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Republican Congressman Warns of Obama Dictatorship

Guest emsputz

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Guest emsputz
Good article. Pretty much sums up most of the worries about our new leader that we all share.

Emsputz, I love your avatar! I wish I could get some bumper stickers like that. Where did you find it?

It was e-mail to me by Humanevents.com I think they have them for sale.

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To my knowledge... this is the first time I can remember hearing people I work with, and friends actually concerned about fully marxist and socialist ideals being put in place in America.

The fact that a large part of this nation is concerned, and are voicing their concerns speaks volumes about not only the president elect's character... but the lack of "vetting" of him or at the very least unbiased reporting during the campaigns.

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Guest strelcevina


"That's exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany and it's exactly what the Soviet Union did," Broun said. "When he's proposing to have a national security force that's answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he's showing me signs of being Marxist."

isn't that a patriot act??????

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Guest canynracer


The difference? The Patriot ACT is carried out by EXISTING law enforcement....

not a "national security force" outside existing law enforcement that reports to Obama.

funny how left wants to try to compare a private military for the pres to an act that was passed unanimously by both Repubs AND dems...that is carried out by Law Enforcement




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I hope he's wrong... but if he isn't, there will be U.N. Peacekeeping troops on the ground here by the time his term was supposed to be up, to quell any uprisings.

It's far-fetched, so I'm not counting on it.

Still, it's better to prepare for the worst.

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I hope he's wrong... but if he isn't, there will be U.N. Peacekeeping troops on the ground here by the time his term was supposed to be up, to quell any uprisings.

It's far-fetched, so I'm not counting on it.

Still, it's better to prepare for the worst.

I agree with you, but find it kinda funny...IMHO they couldn't quell a match stick with a 5 gal. bucket of water.

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With Obama he probably just needs to ask. At least half the country will gladly throw him the reigns.

I appreciate sarcasm as humor but I ask this question in all seriousness.

How would he go about becoming a dictator here? I ain't doubting people are like rats following the pied piper. Still don;t understand how it will happen

And with his term to be over at the beginning of 2013 I wonder how coincidental it is that the Mayan date book ends in December of 2012.


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I hope he's wrong... but if he isn't, there will be U.N. Peacekeeping troops on the ground here by the time his term was supposed to be up, to quell any uprisings.

It's far-fetched, so I'm not counting on it.

Still, it's better to prepare for the worst.

heh.. UN peace keeping troops? LOL!!! now THAT would be an exercise in global asskicking.

I've met those guys. we can take em.

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Guest emsputz

I hear that some of those U.N. guys are French. You can tell which ones cause they wear the white flag on their shoulder. Wouldn't even have to use any ammo, just yell BOO! and they would throw down their guns and piss their pants.:tough:

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How would he go about becoming a dictator here? I ain't doubting people are like rats following the pied piper. Still don;t understand how it will happen

It might be possible through the issuance of lots of Executive Orders, if enough people were gullible enough to let him get away with it?

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Guest nraforlife
so how does a President go about becoming a dictator?

Read about the rise of Hitler for a primer on how it it done.

Depending on what year you graduated you

1) Studied WW2 and the Allies and Axies Powers

2) Read a little about WW2

3) Hitler?

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Hitler through a series of political moves was able to get the German constitution suspended. I do not see THAT scenario happening here, but one never knows.

I do not think Hitler's rise to dictatorship is a good example of what Obama could do.

A big part of what enabled Hitler to acomplish his goal was fear of communism, and the ability to blame certain problems on the communists.

As I have read the average person in Germany was not affected by what Hitler was doing at the time. I am not so sure the average person here and now would not be affected by it is Obama tried.

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Guest nraforlife

Be watchful, be prepared and pray that it doesn't happen.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson

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Guest Ghostrider
Obama through a series of political moves and executive orders was able to wipe his ass with the US constitution. Since the large majority of liberal indoctrinated, unthinking, unknowing population; and the liberal leadership had no respect for the US constitution, this was much easier than first thought.

I do not think Hitler's rise to dictatorship is a good example of what Obama could do.

A big part of what enabled Obama to acomplish his goal was fear of conservatism, and the ability to blame all problems on the conservatives and the EVIL Boosch/Hitler/Rove terror machine.

As I have read the average person in Germany was not affected by what Hitler was doing at the time. I am not so sure the average person here and now would not be affected by it is Obama tried.

FTFY :ugh:

The average german was very much impacted by what Hitler did. As a result of suspending the constitution, Hitler brought in price controls, govt supports and was able to halt the runaway inflation and raised the average german standard of living convincingly.

This is thought to be one of the many reasons so many germans "looked the other way" on his extreme agenda. Their needs were met, and they simply didn't care to worry too much, or investigate too much, about what was happening to 'those people'.

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Following transcript from Obama campaign manager on Meet the Press this week;

MS. JARRETT: Well, it's a good question. There is one president at a time. President Bush is still the president. He's graciously invited President-elect Obama to the White House tomorrow to begin their conversations of the transition. So we respect that. He will be the president until January 20th. However, giving--given, really, the daunting challenges that we face, it's important that President-elect Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule day one. So we will be working closely with his administration. We're reviewing the agencies now. He will be making key personnel decisions. He gets national security briefings every day now as well, but he will not be the president until January 20th.

Begin to rule? Ohhhkay. Hey, will one of you 'O' supporters jump in, please, and tell me I'm a paranoid delusional?

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