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Baltimore in the hot seat now!!!!!

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I can sort of understand the Mayor's decision in this one.  Letting the rage burn itself out is a technique.  I'm not saying it's the right one, but I'm also not saying it's the wrong one.  


I'm sure the Baltimore PD and other agencies are being stretched thin with the situation, and I wouldn't be surprised for them to conclude that they simply don't have the numbers to secure every place, and instead need to focus on key infrastructure in the city.  They may also want to keep LEO's from being spread out too much number wise, in light of the current threats being discussed.


I know we see these types of actions and think in terms of action/re-action, but you have to look at the whole board, including how much manpower you have available to meet the threat in the days to come events.



Question for the legal hounds:


Would businesses that have been looted in the city, have a legitimate case if they sued the city because of the mayor coming out and saying the police should give those who want to destroy things, space?


They pay taxes which goes for police services, so I would think they may actually have a case.


Doubt it.  The Supreme Court has already ruled that police don't have a Constitutional duty to protect individuals from harm, so I'm fairly sure property or business won't be able to carve out a case.

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Don't see how you can "resist arrest" if you weren't being arrested in the first place, and an arrest requires a reason, ie a charge.


"Interfering with a police investigation" is sometimes trumped up as reason for arrest -- but in this case have never heard any mention of an actual charge of any kind.


- OS


If it comes out that this was all brought on by what amounts to "contempt of cop," Baltimore, and other cities around the country are going to explode even worse than when Ferguson happened.

Edited by btq96r
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Just got back from Baltimore two weeks ago.
Got to see a woman get punched in the face.
Got to see someone snorting coke off the bar.
My three buddies and I almost got in a fight with seven guys after one of them accused one of us of being a muslim.
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There is no justification for the rioting. Rioting and vandalism only serves to keep the root cause of the underlying frustration from being addressed. The peaceful protesters have legitimate concerns, but their cause is once again being highjacked.


I didn't see many black folks on TV trying to stop the rioting. I only saw a handful. 


Did you see a lot of peaceful protesters on TV?

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The word protest belongs nowhere around these worthless beings. Glad there are people who think it's a good thing the bloods and crips getting together and holding hands. Those people need not call for help when they're on the end of the needless beatings of people who have nothing to do with anything. They're burning and robbing places, just like in Ferguson, and will go back to whining with their hands out as soon as it's over. Makes me sick to see the cops have to deal with this when there are plenty of things they should be doing instead.
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This is ALL about being able to get free stuff and "hey look what I did" for street cred.  Just watched a stolen vehicle get driven through a burning barricade multiple times and stopped in the middle of the intersection so the thugs could get seen and then have their rep points go up a few rat points.              


They needed an excuse and got it just like every city in America will now as new black/white interactions occur. 


Ima go waste some cows and burn a barn now rural style cuz I got dissed by the Indian dude at the quickmart.....its how I roll.

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This may be a minority opinion; but i don't care what happens in Baltimore... A quick check of the history of Baltimore will tell ya that it has been under Democrat control since 1967... That means that for 48 years the "best and brightest" including the one they have now have been in firm control of this cesspool... I think it's interestin that since 2007, they have had two black women mayors...


I thought that this bunch would have turned Baltimore into a paradise by now... I guess not...  


There have always been two Baltimores; the one downtown around Fort McHenry and the harbor basin, and everywhere else... It looks pretty dangerous to me in both Baltimores...


Looks ta me like the citizens of Baltimore deserve better than this; but they are gonna have to change their attitudes and votin habits...


non carin leroy


Seems that racial tensions have gotten worse all over the country in the last 7 years, funny how a black Democrat President was elected, a black AG appointed and it's alot worse than when a white Texan Republican was President.

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It's tribalism man...!!! Nothin else; and its fueled from the White House... The regime in power now would like for America to turn into South Africa... They have got a little bit of it in Baltimore...

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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This is ALL about being able to get free stuff and "hey look what I did" for street cred.  Just watched a stolen vehicle get driven through a burning barricade multiple times and stopped in the middle of the intersection so the thugs could get seen and then have their rep points go up a few rat points.              


They needed an excuse and got it just like every city in America will now as new black/white interactions occur. 


Ima go waste some cows and burn a barn now rural style cuz I got dissed by the Indian dude at the quickmart.....its how I roll.


Better stick to the cities, rural folk don't need no National Guard.

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I didn't see many black folks on TV trying to stop the rioting. I only saw a handful.

Did you see a lot of peaceful protesters on TV?

How many would satisfy you?
In an attempt to be contrary, you completely disregarded the intention of my post.
It seems that very few are addressing the initial grievance.

Also, why would anyone with common sense stick around after a riot starts? Edited by LINKS2K
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How many would satisfy you?
In an attempt to be contrary, you completely disregarded the intention of my post.
It seems that very few are addressing the initial grievance.
police misconduct
Also, why would anyone with common sense stick around after a riot starts?

No mob violence of late involving protests of police use of force on black offenders has become racially charged and an opportunity for destructive attention seeking aimed at inducing fear. Its sad and the level of involvement by politicians and affluent celebrities and business people who should know they're being played is distressing. Peaceful protests are conducted by rational, well disciplined people who care.

That's not what's happening in this case and you correctly pointed such out. As to why someone with common sense would stick around after a riot starts you should study mob mentality and then think about how you'd get out of the middle of a riot. The correct question to ask yourself is do you place your personal safety above the cause you have chosen to support through active demonstration and or civil disobedience?   

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If a person runs from a cop for no apparent reason, and the cops do not give chase, they are in deep stuff if he turns out to be an armed escapee who kidnapped and killed a family of five after the cops failed to chase him, even if it happens days later.. The courts support the principle of the man of ordinary reason and prudence, and I believe such a man would believe that when someone takes leg bail simply because he sees a cop, the cops act reasonably when they conclude that he has probably committed a crime he does not want to be apprehended for and give chase. That's my cop's take on the initial contact with the injured man.


But after that, I think there is something bad wrong here, and that's a cop's take too.

Edited by EssOne
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How many would satisfy you?
In an attempt to be contrary, you completely disregarded the intention of my post.
It seems that very few are addressing the initial grievance.

Also, why would anyone with common sense stick around after a riot starts?


Sorry if I misunderstood. You just said the peaceful protesters message had been hijacked. While this is true, I was just trying to point out that I didn't see very many peaceful protesters. 

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These people destroying their neighborhoods and small businesses are a disgrace to humanity. There is no excuse for this....none. I hope they all rot in hell.


I've never understood how the violent protest that lead to rioting, looting, burning of property and business' serving the community lead to anything helpful for the orginal cause.


I guess it's just the "now's my chance to get something free" mentality coming to the forefront.

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I've never understood how the violent protest that lead to rioting, looting, burning of property and business' serving the community lead to anything helpful for the orginal cause.


I guess it's just the "now's my chance to get something free" mentality coming to the forefront.



Same as Ferguson... I bet a large number of the rioters/looters/scum don't live in Maryland, much less Baltimore proper. 

Edited by peejman
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Hmmmm.  Did I miscount or are there 24 arrests on his rap sheet?  Sooner or later your luck runs out son.



It doesn't matter if he had 24,000 arrests on his rap sheet. Seeing the police and running is suspicious, but not illegal. Don't get me wrong: a dirt-bag is a dirt-bag, and play stupid games; win stupid prizes and all: however, from the accounts posted so far the police had no cause to chase this cat down to begin with.

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I can sort of understand the Mayor's decision in this one.  Letting the rage burn itself out is a technique.  I'm not saying it's the right one, but I'm also not saying it's the wrong one.  



I understand it as a tactic. I just think telling the perpetrators that that is what you're going to do is just plain stupid.

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