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My day, the microcosm.

Guest Bronker

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Guest Bronker

Let me get this off of my chest. And also let me warn you, I'm afraid I will be long-winded. So, I will apologize on the front end. Don't feel obligated to read it. Myself I probably wouldn't because it's too long.

When will we reach the point that we have had enough? When will we stop being fugitives and victims in our own country? You know, God's word clearly says that man is granted free-will, but I've made my choice to follow Him. I'm tired of free-will, and wish God's judgment of this evil world will come swift, harsh, final, and soon. I'm sorry, but I just can't take this any more. He is a loving, but just, God. When will He have had enough?

I'm a 36 year-old man, married to a WOMAN, with two children. I was educated in public schools. I worked my way through college and graduate school. I have never been to jail. I've never been on public support. I have a mortgage, that I pay. It is not a sub-prime, because I borrowed only that which I could afford. My vehicles are paid for, because I settle for dependable vehicles that I could afford. I pay for my cell phone, not the government that thinks I'm entitled to one. I pay my utilities, and not with a Section 8 program. I pay for my health insurance, not the government that thinks it is a right. I am partners in a company that we built. I have several employees, whose insurance I pay for, not because they are entitled, but because they work hard and I reward them. I don't require contracts from them, because I only hire qualified, dedicated people. Not because I feel obligated by affirmative action. My "right-hand man" is actually a black woman. Not because I have a racial guilt, but because she is irreplaceable to me. I don't care what color, or what gender the President is. I care about their character. I am pro-life, pro-gun, pro-patriot, and pro-America. I love her, still.

I own guns, but I've never shot anyone. I have a drivers license, and I have a passport. Because the law says I should have one. And if I leave the country, I drive through the border patrol, not sneak across in the darkness of night.

I pay taxes, on time, because I believe in doing my part. Not your part too, just mine.

I spent the afternoon with a 92 year-old man who is riddled with Alzheimer's disease. He is my friend, although he forgets my name from time to time. But he and I choke back tears as he recounts every vivid detail of his participation in the charge upon Normandy Beach, and how he watched his brothers mowed down by the dozens through the scope of a gunner's station on board the U.S.S. Nevada. And now, he sits in a house he has to rent, because his social security is not enough to pay for a home. His landlord won't let him permanently attach the U.S. flag to this broken-down house. He flies one in a five gallon bucket full of dirt out on his porch. He tells me he misses church, but he was THREATENED by a cocky home health nurse that if he was 'caught' out in public, they would kick him off the home health program. He can barely walk, and can barely see. And he cries in my arms as we pray together.

30 minutes into a Walmart trip, I've already tripped over two dozen illegal aliens that do not speak english, but stalk the teenage girls that irresponsible parents dropped off at the new version of a 'community center.' They all have cell phones, that I'm sure I paid for. I have to watch my children like a hawk so that they're not snatched away by one of the parolled...but "rehabilitated" sex-offenders that lurk there as well. I pat the firearm in my waistband...the one that my government thinks is dangerous for me to have...as the three punks walk past my family as we load groceries into my paid-for mini-van. They're looking to hook-up again with the hoards of 15 year-old girls who are picking up their WIC items...and cigarettes...with a credit card, an infant in their arms and one in the oven.

They buy their cigarettes on a credit card granted by an irresponsible lender that I'm getting ready to bail out with my tax dollars (and yours).

And the view of me from my government is that I'm the bad guy. I have a nice house, so I must be evil. I'm white, so I am supposed to feel guilty. I'm a man, so I'm supposed to feel privileged. I am a citizen, so I'm supposed to feel selfish. I'm unrelentingly pro-life, so I'm closed-minded. I'm married to one woman, so I'm supposed to feel homophobic. I support our military, so that makes me violent. Because I believe in one single God, I'm supposed to feel fanatical.

I believe that if you don't like the war, remember this. A soldier cannot declare war. Congress does. A soldier is just following orders. Don't blame them, go protest the funerals of congressmen. Go spit on the capitol building, not the post gates.

And when it's all said and done, I'm the one that has to worry. I'm the one that has to feel unsafe in my own country that won't even enforce its own law, but is eager to create new ones to take away my liberties. I'm the one who has to worry about my fading gun rights, my fading 401K, my child's safety, his education, my fading religious freedom.

I'm going to puke if I hear the word 'tolerance' one more time.

I'm sick of it! There are 250 million of us. There are maybe 500 legislators in Washington. Even if only 1% of the population feels like I do, they are still savagely out-numbered!!! How in the name of God Almighty can we allow Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to feel like they can dictate things in such a manner as to 'call-out' Joe Lieberman because he had an 'awakening.' How can Barney Frank and Al Franken even share oxygen with me?!?!?


Sorry guys. I'm going to go clean my gun, and clutch my bible. I'm going to put my 2.3 children to bed, and I'm going to go pray for God's judgment. And I'm going to bed with the woman I married in a house I pay for.

And hope for the best.

Bronker dba an angry American.

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Guest Bronker
  strickj said:
Um...so I'm not supposed to pick up 16 year old girls at WalMart?

Strick...I knew that something was coming. Didn't know what...but I knew something!:eek:

  The Bronker said:
....I'm a 36 year-old man,...

Well written expression of your (not unique) frustration.

I can only empathize, and suggest that if you had seen America's demise for the extra 24 years that I have, you'd feel even more frustrated and enraged ... and ultimately depressed with helplessness.

This is NOT America in a natural progressive "evolution" or "change"; this is nothing but America in DEMISE, plain and simple. In the last decade, it's happening so fast that one feels like a historian reviewing the era in fast motion.

Without singling out any particular faction, let alone an individual, it's the inevitable imbalance of population vs resources finally taking effect on an increasingly rapid global scale. At its core, it's an environmental problem, but it is translated to economic and social breakdown; the "environment" can't systematically eradicate enough of us quickly enough, so there are more sophisticated and effective ways for the planet to shrug off perhaps half its population or more, like a dog shedding fleas.

Is this actually the beginning of TEOTWAWKI? Every generation thinks so. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.

But it really IS inevitable at some point, even if we didn't increase our ongoing population at ALL. Certainly, enlightened government could forestall this somewhat, but the last eight years have certainly accelerated the demise. And no, I don't think the next four can slow the slide much either. Things will just generally and gradually deterioate, until a trigger event makes things happen quickly. A depression like in the 30's would be plenty. We'd lose a third of our population in five to ten years, and assuming similar conditons globally, likewise with the rest of the world, probably with even more drastic reductions.

And sad to say, if you've read much of my other downbeat opinions on TGO, it really IS too late to do much about it, except whatever you can on a personal level.

And on that cheery note, I do the customary late sign off - have to be somewhere to shoot some tomorrow and see about buying a couple more guns (seriously).

And you though YOU were ranting...

- Oh "certainly, I hope I'm wrong" Shoot


and I am reminded of the book of Habikuk in the bible. It's a pretty short book and basically it's him calling God out on his promise to protect his people. It's one of my favorite books simply because it reminds me that God works on HIS timetable, not mine.

Still, I understand your frustrations. Pray for strength, patience and a little bit of mercy. It helps;)

  • Administrator

Excellent read. I have to say that Broker's thoughts mirror my own in a number of areas. The only one that I find myself disagreeing with (for some reason?) is the hope that God's judgment comes swift and soon. I'm not sure why, but I hope He stays His hand a bit longer and instead elects to heal our land one more time.

I love this country. I love the freedoms that we have traditionally enjoyed and I'd love for my unborn son to at least get to enjoy a little bit of what has made America great. I do not relish the idea of him going to any of the public schools around here, but I have some time to figure that one out. Maybe a move is in order. Maybe home schooling or private school. Decisions like this weigh on me and it's obvious that the world isn't getting any better, so I guess maybe I just selfishly want a little time with him and my wife, to enjoy them here in this world a bit longer.

Of course I'm not blind. I see what is going on around us at local, national and international levels. I understand that not only do fanatical men across the ocean want to kill each and every one of us, but I understand that there are people across the street who would like to do the same. That's why I push myself to "harden up" both on the shooting range and in my daily work outs. It's why I push myself to read more on different topics, to study the enemy, to strengthen my mind as well as my body. It's why I choose to go armed rather than allow me or my family to go silently into the night.

What I see happening to our country has to be a sign of things winding down. Often I dare not even utter such a thing in mixed company lest I be written off as a kook or a religious nut. But sooner or later, a thinking man with even a minor understanding of eschatology has to take stock of what's happening right now and wonder... can it be much longer? I don't see how it could.

So, I keep sharpening the steel -- figuratively speaking. I remember growing up in the 80's the evangelicals used to argue about whether they were pre- mid- or post-tribulation believers. I always shook my head, recalling that Christ said no one would know the day or the hour of His return. It seemed like an exercise in futility for people to argue about it; just one more dividing line between Brand A and Brand B. Now, I can't help but consider those things again and wonder... how bad will it get before? And I just keep sharpening the steel.


Time for some coffee then a trip to Wal-Mart for more ammo. I've got a nice shotgun to break in today. It's a bit cold, windy and wet outside but that's fine with me.

Guest canynracer

Awesome read....I feel the same....except I have three children.

Well written by all!!

Thank You.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Bronker

And I will also say this. If one more person says to me "Happy Holidays" because they ASSUME "Merry Christmas" will offend me...I'm going to slap them. Christmas is about Christ whether you believe in Him or not. If you are so 'offended' then your butt had better be AT WORK on December 25th! Jeeesh, people!

Rant off...til I cross paths with another liberal.

Guest Bronker
  Junglist said:

Jung, that was the 'calm' version!

It's more disbelief than anger,,,guess I need to up my meds.

5.56mm at a time!

Guest Hyaloid
  The Bronker said:
And I will also say this. If one more person says to me "Happy Holidays" because they ASSUME "Merry Christmas" will offend me...I'm going to slap them. Christmas is about Christ whether you believe in Him or not. If you are so 'offended' then your butt had better be AT WORK on December 25th! Jeeesh, people!

Rant off...til I cross paths with another liberal.

Not that I disagree, but I am glad to take Happy Holidays. I figure, hey at least they want me to be happy, and it sure beats getting cussed out (again). :D

That being said, I always say Merry Christmas... I mean, I'm not even all THAT religious, but He is "the reason for the season".

Guest Bronker
  cjr said:
Merry Christmas Bronker

Merry Christmas to you!

Your vacation day is approved.

Hyaloid - I can live with your reasoning, man. Well put, and right on.

  The Bronker said:
And I will also say this. If one more person says to me "Happy Holidays" because they ASSUME "Merry Christmas" will offend me...I'm going to slap them. Christmas is about Christ whether you believe in Him or not. If you are so 'offended' then your butt had better be AT WORK on December 25th! Jeeesh, people!

Rant off...til I cross paths with another liberal.

OP, well said. I'm with Tungsten though, I am not finished yet.

That irks me to no end that saying Merry Christmas is offensive, I will tell a whomever is in front of me Merry Christmas. Hell I don't care if they are offended even if they are Jewish or non Christian, get offended and get bent at the same time.

On the other hand, I got invited to a "Holiday Party" with a trade association for my career field. I was kinda pissed at first about the hole "Holiday Party" part of it, then realized that there are Jewish colleagues that are part of this organization and probably others, I don't know, I do know there are some Jewish folks. I realized that is fine, Holiday Party is really is generic and business that have other cultures involved need to be more generic. So I am ok with that, but if you are offended because I say "Merry Christmas" then be offended, I don't care, if I know you and I know you are a Jew, I will say Happy Hanukkah, but if I don't know you, too bad. As you said, if you don't believe in Christmas, then stop celebrating it, stop buying presents, and get your ass to work.

As a society, we have become a bunch of Pansie asss whiners. I'm glad that I do not associated with this type of people in real life and on here. Another good thing about TGO.

  strickj said:
Um...so I'm not supposed to pick up 16 year old girls at WalMart?

Depends, hows your spanglish?

Bronker, you my friend are not alone at all, as you already know. The good Lord will come, as been said, at his time of choosing. I am with Tungsten and am glad it is not today, for I have some ammends to make.

I work a customer service job for an airline, and on a daily basis, I have to keep myself from being fired, slapped, cussed out and shot. Tha said, I have one little saying in the back of my head....I may be the first nice person this poor SOB has run into today, so I will give him/her their rant. God knows all, and if I am wrong, they are soooooooo screwed!!

Merry Christmas dudes and dudettes...

Laughing beats crying....

Don't bring a knife to a gun fight.....

Beers on me!!

Guest Major Pain

A combination of excellent posts. Thanks.--MP


Amen brothers. I, We are of like mind. We are tired of the few telling us how We are supposed to feel and live. We the People are given rights by God and the Constitution and We need to start speaking up and standing up, before We look back and wonder where it all went. People should not fear the Government, the Government should fear the People.

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