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Westboro Protest in Chattanooga

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Not sure if you guys have heard or not but it looks like the Westboro group is heading to Chattanooga to protest the funeral of one of the marines that is being buried in Chattanooga. I have every intention of going and being a part of the barrier between them and the funeral. Obviously, the more people that go to form this wall the better.


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It wasn't God who sent that man to kill Marines...it was the influence of Satan...I am sure these folks can pick and choose Scripture to illustrate their point of view. We're in a bad place when both believers and non-believers twist Scripture and take bits and pieces to justify their actions.
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I'm sure that the Patriot Guard will show as well. Here in the South anyway it seems that the good guys consistently outnumber the Westboro idiots. A friend who it's in the PG told me of one event where a local sheriff told the morons from Westboro that if they got off their bus there was nothing that his department could do if the crowd decided to attack them because they were outnumbered. The Westboro Baptist Church left and the soldiers were able to have a peaceful funeral procession. Edited by 10-Ring
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Westboro Baptist church members live for being attacked. That is how they make their money. They hope their rights are violated so they can sue. Most of the active members are actually lawyers or studying to be one. We all have our ways of making money and surviving but their way is absolutely disgusting. Anger should not be the emotion anyone who is burying a loved one should feel at their funeral and at some point someone is going to loose it and try to kill them. And although I do not condone anyone being killed for exercising their rights if it happens I will not be too upset about it. And maybe after they see their members are loosing their lives they will find an ambulance or two to chase rather than use their right to free speech to desecrate our heroes.


And even though the Westboro members have the right to free speech they choose to use it to disrespect those that have actually fought so they have that right and that is what bothers me more than anything else. They do not realize that is was those Marines, and sailor, that ensures they have that right to protect at the funerals of the fallen.

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Check the Patriot Guard Riders website for any notices sent out about "missions".   PGR was established by two American Legion Riders in Kansas to put a barrier between these people and the families.  Mission statements will give the staging time and location, person in charge (ride captain), contact info and any other pertinent details.

 Now we provide American Flag Lines and escorts for any serviceperson, veteran, or first responder when requested by the family.    Membership is free, you don't have to ride a motorcycle, or be a veteran-- just want to support those who serve us.                 They stood for me so I'll stand for them.

Edited by RoadKill
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There's no mercy for these people. Not in my heart any way. All they want is grounds for a lawsuit.
Well, it's hard to sue someone when you're dead. Wrong as it may be to say, I would smile if some biker gang beat several of them to death.
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This is the first I have heard anything much out of Westboro Church since their leader died sometime back but as far as having any respect for them I would step on any one of them before I would a Cock Roach. I have a few local buddies that ride in the Patriot Guard who are leaving today and they are expecting about 200+ Guard Bikes to arrive. Hope that number is right because they can completely hide that damn church group.....................jmho

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Last time I attended a Military funeral was here in Gallatin when a Local marine was killed in Iraq. The Westboro Church showed up for that one and so did the Patriot Guard. The LEO's here told the Church members that is they even so much as stepped 1 foot off the side walk and into the street they would be arrested immediately as their protest paperwork stated side walks only and they gave them an appointed location they were allowed in which to protest. Then when the Patriot Guard showed up 150+ strong the police told them that they could not park their motorcycles on any Sidewalks. The gave the Guard a designated location that they could horizontally back their motor cycles into the curb of which all were flying large American flags on the rear of the bikes. The parking area was directly in front of the Westboro Church sidewalk location. With all of the flags blowing in the breezes you could not even see the church members. I politely thanked one of the LEO's for their designed thinking and he just smiled and said thank you. Funeral came off without a hitch...................... :up:  :up:    

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When we have to allow a disgusting group like WBC to hold protests at funerals; we truly have misinterpreted the Constitution and the intent of our founding Fathers. Send them the message that they have been barred from these funerals and if they show up they will be arrested and jailed.
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When we have to allow a disgusting group like WBC to hold protests at funerals; we truly have misinterpreted the Constitution and the intent of our founding Fathers. Send them the message that they have been barred from these funerals and if they show up they will be arrested and jailed.


That's a great point, and got me thinking...


If a baker can be fined over $100,000 for not wanting to bake a cake for someone because it went against their personal religious beliefs, why is the wbc not getting $100,000 fines for doing what they do?

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That's a great point, and got me thinking...
If a baker can be fined over $100,000 for not wanting to bake a cake for someone because it went against their personal religious beliefs, why is the wbc not getting $100,000 fines for doing what they do?

They have been sued and the plaintiffs were awarded 10 million dollar’s. A federal appeals court overturned and the SCOTUS agreed. (Snyder v. Phelps)
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In my thinking, this doesn't make sense. The bodies were flown to Virginia for autopsies..(why the autopsies is a mystery to me) Then I thought they were to be flown to their home towns for funerals.  I must have missed something. If it is here, I will be there and will be part of the wall. I sold my bike a few months ago, but I'll still be there.

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Definitely going to try and take some of my Joes and head down there.

Itd be really "unfortunate" if some of those turds got dragged behind the shield wall and got dumped up and the cops "couldnt see."

1st Amendment or not, those dudes can get bent by lifers in Rikers.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
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In my thinking, this doesn't make sense. The bodies were flown to Virginia for autopsies..(why the autopsies is a mystery to me) Then I thought they were to be flown to their home towns for funerals.  I must have missed something. If it is here, I will be there and will be part of the wall. I sold my bike a few months ago, but I'll still be there.


Yeah, seems only the perp would perhaps be having a funeral in 'Nooga?


Is there some memorial service or something in 'Nooga WBC is talking about picketing?


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Hmm, wonder where this douche is gonna be buried? Were he to be buried somewhere around here, wonder what the world would have to say if we protested HIS funeral. Maybe even set up a BBQ and beer fest with a portapotty over his grave.

Westboro can do it, so why not? Edited by Caster
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