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Hello from Harriman

Guest emsputz

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Guest emsputz

Hello to everyone on this forum. I'm new to forums in general. My name is David and I own a Rock Island Armory Colt 1911 clone. I don't have my carry permit yet, but I hope to have it soon. The city I live in is Harriman. It is about 30 miles west of Knoxville.

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Guest Ghostrider


Lots of good folks and good info here.

Listen and learn, post an opinion.

We're all here for the same reasons...

Guest Old Chief

Welcome to the forum.

Guest Voodoo_1

Welcome emsputz! If you had to pick a forum, you picked a good one. Lots of good guys with lots of knowledge.:D

Guest looneeetunes

welcome emsputz

Guest GlocKingTN

Welcome to the forum! And I want your RI 1911!

Guest mrnord

Welcome form Mosheim!


Guest emsputz
emsputz, welcome when did you do time in the air force?

Thank you for welcoming me to the forum. I served in the Air Force from 1988 Through 1994 as a C-130 loadmaster @ Pope AFB in N.C.

Thank you for welcoming me to the forum. I served in the Air Force from 1988 Through 1994 as a C-130 loadmaster @ Pope AFB in N.C.

oof ....so now we have 2 zoomies on the board. well... Brian won't feel alone anymore!

Just kidding..welcome to the board EMS! Lots of great guys here..of which Brian is one...the zoomie thing isn't so bad..we just act like he was a womens' auxillary in the army or something :rofl:


Guest GlocKingTN

I WANT A RI1911!

Guest emsputz
emsputz, welcome when did you do time in the air force?

I was in the Air Force from 1988 to 1994. I did most of my enlistment @ Pope AFB, N.C. as a C-130 loadmaster.

Guest emsputz
Welcome to the forum! And I want your RI 1911!

Thanks for welcoming me to the forum. I'm sorry I took so long to reply. I might be interested in trading my RI 1911 depending on what you have to trade. Just send a reply and let me know. Thanks, David

Guest duckriverdave

Talked to a guy at the range who had 2 Rock Island 1911s. He loved them.



Hello David,

I am new here too.So I guess I should say hello to everyone while I am saying hello to you.

My name is Jeff and I am into Guns,knives,fishing,hunting and gadgets.

I am a member of several gun and knife forums and go by the user name u812 or J Smith on most of them.

I also live one street up from David.

David,got the coffee on,come on up.

Talked to a guy at the range who had 2 Rock Island 1911s. He loved them.


I went out with David to shoot his and it shot right with my Kimber.

Guest emsputz

Hey, I don't know if you noticed in the forum, but there is 1 guy that said he wants my RI 1911. I told him to let me know what he had to trade. He hasn't replied yet. I'll let you know if you don't see it on the forum first.

Guest Boomhower
Hey, I don't know if you noticed in the forum, but there is 1 guy that said he wants my RI 1911. I told him to let me know what he had to trade. He hasn't replied yet. I'll let you know if you don't see it on the forum first.

Yeah, that's strange. He must be asleep. GK, that's not like you. How are you going to retain the highest # of post award if your asleep?

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