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Faith in Spike's increased even more so.


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Man these videos are sure getting popular

The, "let's set an AR on fire and/or destroy it" vids? :D  I actually appreciate them as they pretty much make the AR haters slam their feet into their mouths. I appreciate all guns so long as they function properly, even the Hi-Points. *looks around waiting to be struck by lightning*

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Why are people destroying their firearms?  Seems silly to me.

You can't see what a weapon is truly capable of till it's pushed to it's very absolute limits. I didn't even know you COULD set the handguards on fire. Well the polymer ones anyways but like the guy said, the likelihood of one pushing a weapon like this in real world is very slim. I still enjoy see this kind of data though.

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Why are people destroying their firearms? Seems silly to me.

It pains me to see these folks ruin a perfectly good gun and smoking through all that ammo for no real purpose. But, it's neither my gun nor my money (and probably not theirs either), so to each his own.
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I'm all about pushing something til it breaks; both for the torture testing AND just for the fun of blowing something up. If someone has the cash, I say go for it. I regularly buy cheap guitars and get donated/cheap electronics just to shoot/destroy. It's a hoot!

If I get to the point where I have enough money to torture test guns and ammo like that, I'd do it, too! :-D
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Me too. It's like taking a new vette to the racetrack and not putting oil in it to see how long it takes to ruin it.

If you had 4-5 vettes and could build a new one over a 6 pack for $400. ;)



I say why not? It's theirs and their having fun with it. It's nice to see people taking their gear to the edge now and then. 

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