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Getting Tailed, what to do

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Had very similar happen to me once over something trivial. The thing is, I can understand a honk, and even a little digital communication but once you start pursuing someone, that's stepping over a line (and into some quite dangerous territory).


That's right because if you're AGGRESSIVELY pursuing me, I can only assume you mean to do me bodily harm and much as I don't WANT to, I will react accordingly.  

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I guess I don't really agree that honking your horn at some a'hole is instigating. So if I honk at some moron that sits through two green lights playing with his phone, then I am the instigator and he has a right too knock my teeth out? I don't think so. Blowing a horn or even shooting a bird is not a physical attack, so if he decides to start a physical assault on me, he is the instigator and deserves what he gets.


Reminds me of a little confrontation I had many years ago. Some guy comes flying over a hill and almost hits me head on. I hit the ditch and gave him a very determined "salute" He whips over and jumps out of his car and comes charging at my car. What he doesn't realize is I have been working construction outside in the heat for days and partying all night and hadn't slept for 4 or 5 days, so I was well on the other side of raw. Without even thinking I grabbed a roofing hatchet that was laying in my backseat, and jumped out of my car. Those of you that know me know I am a big guy. 6'8" and at that time about 275lbs. I guess he decided that a bird was not such a big deal after all, because suddenly he didn't want to talk after all.

Edited by Glenn
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Reading more of your guys comments have been humbling. Though, can all of you say for certain youve never acted rashly out of anger or agitation?


Actually ran by the duplex where the guys car was today, more out of curiosity and saw him by his car and we had a pretty good talk.

I reminded him of what happened, he remembered vaguely and figured we were friends of his for some reason.

I told him, back when it happened with him chasing us, if we were armed the day wouldve taken a turn for the worse. He actually agreed, and said hed do the same. We had a good laugh about that.

I showed him the tapatalk feed, he was amused to say the least.

Funny how things play out. Im glad things went the way they actually played out.
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Though, can all of you say for certain youve never acted rashly out of anger or agitation?



DUDE!  I have done some of the dumbest crap when pissed.  

I limit myself to solitary outbursts of anger nowadays though.  I try to never let anger cloud my judgment when in the presence of others.  I'm still not above beating something apart with a hammer when it refuses to cooperate.  I just don't wanna act like that around people any more.  

Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE NOTHING MORE than to [Will Smith] Hancock someone who cuts me off or acts like an ass, but in reality, RARELY are the fruits of confrontation worth the effort and aftermath.  

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DUDE! I have done some of the dumbest crap when pissed.
I limit myself to solitary outbursts of anger nowadays though. I try to never let anger cloud my judgment when in the presence of others. I'm still not above beating something apart with a hammer when it refuses to cooperate. I just don't wanna act like that around people any more.
Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE NOTHING MORE than to [Will Smith] Hancock someone who cuts me off or acts like an ass, but in reality, RARELY are the fruits of confrontation worth the effort and aftermath.

All the above. Even now, if I thought I could get away clean with it, I might consider laying a beat-down on some clown who desperately needs it. Chances of success? Very slim. Too many cameras and cell phones around these days. But yes, some people really do need it.

It wouldn't be so bad if the "authorities" took dangerous drivers a bit more seriously. But had I called the sheriffs dept on the clown who nearly hit us (me, my wife, and our two-year old) head-on the other day, it would have been 'meh'. But if I were to point a gun at that same clown, they would have swarmed me like a bunch of angry hornets. Is one of those actions more dangerous than the other? Yep! The car is MUCH more dangerous. But aside from drunk drivers and speeders (and speeding is not necessarily dangerous in and of itself), ****ty driving is mostly ignored.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Darthlaidher
I agree with mostly everyone. Call 911. The minute you engage someone is the minute you will likely go to jail. First off getting out of the car to confront someone puts you at a disadvantage legally because you'll be the aggressor, also getting out of the car gun drawn is a big time no,no. You'll catch a felony quick that way.

Call 911 and if you had to stop, lock the doors roll up the windows, wait for the cops to arrive, if the other driver tries to break in while you are sitting there then pull your gun..

As far as road rage is concerned, ive been known to flip people off when they nearly kill me. My wife hates when I do it and im going to stop doing it. People do suck at driving though ive been on a cross country trip for the last three months and i can honestly say that people can not drive and i wonder how the heck they passed their drivers test. And it pisses me off when people do things that almost get me killed but now I realize that you cant esculate the situation, now i just tell my wife how much of an idiot they are instead of trying to let them know that they are infact idiots. Edited by Darthlaidher
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