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Anybody catching any bass?

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I'm a big time crappie fisherman my self. Best eat'n fish in the lake. I try to keep my freezer full, but it's getting hard to do lately. I live about 10 minutes from Lake Chickamauga and fish there several times a week. There's so many of the danged green trashy things ya'll call bass in the lake you can't keep them off the danged hook. It's got so bad that we have to take somebody with us as a decoy to draw them away from our crappie jig so we can catch a good mess of crappie. I used to eat bass, but I don't like them after they get over a couple of pounds since they taste to strong. It's hard to catch one under 5 lbs anymore. Them big 'ol bass has about ruined the crappie fish'n on the
Chic. The guys that fish for bass here all the time usually have 10 rods and reels on the deck while bass fishing. I reckon the reels just won't hold up under the strain of catch'n 7 or 8 of them 10lb'ers every trip. Yep..the bass fish'n is ruin'n our lake here in Lake Chickamauga and it's a danged shame too!!!
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I'm a big time crappie fisherman my self. Best eat'n fish in the lake. I try to keep my freezer full, but it's getting hard to do lately. I live about 10 minutes from Lake Chickamauga and fish there several times a week. There's so many of the danged green trashy things ya'll call bass in the lake you can't keep them off the danged hook. It's got so bad that we have to take somebody with us as a decoy to draw them away from our crappie jig so we can catch a good mess of crappie. I used to eat bass, but I don't like them after they get over a couple of pounds since they taste to strong. It's hard to catch one under 5 lbs anymore. Them big 'ol bass has about ruined the crappie fish'n on the
Chic. The guys that fish for bass here all the time usually have 10 rods and reels on the deck while bass fishing. I reckon the reels just won't hold up under the strain of catch'n 7 or 8 of them 10lb'ers every trip. Yep..the bass fish'n is ruin'n our lake here in Lake Chickamauga and it's a danged shame too!!!

Yeah.....rub it in. :shake:


We don't have that problem here. No one was open yesterday that sold minnows. I'd like to go back this evening and try to get on some crappie. You're right. They are delicious.

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All joking aside, the fishing pressure has gone through the roof since the state record was caught on the Chick. I used to put in regularly at Soddy Creek but if your not there a half hour before daylight you can forget it on the weekends and the weekdays are not much better. There are NO light days on the Chic anymore and all the ramps are heavily used every day. As is true anywhere, if you don't know what to use (seasonally speaking) or where to go it's going to be a hard day on the water. There's a LOT of unproductive water out there with thousands of points, thousands of flats and thousands of stumps and wood cover on the banks.

I remember back years ago when everyone wanted to fish Guntersville. I tried it a few times. I'd ask people that fish there and they'd say "fish the grass"....I'd lauch the boat and dang...there was MILES of grass!!!! LOL. I blanked there more days than I caught fish.

Just say'n.....
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All joking aside, the fishing pressure has gone through the roof since the state record was caught on the Chick. I used to put in regularly at Soddy Creek but if your not there a half hour before daylight you can forget it on the weekends and the weekdays are not much better. There are NO light days on the Chic anymore and all the ramps are heavily used every day. As is true anywhere, if you don't know what to use (seasonally speaking) or where to go it's going to be a hard day on the water. There's a LOT of unproductive water out there with thousands of points, thousands of flats and thousands of stumps and wood cover on the banks.

I remember back years ago when everyone wanted to fish Guntersville. I tried it a few times. I'd ask people that fish there and they'd say "fish the grass"....I'd lauch the boat and dang...there was MILES of grass!!!! LOL. I blanked there more days than I caught fish.

Just say'n.....



I love G-Ville but she can be tough. two years ago I was on the lake every other weekend, last year maybe 10 days. I feel confident when I fish that lake just because of the time put in. I will echo your words of just fish the grass..... that's what everyone says but by God there is a lot of it and a lot that does not produce. I'm really looking forward to fishing Chick, we rented a house in dallas bay with a private ramp. I'm going to start in Dallas and then go from there. I'm planning on fishing some places in Harrison bay along with a few coves around lookout point. I'm sure just about every stage of the spawn is going on right now so I hope I can find some fish. It should be fun, I need a good fishing trip, spring has been rough. Bass have been slow for me and I missed the Crappie spawn here becauase I was working so much.

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