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Rahm Emanuel video detailing more about the proposed Civilian National Security Force

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History repeats itself... My only wish is to survive long enough to see those who voted for him to feel the consequences of his societal perversions, before I'm locked away in a 'radical conservative re-education camp' or executed by one of these stormtroopers he wants to create (or maybe the term will be sol'djas).

Welcome to the Empire of Change!

If it gets that bad my choice will be going out in an honorable fire fight.

This time I will support kids burning their draft card.

Edited by K191145
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Guest canynracer

well, looks like I am too old to join em, if I cant join, my kids cant join...so, well, I guess I will hunker down with the old folks till we all run outta ammo.

there is no way in HELL this whack job is taking my kids, no bad ass internet talk, it just is not going to happen if I am breathing. Period.

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Here's a mock up of the new uniform...


And here's Obama's version of Dr. Joseph Goebbels rallying the youth to serve...an appropriate message, by the way, of things to come...


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Guest gunnutt

Well i may be wrong here but i get a sneaky feeling its going to be the black panthers in charge of the civilian defense force,they have been causing trouble for years and after they showed up and watched the polls it dawned on me what was going on,anybody else think this or is my tinfoil hat a little too tight,thanks,john

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