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Need help disassembling a bolt

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I have a 1971 Browning BBR.  It the predecessor to the A-bolt.  I want to disassemble, inspect and clean the bolt.  Here is why.


Before deer season I sighted it in with no issues.  First time I am hunting with it I go to shoot a deer and click, nothing happens.  As I take my face off of the stock to see if the safety is on it goes boom.  Scared the hell out of me, and the deer that was standing in the field.  So I chamber another round, aim at the ground and pull the trigger.  This time there is a slight hesitation and boom.  Chamber another round and this time it fires like it is supposed to.  It was almost like something was binding the firing pin and worked itself free.


Now I want to make sure there is not any burrs or debris that could cause the same issue.  So my question is, how do I disassemble the bolt?  Thanks





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Thanks guys.  I think I am going to try the wd-40 and air compressor before disassembling the bolt.  I have a habit of losing little parts.

lol Sounds like me. I'm still looking for some S&W grip screws I dropped last year.

How could I lose them in an 8x10 room? I moved everything. Swept and cleaned. Never did find them.

I'm considering only working on my pistols thru a Plexiglas case like a CDC working lab chamber.
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