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Goober Goes to Washington

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Looks like everything he owned was in the truck. He said e was moving and passing through.
I can believe it, that historical place is tremendous to see, but I wouldn't go out of my to see it this day and age. If I happened to be driving by and it's on the way, maybe.

The guns were unregistered due to md and dc nazi law.

Innocent criminal possibly!
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Looks like everything he owned was in the truck. He said e was moving and passing through.


Sounds like wasn't transporting firearms according to FOPA, so that can't help him.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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"Pickup full of weapons"

And they found three...

Make enough laws, guv'mint easily creates criminals


Well, until a year ago, sounds like he might could have been arrested in TN too. Also, federal property gun rules are an exception to all the others in TN regarding possession in vehicle.


So let's not get too carried away about how we've always floated off the ground with firearm freedom here.


- OS

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Sounds like wasn't transporting firearms according to FOPA, so that can't help him.

- OS

He was moving, wouldn't wherever he was going for final destination be a reason.

Of course there is something obviously wrong with him, who would move north from Tennessee? Hahahaha
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He was moving, wouldn't wherever he was going for final destination be a reason.


Seems obvious he wasn't even in the ballpark of transporting the firearms in the secure way that FOPA calls for. Firearms and/or ammo was readily accessible, and one seems to have even been loaded.


Also, case law seems to be quite iffy about stopping off on the way, seems to support only necessary stops for the completion of the journey.


- OS

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