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Leonard Nimoy Passes at 83


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He was a lefty gun-control advocate. I enjoyed his acting work, but not his politics.


I can overlook that in some actors untill they become "in your face" leftist political activists and start insulting conservatives and gun owners like soo many have done. I don't remember Nimoy ever going that far. I enjoyed Star Trek shows and movies even though they could be hoaky sometimes but that's most all TV shows and movies.

Edited by K191145
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Well, we do seem to agree on many things. Not the least of which was the 5th season of Fringe.
Like so many shows, the writers went for off the wall plots, wrote themselves into a corner and then couldn't figure a way out.
Sleepy Hollow had a lot of promise, but I don't know if it has held up or not. I haven't seen an episode of the current season. lol
Too many things to look after and too little time.

You know sleepy hollow has been canceled, right? The episode this past week was the end. Unless things change drastically anyway.
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You know sleepy hollow has been canceled, right? The episode this past week was the end. Unless things change drastically anyway.


No, I didn't. But as I said, I hadn't watched any since the first season. It conflicted with some of my wife's must see shows, so I just went off to TGO Land.

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This weeks episode was a bit lacking. This season is weird because they are diving deeper and deeper into things. I have so many suspicions and guesses as to who he really is and what he is really up to. SyFy had me, then they canceled Being Human. I vowed to boycott them. But since we are running low on material I might have to change that. We just decided to join the rest of the world and watch The Walking Dead. I don't know how I feel about that. I did however realize that I think I carried this post way off track. SORRY!!!  :puke:


No problem, after all...you did have a little help with it.

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You know sleepy hollow has been canceled, right? The episode this past week was the end. Unless things change drastically anyway.

That made my stomach hurt! I can't find anything on being officially canceled but it does say that without serious changes to the storyline, they won't renew it!?!? Which I kind of understand. They should ax it and bring Fringe back. Wishful thinking.
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