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permission to hunt


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I have gotten permission from the land lord to hunt on my lot. We have a bunch of stray cats that are offspring of my neighbors cats who also run loose in violation of the leash clause in our leases. My dog has never had fleas now we are infested with them and cant get rid of them, and they keep finding acess under my house. I called animal control and Sullivan County only has one animal control officer and he works very limited hours. So we were told to "buy some live traps and bring them in"! WTF thats not my job its theirs. Needless to say there is going to be some kitty extermination around here. Land lord got the same run around and is tired of telling the people next door so I wonder if any Chinese joints are buying. :whistle:

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Well if you are in city limits you cannot discharge a firearm. Also using a pellet gun around houses can be dangerous due to the pellet or BB bouncing around if you miss the target. I would say the best thing to do if you are surrounded by other houses is use traps. If you are out in the country and not near any houses unless 100 feet or more away then I say shoot the hell out of them. Thats just my 2 cents.

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1. I'd delete this thread - what you intend to do is not legal.

2. I'd do whatever needs to be done: quietly, discreetly, as needed.

1: both 39-14-205 and 44-17-403 make it a crime only if I go onto the owners property and shoot them. I called and verified this with the Sullivan County Sheriffs Dept. In either case they don't own the property just the house the landlord which has given me permission has ok'd the shoot owns all the land.

It is not my responsibility to buy live traps using my own money, then pay when I drop off the cats, just to have the same end result as me shooting them.

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1: both 39-14-205 and 44-17-403 make it a crime only if I go onto the owners property and shoot them. I called and verified this with the Sullivan County Sheriffs Dept. In either case they don't own the property just the house the landlord which has given me permission has ok'd the shoot owns all the land.

It is not my responsibility to buy live traps using my own money, then pay when I drop off the cats, just to have the same end result as me shooting them.

I think you misunderstand what "property" we are talking about.

And if your local sheriff department is telling you that you have permission to shoot someone else's animals (property) that are not putting you or your property in imminent danger - they need to be removed from their jobs.

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39-14-205 says that is illegal "to knowingly and unlawfully kill the animal of another without the owner's effective consent."

It doesn't matter where the animimal is, their property, public or even your property. When it mentions "property" in sub-part (a)(1)(:D it means the killing of the animal is dealt with as theft of property.

Part (;) is the self-defense part where you can kill an animal if you think there is an "imminent danger of death or serious bodily injury to that person or another or an imminent danger of death to an animal owned by that person." When it mentions property it is saying you can't claim self-defense if you (the shooter) are trespassing on the property of the owner of the animal.

Now with all that said, if you truly believe these to be strays, it would seem you are not knowingly killing the animal of another though.


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Guest clutepc

Speaking of Cats, someone dumped two kittens off in front of my house on Halloween.

I can't keep them because of the what I already have.

sooooo... anyone want a kitten??:lol:

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1. I'd delete this thread - what you intend to do is not legal.

2. I'd do whatever needs to be done: quietly, discreetly, as needed.

DRM has a point.

I don't know if it's illegal or not, but it's certainly not politically correct.

I'm behind you in popping caps in stray cats, but I sure wouldn't advertise.

The name of the game when ridding yourself of domestic pests is "clandestine".

Good luck in you persuit, though.:lol:

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I am not a firm believer in PC I will call a whatever a whatever if the situation deems it prudent to get my point across.

How nice, but what has that got to do with the price of tea in China?:hat:

I'm not a PC kinda guy either; my point being...."Pop a cap in Mittens" with a .22 rifle one Sunday morning in front of a half dozen soccer moms in your neighborhood and see how far up on the "Burn in Hell' list it gets you.:lol:

The topic of my initial reply to the thread starting post being:

If youre going to snuff domestic animals, owned or stray, don't advertise that you're going to do something about it or let anyone catch you when youre doing the deed.;)

Try not to stray from the topic...its about killing cats and not getting heat from it.;)

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I can see it now. The neighbour will have a camcorder. And on the 6:00 news the video and a 6 year old girl crying "He shot my kittys". And every news station in town knocking on your door for comment.

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Long gone are the days of an old hubcap and a pint of anti-freeze.....just sayin'....

Back when I worked at Tractor Supply Company, I can't tell you how many farmers would come in and buy a bag of dog food and a gallon of anti-freeze.

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