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Have the fees for HCP changed???

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I decided to get my HCP in January of this year. Checked out a lot of stuff online, and saw that the fee was $115. Decided that was OK to help support my 2nd Rights, so took a class, went to DMV and paid my fee, got my fingerprinted done, and got my permit a couple of weeks later.


So... a friend of mine, and some friends of his decided they would get their permits. Took the class on Febuary 28th, but waited a few weeks to go to DMV. He was expecting to pay the $115 fee, but was charged $152.50. So I started doing some searching and came across this TN.GOV website regarding HCP permits.




So if you look at "Question 1" in the second paragraph, second line down toward the end of the line, there is a link to this site...




I know I'm old, and math wasn't my best subject, but I'm having a hard time figuring this pay scale out. If anyone can explain this to me.... would greatly appreciate it.



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Fee still the same per 4 year period, but they are starting to pro-rate it to achieve the change in 39-17-1352 during last session, as the page you reference sort of explains. From the revised statute:


"[Effective January 1, 2016 or earlier, see Compiler's note]

   (3) Notwithstanding this subsection (n), every handgun carry permit issued or renewed by the department on or after the effective date of this subdivision (n)(3), shall be issued for a period of five (5) years and shall expire on the permit holder's birth date. The commissioner shall issue an initial permit or permit renewal for three (3) to seven (7) years, whichever number is necessary to ensure that the permit will expire on each subsequent birth date of the permit holder that is divisible by five (5). It is the intent of this subdivision (n)(3) that after the initial renewal, the renewal date for persons who have both a handgun carry permit and a driver license be the same date. The fee for any original permit and any permit renewal due under this section for a permit issued or renewed on or after the implementation of this act shall be prorated to reflect the appropriate fee for a renewal cycle of greater or lesser length than five (5) years."


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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The commissioner shall issue an initial permit or permit renewal for three (3) to seven (7) years, whichever number is necessary to ensure that the permit will expire on each subsequent birth date of the permit holder that is divisible by five (5). It is the intent of this subdivision (n)(3) that after the initial renewal, the renewal date for persons who have both a handgun carry permit and a driver license be the same date. 


OK, but I'm still confused. I'm now 69 years old, will turn 70 in December. My drivers license expires this year, OK it's an age divisible by 5. My HCP was issued in January of this year and expires in 2019, at which time I'll be 74, not divisible by 5. Like I said math isn't my forte...


Thanks for the reply to my initial post.




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The commissioner shall issue an initial permit or permit renewal for three (3) to seven (7) years, whichever number is necessary to ensure that the permit will expire on each subsequent birth date of the permit holder that is divisible by five (5). It is the intent of this subdivision (n)(3) that after the initial renewal, the renewal date for persons who have both a handgun carry permit and a driver license be the same date. 


OK, but I'm still confused. I'm now 69 years old, will turn 70 in December. My drivers license expires this year, OK it's an age divisible by 5. My HCP was issued in January of this year and expires in 2019, at which time I'll be 74, not divisible by 5. Like I said math isn't my forte...


Thanks for the reply to my initial post.






They've obviously started this just very recently maybe only last couple weeks even. And/or maybe not every DMV is set for it yet. And has it been incorporated into the mail in renewals yet? (no reports of it yet AFAIK). Who knows.


At any rate, it's obvious that soon the next time everyone renews their HCP,  it will be for whatever number of years such that it hits on your DL renewal date after that.


They'll have to do that on mine in '16. My DL expires in '18, but I don't see a 2 year option in the HCP fee schedule, so guess I'll get the 7 year term. Hope I live long enough to get on the regular new schedule!


One thing nobody has mentioned is that this is gonna cost more out of pocket in a short period of time doing both the HCP and DL rather than their being staggered in renewal times.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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$12.50 per year is the cost of a carry permit.


I just applied for my permit this week. I paid for 3yrs for it to fall in line with my driver's license. My payment was $102.50, exactly $12.50 short of the $115 for 3 years instead of 4. You're given no paperwork to show this breakdown and my receipt doesn't show anything other than the total either. I know when I was fingerprinted, the receipt I was given for that showed they were billing the state $38 but who knows if that's what they state actually pays and there's probably some application fee in there too.


As Oh Shoot says, this is VERY new. The guy that helped me mentioned it has happened within weeks as well. Going forward, I would expect a permit renewal to run $62.50 every 5 years with your license.

Edited by TheBeej418
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...... Hope I live long enough to get on the regular new schedule.

Hey "Oh Shoot"... to quote that cat Garfield from the comic strips.... "I resemble that remark".


Thanks to you and the others who posted replies and helped clear this up for me. I wasn't concerned, but my friend was just surprised when he thought the fee was going to be $115, and wound up having to pay $152.50. I'll pass this info along to him, and again to all....THANKS FOR THE REPLIES.

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I wonder if they couldn't make this a little more screwed than they did. My DL expires  01/25/2018 and my HCP expires on 6/23/2018. I guess I just will wait and hope they send me renewals for both.............jmho


Hell, you won the lottery. All they have to do with you is charge for 5 years instead of 4 on the HCP and change expiration date to your birthday and you're already in sync with the new rotation.


Assuming they do that though, you'll get fudged out of about 5 months on the price though. :)


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Hell, you won the lottery. All they have to do with you is charge for 5 years instead of 4 on the HCP and change expiration date to your birthday and you're already in sync with the new rotation.


Assuming they do that though, you'll get fudged out of about 5 months on the price though. :)


- OS


If they make it that easy I would give them the 5 months gladly.......... :up: :up:

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Must be a record. Renewed on 3-26 and got new permit today 04-11. It sounds weird saying my permit is good until I turn 50


That confirms I need to call.  Paid my license fee the day I took the class and got fingerprinted the next day. Was fully approved and 'mailed' about 3 weeks ago and I still haven't received anything. :yuck:

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That confirms I need to call. Paid my license fee the day I took the class and got fingerprinted the next day. Was fully approved and 'mailed' about 3 weeks ago and I still haven't received anything. :yuck:

I would definitely call because mine had new picture and everything. Something is not right there. Make sure you didn't throw away.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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