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I Don't Like Change

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I used to like change when I was younger.  Buying the latest and greatest.  Now I find myself enjoying the old stuff... tube radios, turntables, and cars without a check engine light.  And for some odd reason, I want to buy a LaserDisc player. ^_^  And I really don't like change after that "hope and change" speech years ago.... :squint:

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I feel lucky; I’m one of the few “older” people I know that like change; especially technology. New version of Windows, major update on work software, GPS, new hardware devices, new firearms, ....bring it on; I’m in.

Not everything “new” is “better”; but most is.
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Not everything “new” is “better”; but most is.

That says it best. I embrace change, even motivate change in some instances. There is almost always a better more efficient way to do something. New technology, it's always going to have bugs, but usually they get worked out for the better. A big one for me is new management in a job, it's good to switch that up because it's too easy to get stuck in the if it ain't broke don't fix it camp. That's sometimes true, but with work, processes can always be improved upon. I get so frustrated with management that has the "I'm the boss, I'm always right" attitude. Companies have no use for that type of personality.

Our government...if you don't like change, then we may as well keep what we have...sometimes change is bad, but that's the great thing about change, we can do it again and fix the mistake.
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