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Peace loving, tolerant homo-sexuals?

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The problem with tolerence is that what these groups really mean is "Tolerate us". They don't want true tolerence. True tolerance would tolerate other people's intolerence.

For instance, if I disagree with your lifestyle, but do nothing to you than state my opinion, I'm labeled intolerant. But I say that you should accept the fact that I disagree with you, just like you want me to accept you. Why should I have to do changing?

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Unfortunately I had to be around quite a few homosexuals/bisexuals when I was in college. When they are happy or like you it’s all flowers and peace signs, but when they are mad or don’t like you (they were always pissed at me) they are among the most vile and vindictive people I have ever met.

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Unfortunately I had to be around quite a few homosexuals/bisexuals when I was in college. When they are happy or like you it’s all flowers and peace signs, but when they are mad or don’t like you (they were always pissed at me) they are among the most vile and vindictive people I have ever met.

Meh, that's a pretty broad brush IMO. In my experience, they're just like any other group: some are crapheads, some are great people, and I think their preferred receptacle isn't really the determining factor.

I worked with a girl who was about as "in your face" as anyone could possibly be. She'd do her damndest to tell you about what she and her girlfriend did the night before, and if you showed any signs of discomfort, she'd bring out the homophobe stickers.

On the other hand, I worked with a guy who pretty well fit everyone's stereotype of a gay man. Skinny dude, very effeminate, even had the lisp. Seriously. But in spite of that, he never made a big deal out of it. He didn't deny it at all, but he didn't treat it like some kind of special thing. It was just the way he was. Hell, he'd make gay jokes just like the rest of us. I had a lot of respect for him.

In the end, I'm with strick. I think it's friggin nasty. But it's none of my business what consenting adults do behind their bedroom doors.

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Guest Revelator

I totally agree with the Gutter. And I'd add that if you treat gays with disrespect, which I'm suspecting some of the posters in this thread do, don't be surprised if they do the same to you. They're no different than any other type of people in that respect.

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