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Very happy NRA member


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I was in Seiverville today and just happen to be wearing a NRA shirt. I am walking across the parking lot when this HUGE man walks up to me and yells HEY BROTHER GLAD TO SEE ANOTHER PROUD NRAer, and throws one of his massive arms around my neck and hugs me before I can even think to move then lets go and slaps me on the back so hard he almost knocked me down, and just walks away lol. I just stand there bumfussled and a group of people busts out laughing (can't blame them I can just imagine the look I had on my face) so if you go to Tangers today don't wear NRA if you aren't looking for a HUGE MAN HUG from a complete stranger. 

Edited by john455
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I have a tshirt with and AR-15 on it that says "come and take it."  I've gotten lots of compliments on it but never caught any flack.  Guess maybe it clicked off in their idiot heads that it might not be a good idea to harass someone wearing such a shirt.

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He didn't give me flak he seemed really happy to see a fellow NRA member lol I was thinking i'm glad I didn't ask him if he was a TGO member cause if he was he might have thrown a kiss in as well LMBO. I'm not a small guy but this dude was seriously huge atleast 6'5 and a good 350 if he was a pound lol and it happened so fast I didn't even have time to think let alone react.

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If you're a stranger and you approach me in a parking lot, you're not going to get close enough to put your arm around my neck if I see you first.  If you catch me unaware and do it, you're probably going to get your ass kicked.  Hard.  We can sort out that you love me for being an NRA member after you pick your teeth up.


This is how people get mugged, or worse.  Don't ever let some stranger who appears friendly put their hands on you.  You forfeit too much control of what happens next when a person gets that close or has their hands on you.  Period.  Friendly appearing or not.

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Hold on there Bobba Louie! This is Tennessee, When was the last time you were sitting in a restaurant and the person in the next booth started up a conversation. Or you were walking down the isle in Wally world and somebody coming from the other way pointed to your t shirt and said "I like it", or your neighbor just stopped by to say "Hey". We call this the volunteer state, but it's also the friendly state. Paranoia is 6 guys pointing shotguns at you. Not one guy giving you a hug. That is unless he doesn't use deodorant.

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If you were wearing an anti-NRA shirt and this happened, (judging by the description) I'd say you met Rosie O'Donnell in that parking lot!
But like David said, I would love to trust that anyone approaching me would have good intentions, but these days it would end with hurt feelings for the stranger.
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Hold on there Bobba Louie! This is Tennessee, When was the last time you were sitting in a restaurant and the person in the next booth started up a conversation. Or you were walking down the isle in Wally world and somebody coming from the other way pointed to your t shirt and said "I like it", or your neighbor just stopped by to say "Hey". We call this the volunteer state, but it's also the friendly state. Paranoia is 6 guys pointing shotguns at you. Not one guy giving you a hug. That is unless he doesn't use deodorant.


Sorry, I just don't live in that world.

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I agree with David. Personal space is an absolute for me when it comes to strangers.  Thankfully, being just over 6' tall, not skinny in the least, and sporting a natural scowl, people seem to get the message from my body language.


Giving some stranger a bro hug, just because... is a stupid idea.

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Just curious how many here could kick the ass of a guy built like that? ...



Like many of lifes questions, the answer can be found in a Jim Croce song.





One can apply the same lesson of messin with the wife of a jealous man to giving strangers surprise bear hugs in parking lots. 

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He didn't give me flak he seemed really happy to see a fellow NRA member lol I was thinking i'm glad I didn't ask him if he was a TGO member cause if he was he might have thrown a kiss in as well LMBO. I'm not a small guy but this dude was seriously huge atleast 6'5 and a good 350 if he was a pound lol and it happened so fast I didn't even have time to think let alone react.

This guy was just huge lol I wouldn't have swung anything less than a baseball bat at him lol He was with an attractive lady to, not sure if her being there may have been the reason for him being so outgoing but it probably didn't hurt lol

Edited by john455
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