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CZ Scorpion EVO 3 S1 Discussion Thread

Guest mechanically

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Guest mechanically

I have gotten a lot of questions and discussion on my Scorpion Evo, so I thought I'd create a space for discussion, review, etc. 


I'll be adding more over the coming days and weeks as I am able to photograph, test, and tinker. 


Questions welcome, I have enjoyed so much others have contributed here, and look forward to giving some back to the community. Thanks TGO!





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Guest mechanically

I take it you have no plans to SBR it, at least not right now.


What is that ring in the middle of the gun?

I'm... not sure. I don't profess to be an expert. Apparently, with an SBR, something about the 922 import law that would perhaps require changes in order for the weapon to be complaint? I think CZ-USA has submitted inquiry to the ATF, but hasn't heard back yet from what I've heard. 

The ring attaches to a sling point in the middle of the gun. There are sling points all over this thing. 


What's the capacity on those mags?

It comes with those two 20-rounders. There will be both 10 and 30-round mags available soon. 

Edited by mechanically
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Guest mechanically

Here are some more detailed photos. 








The box includes two mags, manual, lock, nifty little sight adjustment tool, bore snake.






I didn't expect to like the sights as much as I do. First, I figured they'd be polymer. They're really solid metal. The rear sight has 4 apertures of different sizes. 


The smallest:




The largest:






The safety is ambi. I'm not crazy about it's location when in the fire position... It's pretty good sized and is in the way of the shooting finger knuckle...


Safety on




Safety off






Takedown is REALLY simple. There's a captive pin above and forward of the trigger guard. Pull it, and the front of the trigger module will pop out.




Then, pull out the whole trigger assembly.




Once done, when the charging handle is locked back (Al-la an HK type locking position. This means you get to SLAP the charging handle to kick things off... Wheee!) you can remove the whole bolt. It's MASSIVE and HEAVY. But, makes sense since this is a simple blowback device. 




Front of the bolt head. 






The flash hider removes, and has threaded barrel. I believe the threads are 18x1 metric. 






Next step might be to flip my charging handle to the other side!

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As I said earlier, thanks for the information as we spoke. The pics are great as well.


I see no reason for me not to start a search. Well...maybe except for money. lol 


Certainly looks as if maintenance with be simple on this.


I look forward to you observations on this as you spend more time with it. 

Edited by hipower
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That is the only handgun I have seen lately that wets my appetite. All it needs is an optic, sling and suppressor. Can't wait to hear a range report using a wide variety of ammo from steel cased to sub sonic.  If that thing will shoot whatever you feed it then it goes to the top of my, "when I sell my pickup, I want one of those." 

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What about an illegal sig brace as opposed to SBR'ing it.


If I may try to answer here, for me, the question of the Sig Brace in all it's forms is the problem. The legality of ownership isn't in question...yet. As I see it, the way you use it is. That point may or may  not be resolved in our favor.


As of right now, it looks like the "not" scenario.


And an ambiguous ruling like we have seen previously isn't really thrilling me.


In the long run, anyone wanting an SBR, and not wanting all the associated hoopla with the interpretation of the law on the Sig Brace may well just get disgusted and pay the stupid fees to have a "legal" SBR.


I've wanted one for several years and thought the brace method was the answer. Now I'm not so sure.

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I’m confused, not being negative about it; but what’s the application? Without being a sub machine gun (original design) it’s just a big azz 9mm handgun. As far as firepower goes, and not wanting to deal with tax stamps, wouldn’t a PLR-16 in .223 be a more desirable option, and cheaper? School me.
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Guest mechanically

I’m confused, not being negative about it; but what’s the application? Without being a sub machine gun (original design) it’s just a big azz 9mm handgun. As far as firepower goes, and not wanting to deal with tax stamps, wouldn’t a PLR-16 in .223 be a more desirable option, and cheaper? School me.


Well, when I ordered it on Monday, I could use a Sig brace any way I wanted.




It would seem things can change in a weeks time. 


So, it may have less purpose than before. I'm not yet sure. I may just SBR it. I may sell it. 




As to this vs a PLR-16, I think they're very different application. (Unless the plan is to have a range plinker, in which case they're both a riot!)


I did a little research, and when I picked up a pistol in 5.56, I went with a 12" barrel. Mostly, because I LOVE Czech equipment, and the VZ58 pistol had a 12" barrel... But, I also liked that many .223 and 5.56 rounds out of a 12" barrel were tested to be fairly effective. Once you get below 10" (in my opinion, which is worth about what you pay me for it... ;) the performance of the round falls off substantially. 


Contrast that to a 7 3/4" barrel on the Evo, firing a cartridge typically optimized for something around 5"... and I feel really good about the performance of something like a Federal HST round in that situation. Will that round have the same effect as a tactical 5.56 round fired out of a 20" barrel? Not likely. But, would you sign up as a volunteer experiential data point?  ...me either!




I currently use a Sub2000 as my back-up of choice in my get-home-bag. I liked that it was small, and I liked that it could share mags with a Glock. Well, I've officially been off the Glock fanboy bandwagon for a while now, and I didn't like how long it took me to deploy the Sub2k out of the bag. I also didn't like the difficulty of adding an optic to the Sub2k.  The Evo is the same length as the folded Sub2k, and requires only a flip of the thumb to be ready to rumble. It feels a LOT faster to put into action in this regard.


Although I haven't fired it yet, (cart / horse... I realize.) I feel better about a 100yd shot from the Evo with an optic than I do about the same range from the Sub2k peep sight. The sights on the Sub2k are the most disappointing part of that weapon in my opinion. I have trained with it a fair bit, and it hasn't given me the long-range confidence I was hoping it would provide. 




Finally, becasue subsonic. I've been close to getting a can for a while, and I think this thing would be a hoot in that configuration. Can't say that about much that isn't 9mm or .45acp.



Did I mention I'm a sucker for anything Czech?



:stare: *Mechanically pauses to make sure he's done a through job of convincing himself that he didn't foolishly pay many hundreds of dollars for something useless....*




Woo Hoo! I LOVE it!  :panic:


*Yep, we're good!*





I'd be delighted to hear more thoughts on potential application, from anyone!



I would also love to hear thoughts on how to effectively utilize a sling as a "tension device" to provide some stability. I figure a single-point unit affixed to the rear of the receiver, and one arm through the loop is about as advanced as it gets? Any technique I might find helpful in that situation? 

Edited by mechanically
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I was being a little facetious, my unsolicited opinion is the amount of time and resources lost by all parties is a tragic waste and trying to legislate how a law abiding citizen uses a product is ludicrous.

CZ has a great video where the reviewer gives high marks for use of the brace in various positions.
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Well, when I ordered it on Monday, I could use a Sig brace any way I wanted.




It would seem things can change in a weeks time. 


So, it may have less purpose than before. I'm not yet sure. I may just SBR it. I may sell it. 




As to this vs a PLR-16, I think they're very different application. (Unless the plan is to have a range plinker, in which case they're both a riot!)


I did a little research, and when I picked up a pistol in 5.56, I went with a 12" barrel. Mostly, because I LOVE Czech equipment, and the VZ58 pistol had a 12" barrel... But, I also liked that many .223 and 5.56 rounds out of a 12" barrel were tested to be fairly effective. Once you get below 10" (in my opinion, which is worth about what you pay me for it... ;) the performance of the round falls off substantially. 


Contrast that to a 7 3/4" barrel on the Evo, firing a cartridge typically optimized for something around 5"... and I feel really good about the performance of something like a Federal HST round in that situation. Will that round have the same effect as a tactical 5.56 round fired out of a 20" barrel? Not likely. But, would you sign up as a volunteer experiential data point?  ...me either!




I currently use a Sub2000 as my back-up of choice in my get-home-bag. I liked that it was small, and I liked that it could share mags with a Glock. Well, I've officially been off the Glock fanboy bandwagon for a while now, and I didn't like how long it took me to deploy the Sub2k out of the bag. I also didn't like the difficulty of adding an optic to the Sub2k.  The Evo is the same length as the folded Sub2k, and requires only a flip of the thumb to be ready to rumble. It feels a LOT faster to put into action in this regard.


Although I haven't fired it yet, (cart / horse... I realize.) I feel better about a 100yd shot from the Evo with an optic than I do about the same range from the Sub2k peep sight. The sights on the Sub2k are the most disappointing part of that weapon in my opinion. I have trained with it a fair bit, and it hasn't given me the long-range confidence I was hoping it would provide. 




Finally, becasue subsonic. I've been close to getting a can for a while, and I think this thing would be a hoot in that configuration. Can't say that about much that isn't 9mm or .45acp.



Did I mention I'm a sucker for anything Czech?



:stare: *Mechanically pauses to make sure he's done a through job of convincing himself that he didn't foolishly pay many hundreds of dollars for something useless....*




Woo Hoo! I LOVE it!  :panic:


*Yep, we're good!*





I'd be delighted to hear more thoughts on potential application, from anyone!



I would also love to hear thoughts on how to effectively utilize a sling as a "tension device" to provide some stability. I figure a single-point unit affixed to the rear of the receiver, and one arm through the loop is about as advanced as it gets? Any technique I might find helpful in that situation? 


DAYEM Well put, buddy. Even with the brace fiasco, I'm still down for one of these. Heck. 90% of my guns are range toys anyway. I'm honest enough to admit that.


I used to think I was the hero type, saving people left and right in the coming apocalypse. Now I know that I'm the one whose food, ammo, and weapons are found by the young, fit, well trained survivor types. 

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If I get one, it would definately be SBRed.


From the pics, my only hangup is the mag release.  It looks like doing a speed/combat reload would be impossible.

I would have preferred an AR or AK based release.

Edited by TN-popo
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Guest mechanically

From the pics, my only hangup is the mag release.  It looks like doing a speed/combat reload would be impossible.
I would have preferred an AR or AK based release.

If I were intimately familiar with an AR manual of arms, I'd probably feel the same way. But, I'm weird enough that the device I've done the most training with is a VZ58, which has a particularly similar mag release.

Aside from that, I really do like this mag release... it's ambi, super easy to hit with index finger or thumb, and the mags REALLY eject positively when released!
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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest mechanically

Im trying to find one of these localy to purchase!!! Has anyone seen one in the Nashville area????

I'd recommend getting on a list at the shops who are known to stock CZs. Damascus in KY, and Kentucky Gun Co. come to mind. I think they had several in the first round.

Both those shops were also selling for under MSPR, which I think was very gracious, given some are selling at auction over $1k...

Good luck!
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I'd recommend getting on a list at the shops who are known to stock CZs. Damascus in KY, and Kentucky Gun Co. come to mind. I think they had several in the first round.

Both those shops were also selling for under MSPR, which I think was very gracious, given some are selling at auction over $1k...

Good luck!


Still looking. lol

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