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John Stossel report about gun control...

Guest Hyaloid

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Guest Hyaloid

He has done some before, but has an updated piece that mentions the VT shooting and related events...


Hey mods, any chance of crating a "Media" thread where we can post articles, videos, pictures related to the 2A, firearms and stuff?

That way they are all in one thread for future reference.

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Perhaps we could put external articles in the 'Articles' forum... even though it was created for member-written articles?


I think that's a good idea... As long as we don't end up with so many specific forums that we lose track of all of them.

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Guest GlocKingTN
Perhaps we could put external articles in the 'Articles' forum... even though it was created for member-written articles?


I think that's a good idea... As long as we don't end up with so many specific forums that we lose track of all of them.

My thoughts on that exactly. Dont wanna end up like GT or XDTalk, where you have more forums and sub-forums than time!

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Guest Hyaloid

That's what makes stickies so great... you can keep commonly referenced threads near the top, so they are easy to access, but not inundate folks with new forums and subforums.

For instance.... I would propose a "sticky" (if one doesn't exist) that contains a cut and pasted copy of all relevant state laws, AG opinions, etc. in either the concelaed carry or legislative and political sections. I'd lock it so no replies could be made, but it's there for easy reference so folks don't have to go to Lexis Nexis every time they want to read the statutes.

But... this is all off-topic in this thread... did you guys watch the video? I am becoming a bigger fan of Stossel's the more I hear from him.

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Guest CrazyLincoln

I saw this when it aired. I hope they start a trend.

I would like to respond to the comment that other "civilized" countries that ban guns have lower crime. Lets examine this:

UK: 24hr Surveillance EVERYWHERE. Deters crime, UK still has gun crime despite extremely strict gun control.

Switzerland: Civilian Guns illegal, but wait. Everyone is in the military, so everyone has a government issue gun.

Russia: Corrupt government. Most of the AK's come from here, and its not because they're sold by the gov't. It only takes bribe money to have a gun.

China: Execution Deterrent. It takes the US years to execute somebody. In China, its just short of take you out back and shoot ya. They'll even execute you for things like drug possession.

I'm not saying we should be like these countries, but need to make up our minds. Either we can go gunless and give up our rights such as privacy and the right to appeal. OR we can have these freedoms along with the responsibility to protect them.

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From what I've read, to buy a pistol in the uk it costs about 400 pounds...for one with a clean serial number its 1000 pounds..

they give up SO many rights..and now they're talking about being able to invade someones' home to take their possessions to pay for PARKING TICKETS... can you see that happening here?

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