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Obamanations (pictures for the masses)

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@chipperi..look what I found....LOL....no music tho...


but I have to tell you there is WAY more pictures and videos like this with Bush than with Obama....and about linching and killing, well, that`s why we have our guns, to protect ourselfs and our families .....get the picture..?? hope you do...now you know the very famous republican saying "if you don`t like it, leave it"....


Edited by 44M
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Bush has been in the spotlight for 8+ years now. If there weren't more out there, I'd say he wasn't doing his job. Give BO the same amount of time, and I'm sure you'll see that things are a little different.

I agree, I didn`t like crowd protesting and calling Bush names when he was coming to the White House and I don`t like what I see here neither. President is a president, republican or democrat, he was elected by the people of United States Of America and everyone has to show a respect.Posting some videos showing people hanging on the trees is ,if nothing else, a disrespect to our fellow citizens and Americans, I wonder what would black guys who are fighting for this country in Iraq, think about that video...???.. it is shame that so many on this forum are posting all kinds of disrespectful remarks, sometimes makes me feel we are back in 1800 and not in 21. century..crazy... this is a time to get our country back on its feet, to fix economy so people can have a jobs, fix the health care so sick can go to the doctor, stop the wars so our guys can come home to their families, this is a time we start acting like we have some sence and not like a bunch a morons in white hoods jumping around the burning cross..this is a time to respect your president and help him to do his job...don`t worry about spreading the wealth, 99% of the people on this forum makes less than $100.000 per year..rent the movie "Wall Street" and pay attention when they say that "Americans are worthless"..meaning we don`t have nothing, we are in debt up to our eyeballs, 90% of us... so don`t worry, nobody will take your $400 weekly paycheck away from you...after you pay your rent, child support,car payment, cell phone, electric bill you wont have nothing left anyway...the way I see it, 90% of people on this forum should be glad that the new president is a socialist and worried about a working man, because the last one wasn`t worried about anything else but his Texas oil buddies and corporations so they can make trillions of dollars....maybe this one will at least give you a job...


and now you can delete that video because it really makes me sick to my stomac....

Edited by 44M
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and that's your problem. You think it is somebodies responsibility to "give" you a job. Less than 6% of Americans don't have jobs, which BTW is the lowest in recorded American history. Socialism takes away the ability to go "get" a job and tells you where to work how much you will make and how far you will advance. While I don't care for the the racial stuff, I saw a lot more of it going the other way.

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Guest Ghostrider

44M - I see you don't like what we've learned from the democrats during the last 8 years.

I seem to recall an old saying about how to fight a fire....

I've always hated what the dems have done to President Bush, how is it not "fair" to do the same to bho?

Not trying to start an argument, but since he's the "post racial" guy, how can he call racism if the dems did the same thing to a white guy?

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I have to admit I am disappointed in the amount of racist jokes and slurs I have heard and received on Obama since the election. I disagree with many of his policies, but that has nothing to do with his race. It is just my personal opinion, but if you attack him based simply on race your argument is really just a racist statement and not a real criticism.

Edited by Fallguy
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Guest Ghostrider

Fallguy, as a friend of mine said, "It's not his race that bothers me, it's his color; red."

That sums up how I feel about it.

The point I'm trying to make is that when the dems put the Presidents face on a monkey and call him stupid, it's "funny".

When the conservatives do it, it's "race hate".

When the libs hang an effigy of Gov. Palin, it's "art" and no charges or criticism is allowed, when someone hangs an effigy of bho, it's a "hate crime" and arrests are made.

Fair, no. And I realize life isn't fair. However, government has made a COMMITTMENT to fairness; so how can that same government allow such a double standard?

Again, no attack, I'm just trying to get a handle on the liberal thinking process, but have failed so far.

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Oh I understand ghostrider, and I have no problem with a lot of parody pics of Obama. I also admit my first reaction on some of the racist ones was to laugh.

My real point was simply the ones that are base solely on his race make the person doing the criticizing look small and narrow minded.

But I will grant you that you can probably somehow tie anything back to race and there is for sure a double standard Dem/Repb and Black/White

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.... Less than 6% of Americans don't have jobs, which BTW is the lowest in recorded American history....

Hmmm, gummit released today, 6.5%, the HIGHEST in 14 years.

Your sig line:

"Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please." Mark Twain

Indeed...you study under Baghdad Bob? :D

- OS

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Hmmm, gummit released today, 6.5%, the HIGHEST in 14 years.

Your sig line:

"Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please." Mark Twain

Indeed...you study under Baghdad Bob? :D

- OS

Yeah, I guess I used the old stats... like the ones available before today.:yuck::D but you're right, it is truly a miserable world full of people without jobs and poverty stricken soup lines around every corner and Bush is a complete failure.:(

consider the fact that unemployment was at a historical low of 7.5% in 1992 after being above that since they it was tracked. Those were also years of complete misery. Come to think of it, I can't think of a time in American history that has not been miserable for it's people. :drama:

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...Come to think of it, I can't think of a time in American history that has not been miserable for it's people. :D

Good drama....

Seriously, though...America crashes and burns at around 20% unemployment and $10/gal gas.

6 in the wild killer whales died recently, of starvation!

(bad salmon run due to pollution + overfishing)

Among the hardiest and most resourceful creatures on the planet.

Two words: soylent green.

I'm just sayin....

- OS

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44M - I see you don't like what we've learned from the democrats during the last 8 years.

I seem to recall an old saying about how to fight a fire....

I've always hated what the dems have done to President Bush, how is it not "fair" to do the same to bho?

Not trying to start an argument, but since he's the "post racial" guy, how can he call racism if the dems did the same thing to a white guy?

I seem to remember quite a few comments that he made himself about that..

even though folks didn't use any race based attacks, he called them racist and pulled his race card.

I don't see how that is fair. matter of fact, I call it racism. his color doesn't matter to me at all.

he attacked Mccain as well as Pres. Bush, he's pushed socialist policies. as far as I know conservatives don't pull stunts like ACORN.

liberal democrats, on the other hand, have a long history of hating not only each other but this country and traditional values.

They declared a national holiday in Kenya, when he got elected. if that's not a wakeup call, then it's time to get a hammer.

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I seem to remember quite a few comments that he made himself about that..

even though folks didn't use any race based attacks, he called them racist and pulled his race card


sorry, but have you seen the video posted on here...???? making fun of 5 black people hanging to you I guess is not a racist...??? you are very interesting person my towerclimber, I see you pray a lot , interesting....I wonder if you would laugh if those were 5 white guys from Church Hill hanged by blacks...

and, please, tell me where was that I "used a race card"...?? PLEASE...


Edited by 44M
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and that's your problem. You think it is somebodies responsibility to "give" you a job. Less than 6% of Americans don't have jobs, which BTW is the lowest in recorded American history. Socialism takes away the ability to go "get" a job and tells you where to work how much you will make and how far you will advance. While I don't care for the the racial stuff, I saw a lot more of it going the other way.

you don`t know anything about socialism, so please don`t talk about something you know nothing about...every time somebody says every American should have a healt care, you call him a "socialist"...what a ignorance....btw. last news, so far this year is , 1.200.000 jobs lost , GM is broke and on it`s way to bankruptcy , and Obama is working to help them, I guess this would be socialism too... well there is something you can do about it, when time comes for you to cash in your social security, you should just refuse, because it is a "socialism thing"....you could also stop using your social security number, since it is too socialists.... and if your new president offers to provide you with a free or more affordable health care you could just refuse....


btw... what do you think was Bush`s tax return , when people got checks back from goverment..it is a socialism..did you send your check back telling them you are not a socialist???? maybe some people should look in a dictionary under the word "hippocracy"...

"hippocracy as deliberately representing multiple

contradictory conclusions based on greedy convenience

rather than consistency and integrity"

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you don`t know anything about socialism, so please don`t talk about something you know nothing about...every time somebody says every American should have a healt care, you call him a "socialist"...what a ignorance....btw. last news, so far this year is , 1.200.000 jobs lost , GM is broke and on it`s way to bankruptcy , and Obama is working to help them, I guess this would be socialism too... well there is something you can do about it, when time comes for you to cash in your social security, you should just refuse, because it is a "socialism thing"....you could also stop using your social security number, since it is too socialists.... and if your new president offers to provide you with a free or more affordable health care you could just refuse....


btw... what do you think was Bush`s tax return , when people got checks back from goverment..it is a socialism..did you send your check back telling them you are not a socialist???? maybe some people should look in a dictionary under the word "hippocracy"...

"hippocracy as deliberately representing multiple

contradictory conclusions based on greedy convenience

rather than consistency and integrity"

:eek: Hope that makes you feel better, but I have a degree in History with emphasis in South American and Far East studies as well as a degree in philosophy and a masters in theology. I have debated and read almost everything I can find or be shown on both sides of the debate and my conclusion is the same as histories. My grasp on socialism is just fine. The fall back cry of hypocrite is not new either. Conservatives have a realistic world view that understands that their are flaws and adjustments that will need to be made, but socialism believes there is perfection in government to be achieved in this world. It just doesn't exist. I'm sorry as to not be so arrogant to think I can attain perfection, but rather attempt to build on man's successes and let time and ingenuity of the future build a better world one step at a time.

I can understand the love affair with Obama, it was the same with Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Chavez, Evita ........ They were full of platitudes and promises for the "poor" and "working" class centered on non-productive issues such as race and national identity, but what they delivered was/is misery and equality in poverty with no chance of upward mobility. BTW this is not an extreme characterization either. If you really take the time to look beyond the feel good speeches and factually examine his plan, you will see that it is very similar to those listed above. Do i think he's going to go out and murder his enemies?.... no, but the ideology is the same - so will be the results.

As far as racism - I have a black sister (adopted) and my sister in law is first gen American form Mexico (the right way mind you, no anchors here!) and I have ancestors from Poland, Scotland, Wales as well as a good amount of Cherokee Indian. I'd say I'm more diversified than someone with only African heritage.:):D

"So blind is he who refuses to see."

Edited by Smith
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Guest bkelm18
"What luck for rulers that men do not think" - Adolf Hitler - German Nazi dictator, orator, & politician (1889 - 1945)

A quote has never been truer. Sad indeed.

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:blush: Hope that makes you feel better, but I have a degree in History with emphasis in South American and Far East studies as well as a degree in philosophy and a masters in theology. I have debated and read almost everything I can find or be shown on both sides of the debate and my conclusion is the same as histories. My grasp on socialism is just fine. The fall back cry of hypocrite is not new either. Conservatives have a realistic world view that understands that their are flaws and adjustments that will need to be made, but socialism believes there is perfection in government to be achieved in this world. It just doesn't exist. I'm sorry as to not be so arrogant to think I can attain perfection, but rather attempt to build on man's successes and let time and ingenuity of the future build a better world one step at a time.

I can understand the love affair with Obama, it was the same with Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Chavez, Evita ........ They were full of platitudes and promises for the "poor" and "working" class centered on non-productive issues such as race and national identity, but what they delivered was/is misery and equality in poverty with no chance of upward mobility. BTW this is not an extreme characterization either. If you really take the time to look beyond the feel good speeches and factually examine his plan, you will see that it is very similar to those listed above. Do i think he's going to go out and murder his enemies?.... no, but the ideology is the same - so will be the results.

As far as racism - I have a black sister (adopted) and my sister in law is first gen American form Mexico (the right way mind you, no anchors here!) and I have ancestors from Poland, Scotland, Wales as well as a good amount of Cherokee Indian. I'd say I'm more diversified than someone with only African heritage.:dunno::lol:

"So blind is he who refuses to see."

..have you lived a one day in the real socialism..???..I did 20 years...so much about your "experience"....and I`m sure I know more about socialism that you will ever know...first hand....

are you comparing your president to Hitler and Stalin..???

however, this thread is taking way too much of my valuable time, I can use that to play with my two beautiful mixed girls...and first racist a$$hole who, as much as puts his finger on my girls, will end up with a bullet in his skull...nuf said...


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Guest bkelm18
..have you lived a one day in the real socialism..???..I did 20 years...so much about your "experience"....and I`m sure I know more about socialism that you will ever know...first hand....

are you comparing your president to Hitler and Stalin..???

however, this thread is taking way too much of my valuable time, I can use that to play with my two beautiful mixed girls...and first racist a$$hole who, as much as puts his finger on my girls, will end up with a bullet in his skull...nuf said...


How about ya :dunno: the "F" out?

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  • Administrator
yeah, I guess you think that bold nazi freak on your profile picture is very "cool" looking :tough:...tell me, how old are you...? 17..?



Lighten up, Francis. You're on the verge of getting a short vacation from the site if you can't play nice with others.

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