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We're F'ed

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As is probably no surprise to the majority here, I take a much different view of the events of yesterday -they were simply historic and positive.

The mood of most of the people I know off-board is simply that of unmitigated joy and relief. I forsee none of the doomsday scenarios outlined here, although the economy will be in for a rough ride for a while -but that would have been the case regardless of who the President is or will be.

I am more optimisitic than many here and I certainly hope we all sit back, watch, and participate in our government over the next several years and see what really happens, and then compare such with the predictions made. I for one can't wait, and I for one don't anticipate impending doom or the burning of the constituion. I especially look forward to us resuming our place as a respected leader in the community of nations. Having a couple of billion fewer people hating our guts will improve our national security and our economy, plus give us additional leverage in getting things done globally.

One sad outcome of this election will be Sen. McCain's now very difficult re-election in 2010. He'll undoubtedly face the incumbent Democratic Governor of Arizona, arguably the second most popular governor in the nation. Not the best way to end 3+ decades of honorable public service.

I went out on Monday and bought a new American flag. The one flying from my house was getting faded. I bought a top-of-the-line flag, with non-fade colors and hand-stiched stars. I thought it most appropriate to have a fresh flag flying. One where the colors never will run. That's the kind of flag we need, the kind I now have, and the kind I firmly believe will fly over the White House in January.

To Senator McCain: :hat:

To the United States: :usa:

Funny how no one (media, Dems, etc.) talk about the actual recession Bush inherited with all things 911 on top of that and it took Bush less than a year. Right now we haven't even had 1 quarter of negative GDP (it takes 3 for a recession) and all we hear is the messiah might not be able to rescue the economy, but we'll have hope and change! Already seeing the blame Bush game for Obama's projected failures.

Geesh, every election is historic. Every President inherits a slumping economy. I too look forward to seeing how thing stack up and not based on how I feel abot the economy but by the actual numbers. Numbers don't lie. Statistically, Bush as been very good and I'll put them against anyone but reagan, but his opponents will give him no credit. Only blame for what they can't blame on themselves. This get's so tired.

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I went out on Monday and bought a new American flag. The one flying from my house was getting faded. I bought a top-of-the-line flag, with non-fade colors and hand-stiched stars. I thought it most appropriate to have a fresh flag flying. One where the colors never will run. That's the kind of flag we need, the kind I now have, and the kind I firmly believe will fly over the White House in January.

Sort of one of those "for the first time in my adult life, I am proud of this country" Michelle Obama moments, huh? :usa:

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Guest canynracer
I am a white, 55 year old, conservative male. I say yes sir and yes ma'am to my elders and persons that I work for. I like guns, love to drive fast, and have devoted a huge part of my life to try and pay back this country for the freedoms and opportunities that I enjoy. I consider today the darkest, most bleak of my entire life. I've been close enough to death to buy him a drink a couple of times, but I've never felt this helpless or betrayed. Go ahead, call me names, call me close minded, call me a redneck, or a cracker (a word which is going to get a TON of play over the next years). My predictions: 1. No direct assault on the 2nd - microengraving, taxes and other legal hurdles on ammo will take care of the 2A functionally. 2. A direct assault on the 22nd ammendment. President for life. 3. double digit inflation, double digit unemployment, double or triple digit taxes on everything we enjoy. 4. A return to prejudice and bias a la the 50s, but with whites being on the short end this time. 5. The obamacorps to keep the workers and the whites in line and taxed to death. 6. Open borders - US citizenship will be as valuable as a used condom. 7. The end of cheap anything - as all taxes will rise and many "mainstay" US institutions will be shuttered, such as coal power, drilling anywhere within 1000 miles of our territory (by us), and any US industry that makes a decent profit that isn't govt. controlled. 8. Bottom line, we will be too busy with the business of getting by, to live our lives and enjoy them. 9. There is no where else to go that is as free as the US has been. I watched the sunset tonight over the bay and felt it would be the last sunset I'd ever see as a really free man. Tomorrow, we grease the slide to hell and start polishing.... Good luck my friends, in 4 years, you won't even recognize this country, it'll look a whole lot more like Somalia, or Iraq, than the US. All you guys that want to give him a chance and not rush to judgment... well, good luck with that. If I've learned anything in my life, it's that snakes are all pretty, but they all bite, and many of them can kill you without a blink. Be careful how you handle the snake.... May God bless and keep us all.... :usa:


Closed-minded, hmm?

I don't like dead babies.

I don't like the homosexual agenda.

I don't like the far-left liberal agenda.

I don't like government-sponsored socialism.

I DO like my gun rights.

On those issues alone, there's nothing to "try."


Let me say first and foremost that I am grateful for your service to and sacrifices for this country. As a Marine, you have my gratitude and my admiration.

But when it comes to moving to another country, there are plenty in this world that already provide a socialist government to those who wish to live under such. There is no reason for us to move there when you could. I would happily buy you a one way airline ticket to any of them provided you agree to stay there and become an ex-pat.

Me? I'm going to stay here and fight for the country that I love. I am not ready to see it become Europeanized and will do everything within my power as a citizen and a patriot to fight against this new brand of socialism disguised as Progressivism.

Once upon a time you took an oath to defend our Constitution. Now, the man who somehow managed to be elected yesterday, and his regime of "Change" will begin dismantling and castrating it right before your eyes. I'm surprised that sits well with you.

God have mercy on us all.


and...my new avatar


There once stood an elm tree at the corner of Essex Street and Orange Street in Boston, Massachusetts, under which a group of men calling themselves the "Sons of Liberty" met to protest the notorious British Stamp Act sometime during 1765. From that time onward, the tree was popularly called the "Liberty Tree". In 1775, the British seized Boston, cut down the tree and used it for firewood. Flags bearing the symbol of the "Liberty Tree" almost immediately began to appear. So it is no wonder that when, in the fall of that same year, George Washington outfitted a squadron of six schooners at his own expense, he fittingly used the symbol of the tree and his own personal prayer to the Lord with the phrase, "An Appeal to Heaven".

Edited by canynracer
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Guest theolog
That's the kind of flag we need, the kind I now have, and the kind I firmly believe will fly over the White House in January.

Too bad the 'first family' won't salute it.


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Having a couple of billion fewer people hating our guts will improve our national security and our economy, plus give us additional leverage in getting things done globally.

Also, that's a couple billion that can kiss our ass.

Who care's what the rest of the world thinks???? EF'em, If the rest of the world had amounted to anything near the level this country has, they might have something to say worth listening too.

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It matters more to me that we send billions of dollars to countries who hate us no matter what, than it does for some snake-in-the grass to become president and make every enemy of the U.S. jump for joy.

Yep, and that's why they can all K.O.A.

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Guest Guitarsnguns
Guys, all we can do as Americans is keep fighting the good (and legal) fight for individual rights under the Constitution.

No president has yet been elected that has not had a significant portion of the population totally against some part of his platform.

Even though I am a total pessimist about the future of America (and the rest of the world), it has little to do with the impact of one man or party for a 4-8 year duration.

I for one sincerely hope that in ways we can't yet foresee, Barack Obama will be deemed one of our greatest presidents and will somehow bring all Americans' hearts and minds closer together rather than further apart.

- OS

Mcain's concession speach is......honorable.............but damned..I still don't want a socialist muslim as my commander in chief..glad i bought that AK last month.

I also bought an AK last month for the same probable reasons; however, I agree with OhShoot's take on the matter. I did not vote for Obama, but I will support our new president when he is right, and oppose him when he is wrong just the same as any other elected official. This is still America

no matter how fu$$ed up it mat be at the moment. Stay in touch with your congressmen, educate the unknowing and let your voice be heard, but stand together as one or we will truly be done for. There has never been a time or place in history where everyone agreed on everything. God help us all.

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One of these days he's going to step off of Marine One and not return a Marines' salute. He might just get the half black kicked out of his ass.:rolleyes:

Seriously - what would happen if he didn't return a salute?

Curious - never served in the military so I don't know protocol...

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Technically, nothing. He is a civilian. The President just returns the salutes as a sign of respect. We ofcourse salute the President because he is our Commander in Chief. In short, we have to, he doesn't. Yet, it would be the biggest personal slap in the face that he could bestow upon those of us in the military.

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He is a civilian.

I was always taught in civics class that the Prez wears 3 hats

Chief Executive of the US Government

Chief Diplomat for Foreign Relations

Commander and Chief of the US Military

I think if I remember correctly, if the Prez were ever to don military uniform It would show the ranking of a 5 star general.

But either way the SOB better salute the Marines and his own flag!

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Guest bkelm18
I was always taught in civics class that the Prez wears 3 hats

Chief Executive of the US Government

Chief Diplomat for Foreign Relations

Commander and Chief of the US Military

I think if I remember correctly, if the Prez were ever to don military uniform It would show the ranking of a 5 star general.

But either way the SOB better salute the Marines and his own flag!

The president cannot don a military uniform.

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Seriously - what would happen if he didn't return a salute?

Curious - never served in the military so I don't know protocol...

In general, not returning the salute of a subordinate is considered to be a sign of disrespect, whether the senior is the President or a snot-nosed O-1.

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Guest Verbal Kint
Seriously - what would happen if he didn't return a salute?

Curious - never served in the military so I don't know protocol...

Colonel Hayes Hodges (Tommy Lee Jones - Rules of Engagment): You ever had a pissed-off Marine on your ass?



Edited by Verbal Kint
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As was said, not returning a salute is considered blatant disrespect.

It really grinds me that he just stands there during the National Anthem. I've got less than a year to go until my 20 years in the Army Reserves, and I'm going to be hard pressed to stay in longer given I have so far little respect for the incoming Commander and Chief.

I will say one good thing though. I think he will finally get us out of Iraq, which has been far overdue. You simply can't do for them what they aren't willing to do themselves. Their government is inept and corrupt. They make so much money on oil, but it is being pocketed by corrupt officials and not being used to rebuild the country.

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Guest canynracer

voigts, first off thank you for your dedication, and your service.

but with all due respect, I think just pulling out of Iraq will leave a mess that will leave a stain (as with all pull outs).

I would hate to see the losses and ultimate sacrifice that our fine soldiers and their families have gone through be for nothing.

We need to finish the job and bring them home with the feeling of accomplishment. You pull out now, the country will go right back to what it was, or worse, you leave them vunerable for others to walk in, they have no defenses. It would be overall, a mess.

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voigts, first off thank you for your dedication, and your service.

but with all due respect, I think just pulling out of Iraq will leave a mess that will leave a stain (as with all pull outs).

I would hate to see the losses and ultimate sacrifice that our fine soldiers and their families have gone through be for nothing.

We need to finish the job and bring them home with the feeling of accomplishment. You pull out now, the country will go right back to what it was, or worse, you leave them vunerable for others to walk in, they have no defenses. It would be overall, a mess.

Thank you. I appreciate that.

I don't think I'd advocate a sudden and total pullout, but at this point, the Iraqis need to know that we are leaving. They so far have not taken the responsibility to fix their own country. Why should they? We are making people in their govt rich. I'm afraid that no matter how long we would stay, we are going to leave a stain. This war was messed up by Rumsfeld from the very beginning by going against the advice of the commanding generals and advisors. They called for 400,000 troops to secure the borders, but when Turkey backout out of allowing US forces to stage there, Rumsfeld gave the go ahead to start this with only about the 25,000 troops that were in Kuwait. Kuwait simply did not have the infrastructure to support more troops, so Rumsfeld pushed the troops forward, setup up more forward camps, and started the supply lines to support them. There were way too few troops to secure the borders. This prolonged mess is the result, and I just don't see any kind of clean resolution.

You also have the problem that short of a draft, we simply cannot sustain this both in manpower and equipment. There are Guard and Reserve soldiers going on their 3rd 1+ year deployment, not to mention the Active Duty. That has never happened in the history of this country, and we are killing our military. We simply do not have enough Active Duty troops to sustain this. We are talking Guard/Reserve troops losing jobs, suffering serious financial hardships, a divorce rate that has soared up, etc. This cannot be sustained.

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