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Change of weather-change of EDC


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Anybody besides me change guns when they change their seasonal clothes? I just cleaned and waxed up my 642 and retired it to the safe until spring. Out came the 640 for the cold weather clothes. I really do prefer the heavier steel J Frames, just can't carry one in summer slacks! The 640 will alternate through Pocket carry (cords), IWB and OWB (wool slacks.) I just ordered a Stinger Belt Holster (OWB) for the 640. Thin sweaters call for pocket carry or IWB. Hoodies, coats and bulky sweaters allow the OWB (most comfortable.) Yes, I know I probably could carry a Wilson modified 20 MM AA in an OWB (or at least somebody here will swear they do!) but I keep my SD to a simple drill. The 642 in warm weather, the 640 in cool weather and the 317 for lots of cheap muscle-eye drill. All with the same COMPAC grips so I grab the gun the same way every time. At my age I have a memory challenged learning curve and I have gone with a simple system. I know where everything is, what I need to do (with a minimum of conscious effort) and what is going to happen at the other end.

BTW, house gun is whatever I carry all day. So right now it is 640 in mattress holster. Same logic prevails ,with me being half awake, the gun and I are old friends, nothing different to remember or at worst forget!

Beware of little old men with smiles on their faces!

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Guest canynracer

HAHA...yeah, I do that...I sold my winter gun, so its time for me to go shoppin...I think I want a 1911 of some sort...but nothing too expensive.

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Beware of little old men with smiles on their faces!

I'm not little, but old, and with similar smile, methinks!

This is my first season change since I began EDC; but yeah, I'm carrying a semi-auto with little higher capacity IWB most of the time since it cooled off, instead of Kahr in the pocket.

And gonna 'speriment some with (mostly concealed) OWB. Even though the IWB I favor can be set for OWB, I went ahead and ordered a purely belt loop high carry job from same feller (D.M. Bullard).

I really DO like the absolute total pocket concealment of the Kahr, and I can deploy it fast as IWB, too. But I also really LIKE the feeling of a piece on the hip, too.

Yeah, I know, I could actually carry both, but nah, gotta draw the line somewhere.

(I do carry 5 knives of various calibers, though) :hat:

- OS

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Guest truthsayer

The only thing for certain that changes with the weather is that my BUG is bigger. During the summer, it's a Kel-Tec P32. Once I start wearing more clothes, I start taking the P11 or a S&W 442.

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Guest Astra900

I don't change my carry gun during winter, but I do switch over to a shoulder holster when I go out. It's nice to get that steel off my hip for a change.

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i mostly carry a Glock 27 and/or a S&W 642 about all year long...only thing that changes for me when the weather does is sometimes i go OWB instead of IWB (or pocket with the 642). i guess i could carry my G22 OWB with a heavy jacket just as good as i could the G27, but i feel the G27 is sufficient enough...

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OhShoot wants to show he tried to perform surgery and dig out the bullets to save the guy at his civil trial!

Not that benevolent I'm afraid...there's always chance that bullets might not even be needed...

"Indeed, your honor, Mr. Shoot chose not to even utilize his more than lethal handgun, but tried to minimize the damage to the other party - it was only the poor lighting conditions that contributed to the assailant's almost complete decapitation."

- OS

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I don't change. With the exception of a quick run to the store where I grab the revolver, I carry my XD the same way, everyday, no matter the time of season.

Canyn, which one did you sell?

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Guest abailey362

i change guns like the seasons, but not due to clothes. even in summer with untucked shirt and shorts I can carry my Sig P229 OWB. I just switched over to a don hume open top and even with the big sig I don't print unless the shirt is tiny, then my gut still prints more.

I've tried carrying IWB and it just doesn't fit my body right, and OWB is much more comfortable for me, no matter which gun it is.

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I carry the Glock 30 IWB in the Crossbreed during the summer, but don't have a good OWB rig. What with Thanksgiving and Christmas/NewYears dinners, I need something that doesn't take away from my waistline room. Any ideas? I want something economical and production made that I won't have to wait till spring to get. I'm looking around the same price range as my Crossbreed and MTAC. I don't mind a couple weeks for manufacturing and delivery, but not a couple months. What are the recommended OWB rigs to wear now that the season has changed?

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Guest tbreed725

during the summer months i usually carry my g27 in a iwb holster and winter the same 27 or a 23 in a owb or iwb holster . and always wether summer or winter months my bug p3at

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It doesnt so much change what I carry but just how I carry it. When it gets colder and im 100% gonna be wearing a coat or jacket I will swap from in the pocket or IWB to OWB or shoulder holster. Im a big fan of the jacket covered shoulder holster as I find this method the most comfortable for carry....and it makes me feel Tacti-cool :D

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  • Administrator

I don't really like to mix up my carry items that much. Glock 19 IWB 99.999% of the time. 0.0001% of the time I have my 1911 IWB. If I had a nice OWB that pulled the butt of the grip on either of these in close to my side, then I might consider OWB during the colder weather but only if I knew for a fact that I wouldn't be removing my coat wherever I went.

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Guest Rugerman

I tend to stick with the RAMI these days, regardless of weather. If I must wear a shirt and tie and not jacket I will go with the Beretta Tomcat Inox .32 in the pocket instead.

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