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Winter car gun


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I keep a pistol in my car 24/7. Right now I have my Sig P6 under the seat where I can get to it. I do not carry it back and forth, I just leave it in the car. Any down side to the temperature changes in the car and its effect on the reliability of the gun? ( winter-summer)

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Guest Verbal Kint

Nope, no change in reliability. It will still work and go bang when you need it, just like it would on a 90-degree summer day.

If it makes you feel any better, keep in mind the P6 was a German police handgun. Having been stationed in Germany for a few years, I can attest to their winters being colder than what you would see here in the States. If it works there, it will work here. :up:

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Guest Astra900

I keep a Mosin M44 behind the seat of the truck to go with my carry pistol. The temp changes will cause it to sweat if the change is enough. If it's cold as heck and then you fire up the heater all toasty, moisture will condensate. Just be sure to keep her lubed up real good so she don't rust. Other than that... you'll be just fine.

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Guest VolGrad

I'll second the "keep it lubed" sentiment ... or just replace it with a Glock. I used to keep a Glock stashed/hidden in the garage and had the same concerns. Well, I mean I was concerned about the same thing so I chose a Glock for that particular duty.

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Guest bkelm18
I keep a Mosin M44 behind the seat of the truck to go with my carry pistol.

Unloaded I assume. :sadwave:

I'll second the "keep it lubed" sentiment ... or just replace it with a Glock. I used to keep a Glock stashed/hidden in the garage and had the same concerns. Well, I mean I was concerned about the same thing so I chose a Glock for that particular duty.

I'd rather keep a $200-$300 gun in my car than a $500-$600 one.

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Guest tbreed725

i ususally keep a gun in my car or truck with but i never leave it there if i'm not in the vehicle it would be bad enough to have the car stolen but to arm the thief wouldnt set right with me just my $0.02

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Guest Verbal Kint

The OP simply asked if temperature changes in a car, during winter, would effect the reliability of a gun. He didn't ask if it was a smart idea to leave a gun, or any other valuables, in the car.

Admonishing him for whatever his decision may be, in that regard, is uncalled for. This is the type of response that I'd expect over on Glocktalk from the blithering idiots there. They can't provide a simple answer to the stated question without condemning the person for something else. Frankly, that's why I only use that forum if I'm in need of a specific answer that might be found there, in the wasteland of moronic rambling.

Please, refrain from doing that same thing over here. If the OP wants to leave a gun in his car, let him. I wouldn't choose to do so, but it's his right if he wants. He asked a question, the answer was provided. Leave it at that.

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The OP simply asked if temperature changes in a car, during winter, would effect the reliability of a gun. He didn't ask if it was a smart idea to leave a gun, or any other valuables, in the car.

Admonishing him for whatever his decision may be, in that regard, is uncalled for. This is the type of response that I'd expect over on Glocktalk from the blithering idiots there. They can't provide a simple answer to the stated question without condemning the person for something else. Frankly, that's why I only use that forum if I'm in need of a specific answer that might be found there, in the wasteland of moronic rambling.

Please, refrain from doing that same thing over here. If the OP wants to leave a gun in his car, let him. I wouldn't choose to do so, but it's his right if he wants. He asked a question, the answer was provided. Leave it at that.


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Thread Drift has a horrible way of ruining the value of discussions on message boards. All it takes is one or two off-topic comments made either innocently or with the intent of derailing conversation, and a thread can be completely ruined within short order.

I'm guilty of doing it. Anyone who knows me in the real world knows that I love to joke around and cut up. I'm a master of the smart-ass remark and live for the opportunity to show off my skills. Unfortunately I do it more than I should in threads here on TGO and I am going to make a marked effort to stop. I ask that you all join me in the effort.

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Thanks for your help. :lol:

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i ususally keep a gun in my car or truck with but i never leave it there if i'm not in the vehicle it would be bad enough to have the car stolen but to arm the thief wouldnt set right with me just my $0.02


I believe that as gunowners we have to do everything in our power to keep our guns out of the hands of the BGs. To leave a weapon unlocked and unattended is irresponsible in most cases. I realize we all have to do it at times, but it is taking a big gamble. :P

Sorry. I didn't read the last post before I responded. :):hiding:

Edited by mac12
topic change
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Guest Astra900
Unloaded I assume. :)

Unloaded, with filled stripper clips near by:tough:

BTW, My vehicle never stays in an unsecure location very long, and never out of eye shot, {i.e. dining out} I won't say I'm worry free, but I don't worry as much as some should about thieves.

Edited by Astra900
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the best car gun, really depends on what your situation is. Some guns that are left in the car will sweat, and if they arent cleaned regularly theat means they will rust. So yes the change of teperature can cause problems with some models.


I carry on my person most of the time, but I keep an AK pistol in whatever im driving just in case the shiet hits the fan... and I need something more then my 14 rounds in my Glock 23. The good thing about it... an AK pistol is legal as long as you have a carry permit.

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Guest Astra900

HA!! That's true, you can LEGALLY open carry an AK pistol, LOADED and as long as you are not in a place that doesn't allow/honor carry permits, there's nothing they can do!! HAHAHAHAHAHA:rofl::eek::rofl::D

Who's got the nads to walk down the street in Nashville and exercise this?:):ugh:

Good idea though, I may invest in an AK pistol just for the car.;)

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Guest gunslinger707

IF you're going to leave a gun in the car all the time spray the outside good with WD-40. It help's with the moisture problem!

just my $0.02 :D

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My friend has had 2 firearms stolen from his truck in the last year. I dont ever leave a gun in my car unless its temporary because I have to go inside a liquor serving restaurant or something similar. I find that carrying the gun on ones person is sufficient. However...back to the original question...with TN weather not getting super cold or rediculous hot (like AZ) I think any modern firearm should be fine when left in the vehicle...though I might lean toward a wheelgun.

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Guest gunslinger707
That's gonna take a lot of WD-40; would it perhaps be effective to just spray the doors?

- OS

No Sir just spraying the door's won't work has to be the whole thing !!!! :):D

sorry should have said outside of the gun ! my bad !!!! lol

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Guest VolGrad
Unloaded I assume. :)

I'd rather keep a $200-$300 gun in my car than a $500-$600 one.

Doesn't have to be $500-$600 for a Glock. Get a beater for that duty. I can get a police trade in (some 2nd Gen and some 3rd) locally for $350 +/-.

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