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So, what are we gonna do about it?


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OK, so we lost the big one. Regardless of how much wailing and gnashing of teeth goes on over the coming days, weeks, months, etc., Obama is going to be our president in January. It sucks, but it's water under the bridge now.

So, let's talk about moving forward. Damage control, if you will. It doesn't look like the Senate supermajority is going to happen, so that's a small beacon right there.

I propose that everyone here take a moment to seriously consider what more you can be doing to protect our RKBA over the next four years. We still have the power to make gun control political poison. We have public opinion on our side. We have a recent SCOTUS ruling on our side. Neither of those are game-enders, but they're tools we can bring to bear.

I'll tell you what I've done. I've procrastinated for far too long about joining the NRA. No more. I paid my dues and signed up mere minutes ago. It's time to get involved.

We've taken hits before like in 1994. But the result of that hit was a nationwide pissing-off of gun owners. It's time to get pissed off again. It's time to make sure our voices are heard loud and clear.

No one can say whether it'll be enough; but the only way to find out is to do our damndest. If it's not enough, then we won't have to look back and wonder how we could have changed things.

That is all. Carry on.

Edited by GUTTERbOY
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This may be a blessing in disguise for our side. A clear victory can't be won without a clear enemy and this could provide that. Hillary would have been far more dangerous and destructive to our rights because she appeared less overtly threating. As a skilled politician she would have been able to slowly whittle away without much of the nation realizing what had happened. Much like her husband did. Obama, in his inexperienced way, has shown his hand and is not good at hiding his radical ideas. Now people are expecting him and as Sun Tzu said deception is an essential part of victory. Consequently that is how we have gotten to this point.

What is done in the shadows will be brought into the light. The light is starting to shine.

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Guest Crunchman

Any gun owner who hasn't joined the NRA needs to step up and join. For the next 4 years, the NRA and it's members are going to be a big painful thorn in the liberals backside. Oh yeah, and don't gripe about all the NRA mailings asking for donations, they need the dough to do their job. When you get $20 built up in your change jar, put it in the bank and send the NRA a check. Support the FNRA so they can keep the next generation of 2nd amendment supporters competing and enjoying the shooting sports.

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Guest bkelm18

I took a moment this morning to break down and field strip all my firearms, massaged oil into them tenderly, cleaned their little nooks and crannies, whispered sweet nothings into their ears, and told them everything is going to be alright.

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Odd thing yesterday, it didn't dawn on me till late last night, but Wally world in H-ville was out of most of the common ammo. I was going to pick a box of WWB .38, because 200 rounds might not be enough. But then, wowsers....almost an empty case.

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Guest TN.Frank

The NRA has done nothing for Firearms owners in the past and will continue to do nothing. They are a Political Organization designed to make money and that is all. Where were they when the NFA of '34 was passed? Where were they when the '68 GCA passed? What about the Machine Gun ban of, IIRC, '89? They did nothing to stop the '94 AWB and they'll do NOTHING to stop any new firearms bans. All they want is your money.

Best thing to do is ride out the next 4 years drinkin' beer and watching Football and not causing any trouble, same thing Gun Owners have been doing for years. No one wants to go to jail or die for their Rights anymore. America has been screwed ever since 1865 when the Feds showed that they can bully the States and took all the Southerners guns after the War of Northern Agression. It's been going down hill ever since and no one will lift a finger to stop it. Sure, a lot of people will talk tough, they'll buy an AR or AK and put some ammo back and say "They're not taking my gun!" but the truth is when the government comes for your gun you'll hand it over and bitch a bit under your breath, no one wants to go to jail over a gun or die for one.

We've got the government that we deserve so deal with it.

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Guest bkelm18

Oookay, the NRA has never done anything for gun owners. Right. And Walt Disney was a pedophile. :screwy::bow:

I'm not "dealing" with anything. Nothing says I have to sit back and do nothing while our government rapes us. I'm glad to know you're comfortable with what side you are on and that you're just going to sit back and have a cold one while the government erodes our liberties.

Edited by bkelm18
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Guest TN.Frank

I'm not "dealing" with anything. Nothing says I have to sit back and do nothing while our government rapes us. I'm glad to know you're comfortable with what side you are on and that you're just going to sit back and have a cold one while the government erodes our liberties.

In all the years of gun control have you know of firearms owners, just once, taking up arms and marching on Washington D.C. to get the laws changed? Just give me one example. I've been hangin' out on gun boards for years and I've seen all maner of "talk" about what they'd do but NEVER have I seen any action.

I used to be full of Piss and Vinegar, ready to take up arms and set things straight and every single time I said something about doing it I'd have a bunch of folks telling me that "This is America, we don't take up arms to change things here, we vote on things to change em'." Well, looks like we've voted ourselves into one heck of a mess but I really doubt that ANYONE will DO anything about it.

I remember the '94AWB, do you? I remember the NRA Pres. telling everyone that like it or not it was the law of the land and as law biding citizens we should follow the law.

When the NRA gets the '68 GCA taken off of the books I'll join, until then I say all they're after is gun owners money and couldn't care less about Firearms Rights. Prove me wrong, show me one time, just one, where they've worked to get a gun control law removed form the books.

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Sure, a lot of people will talk tough, they'll buy an AR or AK and put some ammo back and say "They're not taking my gun!" but the truth is when the government comes for your gun you'll hand it over and bitch a bit under your breath, no one wants to go to jail over a gun or die for one.

We've got the government that we deserve so deal with it.

Wanna bet pal? I am 44 years old,no family,work a dead end job with work getting slacker every week.I have just seen this God Damn country elect a socialist president and seem giddy about doing it.I'm bored and could use a little excitement,bring it on.

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In all the years of gun control have you know of firearms owners, just once, taking up arms and marching on Washington D.C. to get the laws changed? Just give me one example. I've been hangin' out on gun boards for years and I've seen all maner of "talk" about what they'd do but NEVER have I seen any action.

I used to be full of Piss and Vinegar, ready to take up arms and set things straight and every single time I said something about doing it I'd have a bunch of folks telling me that "This is America, we don't take up arms to change things here, we vote on things to change em'." Well, looks like we've voted ourselves into one heck of a mess but I really doubt that ANYONE will DO anything about it.

I remember the '94AWB, do you? I remember the NRA Pres. telling everyone that like it or not it was the law of the land and as law biding citizens we should follow the law.

When the NRA gets the '68 GCA taken off of the books I'll join, until then I say all they're after is gun owners money and couldn't care less about Firearms Rights. Prove me wrong, show me one time, just one, where they've worked to get a gun control law removed form the books.

The NRA is far from perfect, I'll concede that, but you're not doing anything either. You are giving up. This country is split in half right now. Straight down the middle. This country hasn't faced anything like this in modern times. Our rights have been chipped away at, but if the day ever should come that everyone decides to stand and fight back, I seriously doubt the people that would actually do it will scream it on a public message board so why don't you just relax?

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...This country is split in half right now. Straight down the middle. This country hasn't faced anything like this in modern times. ....

Oh, I dunno about that.

Have you forgotten 2000 election?

Bush didn't even win the popular vote, and wasn't really president elect until Supreme Court ruling in December, which determined that he won Florida by 500 votes.

Now, THAT'S "split".

- OS

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Guest TN.Frank
Wanna bet pal? I am 44 years old,no family,work a dead end job with work getting slacker every week.I have just seen this God Damn country elect a socialist president and seem giddy about doing it.I'm bored and could use a little excitement,bring it on.

Do it then talk about it, or better yet, let us read about it in the papers.

At least over half of the people in this country and happy with electing Obama, even if I'm not. Besides, Bush did his share of anti-gun crap on all of us, or don't ya'll remember that?

I'm simply riding the wave until I can catch another one. As someone great once said "This too shall pass." 4 years down the road we get to vote again, hopefully we'll have all learned from this go around not to make the same mistake the next go around.

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Guest canynracer
Do it then talk about it, or better yet, let us read about it in the papers.

At least over half of the people in this country and happy with electing Obama, even if I'm not. Besides, Bush did his share of anti-gun crap on all of us, or don't ya'll remember that?

I'm simply riding the wave until I can catch another one. As someone great once said "This too shall pass." 4 years down the road we get to vote again, hopefully we'll have all learned from this go around not to make the same mistake the next go around.

"YOU do it, Let me READ about it" :screwy:

You're right Frank...sit back an wait for your Obama check.

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Guest Boomhower

I don't know what everyone is so worried about......This world is a better place today than it was yesterday.

I'm going to quit work and just wait on my Obama re-distributed check from all you rich gun buying cronies, so I can buy me some more guns.

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Do it then talk about it, or better yet, let us read about it in the papers.

At least over half of the people in this country and happy with electing Obama, even if I'm not. Besides, Bush did his share of anti-gun crap on all of us, or don't ya'll remember that?

I'm simply riding the wave until I can catch another one. As someone great once said "This too shall pass." 4 years down the road we get to vote again, hopefully we'll have all learned from this go around not to make the same mistake the next go around.

Fine,sit on your ass and talk about how people will do nothing.Maybe you perhaps.:)

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I don't know what everyone is so worried about......This world is a better place today than it was yesterday.

I'm going to quit work and just wait on my Obama re-distributed check from all you rich gun buying cronies, so I can buy me some more guns.

Boom I'm bringing the Colt 45 and some Newports! We can wait on our checks together!

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Guest TN.Frank
Fine,sit on your ass and talk about how people will do nothing.Maybe you perhaps.:)

That's just my point. In the past I've always done something and just ended up wasting my money and time.

Let me ask ya'll this, how many Pre-Ban config. AR's did ya'll build during the Ban? I built 3 and it was all a waste of my money. The Ban went away when it "sunset" and now we're all buying "Pre-Ban" guns again. Just don't worry, wait it out and we'll all be fine.

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Guest canynracer

umm...this time the ban may be permenant...

You say you've "always done something" Like what? building a rifle?

You are going from one extreme to another... On one hand its march on DC...on the other, build a pre-ban quietly at home...

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Guest TN.Frank
umm...this time the ban may be permenant...

You say you've "always done something" Like what? building a rifle?

You are going from one extreme to another... On one hand its march on DC...on the other, build a pre-ban quietly at home...

I've joined the NRA, bought rifles and stock piled ammo all for the time when Americans would get off of their butts and take this country back from the politicians but NO ONE else seemed to care so this time I'm just going to ride it out until it's election time again and vote and hopefully we'll get the right people in D.C. instead of the wrong ones.

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some great suggestions so far... if I may add another:

let's inject some new blood into our culture/sport/passion/belief.

we need to realize that the sheeple have been thoroughly convinced we are gun nuts. we can't even talk about our latest rifle by the office water cooler without getting funny looks. mention AK or AR and they may start the HR paperwork. what we need to do is convince people why the 2nd ammendment is important. we need to remove some of the lies and show them an AK isn't all that scary. we need to show people how fun our sport/passion really is.

my suggestion? if every gun owner converts just one more person to this - we have just doubled NRA membership. we have just doubled pro-gun voters. we have just reduced crime. and if zombies (be it the undead or the braindead) decide to attack - we now have another brother/sister in arms.

Take someone out shooting. Start with a 22. Show them guns aren't any scarier than a baseball bat or another inanimate tool. Take the time to explain what makes a 'semi automatic' assualt rifle (that it's not a machine gun) and the folly of gun control.

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Guest Rem_700
am I going to DC...no

if they come to me...I hope to make enough noise to get a mention on TV...if I hold out long enough I might get a "live on the scene" segment.

If they come for you and for your guns and I see you on TV i'll come and fight my way into you!If there not at my house trying to get mine!

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