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Interview with Glock Engineer about G43


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Except the ones that have brought theirs in to trade off because they hated them. And there have been several.

I can't dispute what happens in your shop, but the people that I know who own them are happy, as well as lots of great reviews from owners online. To each his own.
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I hated mine. Stupid LC9. The trigger was awful. If they had out the LC9s first, then maybe I wouldn't be so bitter about it.


Oh yeah, as soon as I dry fired an LC9s I sold my LC9 and picked up the s.  If the Glock 43 had a trigger like the LC9s, I would be really tempted even losing a round of capacity.  But I can't pay an extra $150 for losing a round AND a major step down in trigger performance.


Not knocking the G43.  If it gets good people to be armed more often then not, I am all for it.  I was just disappointed that it wasn't a good replacement for the Ruger.  The Ruger IS ugly.

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I thought the video was too close to truth not to be hilarious. Glock could come out with a single shot .25 acp and the fan boys would write glowing reviews and swear it was the best EDC handgun they ever owned.


Not saying they don't make good guns, but everyone knows that if your primary EDC is going to hold less than 10 rounds, they have to be .45 acp :hiding:


The Ruger IS ugly.


Come on...put any Ruger beside any Glock and it will look be like standing Scarlett Johansson :bow: next to Rosie O'Donnell  :puke:

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