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Can someone tell me what this .223 is ??

Guest jcramin

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Winchester .223 55 grain Ballistic Silver Tip

Winchester has done it again coming out with a great varmint load. These shells offer the knock down power you need to take down varmints/predators at various ranges and is offered at a very competitive price.

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WOW thank you, Way too small for something like deer but looks like a good round for small game I guess.



Oh you should see what they do to prairie dogs. :D

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WOW thank you, Way too small for something like deer but looks like a good round for small game I guess.



I have killed a deer with my AR using the exact same bullet. The deer ran about 40 or so yards. I plan on shooting another deer with my AR.

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Do we have prairie dogs in TN now?

Did they follow the coyotes in or something?

Tumbleweeds blowing around in downtown Nashville? :lol:

- OS

I've lived in Oklahoma there chief...

On occasion i'd take the AR out west of state and pop a few out of their hidey holes.

Same goes for Kansas.

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Guest Bronker
I've lived in Oklahoma there chief...

On occasion i'd take the AR out west of state and pop a few out of their hidey holes.

Same goes for Kansas.

...chief...I don't know why that's funny, but it is. Anyway, carry on...


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Guest Bronker
Gotcha, thnx.

- Chief OhShoot

You SOOO have to change your username to Chief OhShoot, of the Nappyho Tribe.


(don't ask me why that's funny, but it sure is!)

Maybe I'm sleep-deprived

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Guest Bronker
Out of all the things I've ever been called, "chief" is quite benign.

- OS

Don't be so sure. The Arapaho translated the word 'chief' as Royal Doofus or perpetual hemorrhoid...one or the other!

My gosh, how'd we get here? So wasn't that .223 a Winchester 55g ballistic tip? Yessir, that's a good prairie dog round. Can you hunt those in TN?

Well, can you?


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... Yessir, that's a good prairie dog round. Can you hunt those in TN?

Well, can you?


Sure you can hunt them, you just won't find any.

You can hunt Kodiak bear in TN, too. Although it would be better not to shoot one with a larger caliber.

American puma seems to be popular hunting pastime here, too, since almost everybody has either heard or seen one or has a trusted friend or relative who has.

I would also not shoot one of those with .223 - it would be better not to shoot one with 30-30.

- (big) Chief OhShoot

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Guest Bronker
Sure you can hunt them, you just won't find any.

You can hunt Kodiak bear in TN, too. Although it would be better not to shoot one with a larger caliber.

American puma seems to be popular hunting pastime here, too, since almost everybody has either heard or seen one or has a trusted friend or relative who has.

I would also not shoot one of those with .223 - it would be better not to shoot one with 30-30.

- (big) Chief OhShoot

Hey Chief,

My 6 year old son and two of his cousins are convinced there is a chupacabra living behind my barn. Just because we watched MonsterQuest one night, and one of our cats died without explanation. They put two and two together, and I didn't have to say a word.

Wouldn't dare go after them with any less than a Red Ryder BB gun

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Hey Chief,

My 6 year old son and two of his cousins are convinced there is a chupacabra living behind my barn. Just because we watched MonsterQuest one night, and one of our cats died without explanation. They put two and two together, and I didn't have to say a word.

Wouldn't dare go after them with any less than a Red Ryder BB gun

I wouldn't not shoot a 'cabra with less than 12 gauge slug myself.

(I guess we oughtta cool this..it's not just off topic, it's off the planet)

- Chief of the OhShoots

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Guest Bronker
I wouldn't not shoot a 'cabra with less than 12 gauge slug myself.

(I guess we oughtta cool this..it's not just off topic, it's off the planet)

- Chief of the OhShoots

Very true. It has been fun. Have a good evening!!!!


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