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It took a lot not to whip someone's ass today

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So my wife and I were visiting my sister, her husband and our niece. We cherish any time we visit them because she is the one who lost her daughter a few years back. The visit went great and during the conversation meats came up. My sister mentioned a local Ingles had bison so we decided to go there to pick some up because it is supposedly better than anything else you can buy at the store, especially farm raised beef.


So we head to nearest Ingles and after I was there a few minutes an older man, probably in his 60's, gave me an angry look then said something. When I didn't respond he started walking towards me. And as he got closer he said "Hey cripple". I said excuse me and at that point I started to get a little upset but gave him the benefit of doubt because he might think he was being funny even though it isn't much of a joke. Then he got really close and said loudly "Are you really a cripple?" to which I answer "No, I walk around on crutches because I like it". Then I started to walk away before I got really upset and things went sideways and as I was walking away he said "Hey cripple, how did you get crippled?" to which I said, under my breath, a helicopter crash. I continued to walk away but he continued saying other "cripple" stuff. Every time he said something about it I got more and more upset because it was really starting to rub me the wrong way. My wife walked up to me and asked what was wrong, because she could see it on my face, and I told her what the guy said. I also told her if he comes up in my face again talking about cripple this and cripple that I was going to whip his ass. She got upset but she also said he obviously has a problem if he is saying things like that and to let it go.


This is the first time I have had someone call me that out loud and it really got under my skin. And had I to do over again I would have let loose with a tirade that would have made a sailor blush.


So now I sit here still a bit upset over it.

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Sorry you had to go through that my friend. There are just some people that have 1 brain cell and many times it malfunctions. You were many times more a man for the way you handled the situation then that SOB will ever be. Don't let it cost you any sleep. Just consider the source and move forward...............jmho

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I known you don't need my help but pm me next time and i will come and whip the sob ass for you i have lawyer on retainer for thing just like this

I would say you'd better keep one on retainer if you plan on assaulting people who call you names.

No offense to Dolo but he knows just like the rest of us there's dumbasses everywhere. Obviously Mrs Dolo knew that hence the "stay calm and walk away" approach.

It's old geezers like that used douche that can get you in serious trouble.
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My job has me interacting with people on a daily basis. I encounter quite a few loonies a week and ironically enough they are almost always at a grocery store or big box store.

As long as it remains verbal I generally throw them a look that implies FO and keep trucking.
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Let me know where he is and I'll go cough on him. Make sure he gets a good cause of the cold/bronchitis I got.


Funny thing is that is how I clear a path at the gun show. I am on crutches and when things start moving a bit slow I tell my wife my polio is acting up. People look around to see some guy, me, on crutches and no doubt want to get as far away from me as possible.

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The guys either a monkey dick or senile, maybe both. Good on you for handling it the way you did G. Personally I doubt I would have been able to resist telling him I got 'crippled' 

during a particularly rowdy bout of loving with his momma.


You handled it the right way man, and good on Oma Kraut too for the sage advise. I'm honesty a bit surprised the post didn't end with you having to bail her out of the big house for giving him a bit of a smack :D German women are scary, don't mess with them!  :up:

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I could let it go if it was directed at me. But man if I saw some dude saying that to someone else I guess I'd need the lawyer on retainer as suggested. Obviously he had problems. Maybe senile, maybe mentally ill, maybe drunk. Why aint there a mental illness that makes people nice.
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