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Video of a Break-In and Shoot Down

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Everything was done that should be done. The door was bolted and safety chained, the police were called and a warning was given. That didn't deter a machete-armed loon from attacking a couple armed with a 9mm. The screen goes blank as the shots ring out and the creep hits the floor. Then comes some agonizing minutes of the assailant's painful wails and tension relieving cries from the man who was forced to shoot. I'm thankful I could see it and hear it.....but not live it.



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Wow that was disturbing. WTF kind of door was that? Was it made of cardboard?

You would be surprised how many doors are made of thin wood, especially interior doors. It almost looks that was a room for rent in a house and that is why it was so easily breached. But most interior doors, and frames, will not stop even a half hearted kick.

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You would be surprised how many doors are made of thin wood, especially interior doors. It almost looks that was a room for rent in a house and that is why it was so easily breached. But most interior doors, and frames, will not stop even a half hearted kick.

How very true. I was shown years ago how to use interior doors to make shelf storage on the garage walls. I was stunned to see how thin they were. It is downright scary.

My neighbors caught me raiding a dumpster where a house on the street was being renovated. There were some doors leaned up against the side, so was checking them out for more of the same use.

These things were solid wood doors. The house was one of the oldest on the street. Built around 1962.

When I saw this, I went home got my truck and picked up all four. 2 34" and 2 42"(unbelievable) doors. Solid and heavy. Not quite sure how I'm going to use them yet though.

My wife came in and saw what I'd done. Just turned and walked away muttering something about packrat and been around her father too much. lol

Hes a retired builder and the KING of pack rats. Never throws anthing remotely usable away.
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The front door of my house is made of wood inside and has a metal shell on outside. I had a buddy install install two (2) Dead bolts in it recently for added protection. All I had at the time was door knob lock. I told him I wanted real security dead bolts. He picked up some at Lowes and came to install them. He had them all keyed to my door knob lock so only need 1 key to unlock all three. What he thought was going to be a 1 hour job turned into a three hour job. He said he has never seen a door made like this one when it came to making the lock holes and then he said that the door frame was a double reinforced one also. I live in a cottage that was a concrete block garage until it was converted into a cottage and everything it made for security. The door frame is bolted into the block frame. The dead bolt locks he bought insert almost 2 inches into the door frame when locked. If someone does want in bad enough I am sure they will get in but hope that have a hour in which to work at it. Plus for added security he put the dead bolts about 6 inches above and below the door handle. I feel much better knowing I have those locks..............jmho 

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It's an interior door. Usually hollow core with a "wood" frame on the sides and top so you can trim it down and have something to mount the hinges to. Bersa if it's a wood frame even with the double deadbolts it would not take but a well placed kick or kicks to bust it in. I had to kick in my garage entry door last year. Steel door with deadbolt locked and I got it kicked in with one kick. Blew out the frame and also busted the door around the deadbolt and lock. If you want a secure door you need a steel frame with a good solid door. My buddy pissed off a few guys on facebook..... not the sharpest tool in the shed. He went around installing deadbolts on all his doors.... I guess if he sleeps better at night good for him. I still want just kick one in for giggles so he can see how useless they are. Doors and windows are just there to keep honest people out.

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