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Who is this?

He wants to take power during economic turmoil, while promising hope for the nation’s future.

Wants to clamp down on big business.

Blames all the problems on those who are successful, saying they’re greedy and selfish and their wealth needs to be Robin Hooded away from them and given to others not as fortunate.

Proclaims that the evils of capitalism led to the current economic crisis, saying that the current system exploits the “economically weakâ€.

Gives speeches where, no matter the actual words or topics, people leap to their feet, yelling and screaming in praise. He uses specifically chosen words and catchy phrases to excite the masses, while offering no real solution.

Accuses opponents of being right extremists who will increase the wealth gap to maintain control over the working class.

Appeals largely to the young, ignorant, and impressionable population.

Mandates that citizens have a requirement of civil service.

Wants tighter gun control.

Grew up in a country other than the one in which he wants to rule.

Wants innovation to originate from government, rather than from the private sector.

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That is Hugo Chavez. the guy who dissolved the senate, made himself dictator for life and nationalized the oil and mineral interests.

when he did this, Chevron just got their people out, locked up the gate and handed him the key. He basically had them pay to build a refinery, then took it from them.

what he doesn't understand is that the oil refinery's require quite a bit of maintenance or they can't be operated safely. Have fun getting your parts Hugo.

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The above was excerpted from an e-mail from my ol' buddy Dale Sellers. The part I left off was:


If you said either Adolf Hitler or Barack Hussein Obama you would be correct.

The scary thing is we all know how history repeats itself.


Of course, anything is subject to personal interpretation.

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Very nearly sounds like FDR, who led us bravely into the great depression...

FDR may not have been the Greatest President Ever as some like to think, but the Great Depression was already well underway when he took office. Google the term "Hooverville" sometime.

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FDR may not have been the Greatest President Ever as some like to think, but the Great Depression was already well underway when he took office. Google the term "Hooverville" sometime.

There is a theory, and I have not explored it so I don't know if there is anything to it or not, that FDR significantly prolonged recovery by insisting on government solutions to the problem instead of letting the capitalist system work. Obviously whether this is supported or not is significant given on the current economic policies.

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