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And if congress did this and tied it to federal funding then Montana would thumb their nose just like they did with the speed limits. Fine, we have posted speed limits, how does 90 sound to you through a residential town.

Montana abided by the national speed limits prior to their repeal. They did, however, thumb their nose by fining motorists something like $5 for speeding, if their speed was below the pre-55 limits.


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who dude, you got college? LOL

If BO could by EO stop people from carrying weapons for self defense he would do it. I do not know he has those means as our gun rights are regulated in Nashville.

Could they threaten to suspend public money for road upkeep? I dunno. Is that the money that pays for TDOT to buy all them orange barrels and constantly rip up and replace sections of I-40 and I-75? Or does their money pay for local streets? If it is interstates that message will not fly in TN. Those are two of the biggest interstates in the country. Must be maintained.

I would hope we in TN would thumb our nose at threats from the Federals.

I do believe that BO's private police force will need guns out of the hands of the average person before they can do their dirty work.

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I do believe that BO's private police force will need guns out of the hands of the average person before they can do their dirty work.


This is why I think it will be a priority for them to get some kind of new AWB going ASAP. I don't know how they are going to do it, but I am afraid it might take us all by suprise.

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I don't think BO is going to have a private civilian police force. I think he is going to institute more of a peace corp kind of thing, but with those screwed up libs, there's no telling what they will do. I do know he will try to starve us out. He's gonna put such a stiff tax on gun and ammo sales, it will be hard to buy ammo and be very expensive to shoot for hobby or sport. He will also put a stop to all imported guns and ammo. Hope you all can get what you want or need before January.

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This is why I think it will be a priority for them to get some kind of new AWB going ASAP. I don't know how they are going to do it, but I am afraid it might take us all by suprise.

I don't think BO is going to have a private civilian police force. I think he is going to institute more of a peace corp kind of thing, but with those screwed up libs, there's no telling what they will do. I do know he will try to starve us out. He's gonna put such a stiff tax on gun and ammo sales, it will be hard to buy ammo and be very expensive to shoot for hobby or sport. He will also put a stop to all imported guns and ammo. Hope you all can get what you want or need before January.

I was going to make a reply about how I feel about an AWB and outrageous taxes on gun and ammo sales, but I'll let the video talk for me .

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