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Congrats to MINORITY LEADER Naifeh

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Does anyone know if the speaker has to get a simple majority of the vote or at least 50 votes of the house?

The reason I ask is the news mentioned a 3rd person besides Munpower and Nafieh interested in the Speaker position. If all the Dems voted for Nafieh and the Repub vote was split between the other two would he still get it even though less than half of the house voted for him?

What my hope would be is the two Repub nominees would somehow decided which one of them would run. I figure this has been done before, either by a simple polling of the Repub Reps to see who has the most support or other means.

I am very hopeful that Nafieh will be gone.....but not counting on it till it is done.

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True that restaurant carry is a large topic on our CCW agenda and I would love to see the law change on this issue but it is only one of three big ones IMHO.

The other two are as follows and the chances of one of these ever getting changed are slim.

The first is State and County park carry. That is another annoying fly that just keeps buzzing around our heads. That can easily be changed.

The other, that is more controversial, but I feel should be addressed is that annoying fly's cousin, the "no firearms" sign on PUBLIC businesses.

In many other states it carries no legal weight unless when asked to leave, you refuse and only at that point can charges be levied against you. Here in Tn. you become criminalized if caught carrying past the sign.

The Feds, State, and local government have granted the right to carry and you have proven your ability to do so by not only your day at the class but the life you have led since receiving your carry permit. Why should a sign at the door of a PUBLIC building overshadow your right to self protection? It doesn't in many other states.

I know all the arguments about owners having the right to stop you and you should take your business elsewhere but there are times that is not practically possible especially if you are with others and they may be depending on you for a ride etc.

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I agree mousegun, there are several issues to be addressed. The ones you mention are the main ones to me as well.

But not sure how much we should expect all at once. I think a flood of pro-carry/gun legislation would get too much negative press.

But it is definitely a good idea to go ahead and let your Representative and Senator know your feelings on the issues.

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Guest David Waldrip


Democratic House Speaker Jimmy Naifeh

Saturday, November 8, 2008

By: Andy Sher

NASHVILLE — Embattled Democratic House Speaker Jimmy Naifeh’s efforts to keep the speakership suffered a major setback Friday when a Republican lawmaker, who has had rocky relations with some GOP colleagues, announced he plans to back the Republican nominee.

“I want to state today, unequivocally, that I pledge to vote for a Republican for speaker of the House,” Rep. Kent Williams, R-Butler, said in a statement. “I have every reason to expect that the Republican nominee will be Leader Jason Mumpower.”

Republicans picked up four seats in Tuesday’s elections and will have a 50-49 majority in the chamber when lawmakers reconvene in January. Rep. Naifeh has been working to peel away one or more Republicans to maintain the position he has held since 1991, lawmakers said, with Rep. Williams considered a prime prospect.

Rep. Williams’ independent style provoked harsh attacks last summer from some GOP colleagues who backed his opponent in the primaries. Republican Leader Mumpower, R-Bristol, remained neutral.

Rep. Williams had been among seven Republicans who voted for Rep. Naifeh in 2007 as speaker at a time when the speaker was assured of re-election because of the 53-46 Democratic majority.

In his statement, Rep. Williams alluded to the GOP election victories on Tuesday, saying, “We are grateful that the people of Tennessee have given us the opportunity to lead. We will make them proud.”

Rep. Mumpower said, “I feel very confident I will have the support of all 50 House Republicans to be the next speaker of the House. I have talked with all 50 members and all 50 have given me a very good reason for me to believe I have their firm support.”

He said he welcomed Democrats’ support.

If Rep. Mumpower is elected speaker, it will be Republicans’ first opportunity to run the House since the 1969-1970 session, when 49 Republicans and one independent in the 99-member chamber elected then-state Rep. Bill Jenkins, a Republican, as speaker. Republicans’ last outright majority was in 1869, the Civil War Reconstruction era, according to Tennessee Legislative Librarian Eddie Weeks.

Only the day earlier, Rep. Williams signaled he was leaning toward voting for a Republican candidate for speaker in January but did not rule out supporting Rep. Naifeh.

“We’ve got some things I’ve got to work out with my own party,” Rep. Williams said at the time. “I am a Republican. There’s just an issue that a number of members of my own party tried to beat me in the primary, so I’m still a little hurt by that. But I’m sure we can mend those bridges and move on from there. I know on my part we can mend those bridges.”

It was not immediately clear what prompted the more definitive statement issued Friday.

Efforts to contact Rep. Naifeh about Rep. Williams’ statement were unsuccessful. Earlier this week, the speaker indicated he planned a fight to keep the post.

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Guest HexHead

I know all the arguments about owners having the right to stop you and you should take your business elsewhere but there are times that is not practically possible especially if you are with others and they may be depending on you for a ride etc.

My car, my rules. :)

Besides, they have to have a sign with the proper legal wording. Most places don't.

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Guest HexHead
Write your re, even if he/she is a Democrat, and tell them you want Naifeh unseated. It just takes a minute to email them and I guarantee they aren't hearing from a lot of folks wanting Naifeh back in the chair.

You can find your representative here: http://www.legislature.state.tn.us/house/members/hmembers.htm#Find (bottom of page)

I got this response back from my Rep.....

"Let me assure you I have always supported the right for persons with gun permits to be able to take their gun anywhere as long as they are not consuming alcohol or doing drugs, and will continue to support this.

On the issue of Speaker Naifeh, I certainly appreciate your input and will make my decision based on all information before me when the time comes. I pride myself on trying to weigh all sides of any issue and make the most informed vote possible."

Still, keeping my fingers crossed. :)

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I got this response back from my Rep.....

"Let me assure you I have always supported the right for persons with gun permits to be able to take their gun anywhere as long as they are not consuming alcohol or doing drugs, and will continue to support this.

On the issue of Speaker Naifeh, I certainly appreciate your input and will make my decision based on all information before me when the time comes. I pride myself on trying to weigh all sides of any issue and make the most informed vote possible."

Still, keeping my fingers crossed. :usa:

Who is your rep? Republican or dem?

If a republican, it is time for an all out onslaught from everyone you know there. Do not allow this type of mealy mouthedness. OF course they can easily say they support all of that when Naifeh was in power and they knew it would never come to a vote. It is time to put up or go home.

Hammer, hammer, hammer!!!

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heh.."On the issue of Speaker Naifeh, I certainly appreciate your input and will make my decision based on all information before me when the time comes. I pride myself on trying to weigh all sides of any issue and make the most informed vote possible."

umm yah!

I'd have to write him back and explain it to him...when you "make your decision" you talking head, remember who holds the votes to your paycheck, or you will priding yourself on your ability to stand in the soup line. the time of politicians having no accountability for their decisions is over.

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heh.."On the issue of Speaker Naifeh, I certainly appreciate your input and will make my decision based on all information before me when the time comes. I pride myself on trying to weigh all sides of any issue and make the most informed vote possible."

umm yah!

I'd have to write him back and explain it to him...when you "make your decision" you talking head, remember who holds the votes to your paycheck, or you will priding yourself on your ability to stand in the soup line. the time of politicians having no accountability for their decisions is over.

While I agree with your sentiment I will say the $16,500 they make as a state rep is hardly keeping them out of the soup line, nor would the loss of that job cost of most of them money. In fact most in Nashville lose money to go to Nashville from their more lucrative jobs back home.

No, they do not do it for money, nor to implement YOUR ideas back home once there. They get elected to impose THEIR ideas upon YOU.

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While I agree with your sentiment I will say the $16,500 they make as a state rep is hardly keeping them out of the soup line, nor would the loss of that job cost of most of them money. In fact most in Nashville lose money to go to Nashville from their more lucrative jobs back home.

No, they do not do it for money, nor to implement YOUR ideas back home once there. They get elected to impose THEIR ideas upon YOU.

$16.500 is all they report. :usa:

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