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SNL ISIS parody

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kinda stupid.


If they really want to push it they should develop a skit making fun of mohammad in some way. Maybe an art school scene where their only teaching is how to draw mohammad cartoons. now that would be funny.




My thoughts when I saw the skit were:


1.) It wasn't very funny.


2.) It was fairly tacky for all the wrong reasons.


3.) It seemed like the SNL writers wanted to make fun of ISIS but at the same time hoped no-one would "Charlie Hedbo" the SNL offices because of it.  They played the middle of the field as if to say, "Hey ISIS... don't cut our heads off or shoot up our offices because we make fun of everyone else in this video too!"



Overall it felt like a 1990's SNL skit.  Lame.  Short on the funny and not worth the time it took to produce it.  The writers didn't fully commit to making fun of ISIS by going in for the kill, so to speak.  They could have done so much more with an anti-ISIS skit and apparently left the good gags on the cutting room floor.

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My thoughts when I saw the skit were:

1.) It wasn't very funny.

2.) It was fairly tacky for all the wrong reasons.

3.) It seemed like the SNL writers wanted to make fun of ISIS but at the same time hoped no-one would "Charlie Hedbo" the SNL offices because of it. They played the middle of the field as if to say, "Hey ISIS... don't cut our heads off or shoot up our offices because we make fun of everyone else in this video too!"

Overall it felt like a 1990's SNL skit. Lame. Short on the funny and not worth the time it took to produce it. The writers didn't fully commit to making fun of ISIS by going in for the kill, so to speak. They could have done so much more with an anti-ISIS skit and apparently left the good gags on the cutting room floor.

You Nailed it

The video made fun of the stupid american dad

SNL is a bunch of chickensh|ts and until them make fun of the mo man himself or isis itself they're second rate. It took them 8 years to work up the courage to make fun of obama
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My thoughts when I saw the skit were:


1.) It wasn't very funny.


2.) It was fairly tacky for all the wrong reasons.


3.) It seemed like the SNL writers wanted to make fun of ISIS but at the same time hoped no-one would "Charlie Hedbo" the SNL offices because of it.  They played the middle of the field as if to say, "Hey ISIS... don't cut our heads off or shoot up our offices because we make fun of everyone else in this video too!"



Overall it felt like a 1990's SNL skit.  Lame.  Short on the funny and not worth the time it took to produce it.  The writers didn't fully commit to making fun of ISIS by going in for the kill, so to speak.  They could have done so much more with an anti-ISIS skit and apparently left the good gags on the cutting room floor.


You Nailed it

The video made fun of the stupid american dad

SNL is a bunch of chickensh|ts and until them make fun of the mo man himself or isis itself they're second rate. It took them 8 years to work up the courage to make fun of Obama



Got to see it for the first time this morning and the above were my thoughts exactly. 1/2 ass effort and a bunch of Tiny Fey type puss!es addressing the issue in their own, pathetic way.

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