W going on right now!

Would I be able to use the rebate if I bought it new from a vendor at the gunshow?

There is a used one for sale at one of the local shops for $400 but I don't think you can use the rebate for that.

I saw a couple of 642= $479-$489 new

  eyebedam said:
What gun show have you been going to? The ones around here are asking anywhere between 429.00 to 475.00. A couple of our local vendors have them for TGO members @ 399.00

And some are close to Nashville I believe.

Guest truthsayer
  Garufa said:
I've got a 442 and it's great. Highly recommend. After breaking it in (learning how to shoot it correctly - you gotta relax) its surprisingly accurate. Gunshow price should be no more than $400 and there is a $30 rebate from S&W going on right now!

I haven't shot the 640, but I carry my 442 more than any other gun I have.

Guest TheBadLuckCharm
Posted (edited)
  Idahoser said:
I'd love to have a 442, to replace my Kel-Tec. "It's what you carry when you can't carry a gun".

In addition to preferring the dark finish for a deep conceal gun, the 442 finish is harder to mess up than the lacquer on the 642. So I'm told.

You must not purchase an "extreme performance" gun without shooting it first yourself. Don't ever buy something like this on other people's say so. If you absolutely must buy a gun without the benefit of trying it first, make it a "standard" choice like a steel/stainless medium frame. Don't go snub, either, if that's the situation you're in. It's not like having a K or L frame around will piss you off later on, when you know what you want.

That's certainly not to say you can't learn to handle these lightweights. But if you're normal, you probably won't like shooting it, and most folks will shoot it once, throw it in a drawer, or sell it. Save the trouble. Shoot first, then buy. There's a 642 for rent at our local range, if you can't find one to borrow.

I do have a 640-1 (magnum) but I don't carry it much. Definitely not a pocket gun, and if you can belt carry, why not a K-frame?

I would either carry under arm or in purse. The smart carry creeps me out I do not want to look like I have a wiener.And I don't know how safe I'd feel carrying a no safety gun on a belly band.

I keep getting mixed reviews on the recoil,I see what you're saying but all of my husbands friends with guns are tall big guys with big guns. So I don't have the opportunity to try a lot. I did like a rossi 351 I saw. But I heard Taurus makes stuff cheaply and I'm not sure.

I believe the finish on the 442 is hardcoat black anodizing but it is blued carbon steel on the same parts the 642 are stainless steel, I was told blue was harder to take care of than s.steel because carbon steel is more prone to corrosion,and if it gets messed up you have to take it to a gunsmith to get it blued again.I guess if you take care of it,it won't be a huge problem. I like both but from what I've been told I dunno what to believe anymore.I think 642 is cheaper in retail but you can find 442 cheaper online.

Edited by TheBadLuckCharm

Earlier this year, I considered both the 640 and 642. I went with the 642 and have no regrets. The weight difference was the biggest reason I didn't get the 640.

For one thing, I wanted the option to carry it in an ankle holster. Carrying in an ankle holster is tough to do comfortably and a few ounces makes a big difference.

Also, in my opinion, the 357 round from a 2" barrel is not a huge advantage in a close range self defense situation.


Recoil...I have the 638, which I think is practically the same gun as the 642 with regard to size/recoil. I can shoot .38 specials through it without problem, and its accurate. However, for defensive rounds, I did water jug testing and found the Remington Golden Saber 125 grain JHP to be an awesome round, but it is +P and it does kick. I got some reloaded +P's for practice and fired about 20 of them on Sunday afternoon. That was enough to get the feel for it, and then I went back to the regular .38 Specials. I am a hugh guy and this is a little gun - so I am the one absorbing the recoil. I didn't like the tiny grips on the gun (only had it a few weeks) so I purchased a Hogue grip that wraps all the way around it and allow for all my fingers to hold onto the gun - that is a tremendous help, doesn't add significant weight, and I can still put it in my pocket if I need to (vs in a holster). The Hogue grip makes the +P rounds more friendly to shoot, but I still feel it. I have 100% confidence in this gun to do the job when called on...very good size and model from S&W. Later, B

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