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Helicopter Lane on the Ukrainian Highway


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The title translates into "Typical Dnepropetrovsk typical APU" which are references to Ukraine's 3rd largest city, and the Ukrainian Armed Forces.  Apparently the military in the region doesn't have much concern for motorists.  The song is a Snoop Dogg remix for those of you wondering.



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A friend of mine that's a pilot has been griping lately that the FAA is moving away from printed charts now. She bought an iPad with some app that has the flight maps in it.



Yep.  Glass cockpits appear to be "the thing" now, even portable ones.  :)    When I went on my Stearman ride a few years ago, the pilot/owner said all he typically used for cross country stuff was a road map.  It's not a plane you fly in bad weather, and it's low and slow enough to read signs on the interstate. 

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Yep. Glass cockpits appear to be "the thing" now, even portable ones. :) When I went on my Stearman ride a few years ago, the pilot/owner said all he typically used for cross country stuff was a road map. It's not a plane you fly in bad weather, and it's low and slow enough to read signs on the interstate.

I keep a road map in my flight bag next to my other charts as well.
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